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Erm right I was there 2 years ago- I stayed on Long street and went drinking on Long street. To be honest bar the fact I was drunk enough that I manage to walk past my hostel at 1 in the morning and you had to enter a punchcode to open the hostel's main door I didn't get any worse vibe in the bit of Long street I was staying in than I would on a Saturday night in Oldham (it was probably the posh bit of Long street though). Some bits of SA (well to be more precise Cape Town- where I was) are the sort of places you are told to avoid but only really at certain times. I managed to walk through them on a Sunday afternoon no bother (even watched the first half of a Manchester derby in a pub in the middle of it). If you were coming to England wouldn't you tell people to avoid Moss Side and Toxteth and bits of London (including Hyde Park) at the wrong time of day- i.e. when its quiet/dark


However, in SA they do have some major crime problems and guns are availible readily. If you behave yourself and don't act like a drunken idiot you probably won't get into trouble but if you do then be prepared to accept to serious consequences. I was also told that Jo'burg was easily worse than CT for crime and Durban was in between. The closest I came to being mugged was when some junkie (at she least she looked like a junkie) who I had seen 30 seconds before having a :censored: on the pavement did the old 'Excuse me' all I did was not stop and she left me alone. I wasn't excatly lost at the time but I was probably in a nasty bit of town. Two of the people staying in the same hostel as me got mugged but they were in a bit of Long street they were told not to go just as it was getting dark on a Sunday and they were stupid enough to hand over everything they had on them. (I was given a good bit of advice about that- keep a small bit of money separate from your wallet and hand that over if you do get mugged and pretend you were just nipping out or you've just spent a lot- 100 rand (less than a tenner) would be plenty).


I'm not saying don't be careful but SA isn't that bad a place and once you get out of the major cities (and PE is probably big enough to class as one) you'll be OK.

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Interesting how people have different opinions.


I'd honestly rate Cape Town the second most threatening place I've ever been (San Jose in Costa Rica is worse). Addis Ababa and all the minor towns in Ethiopia, Windhoek, Manila and all over the Philippines, Bangkok...I could go on.......all way safer.

I wasn’t scared in Manila when I was 7! Go into the wrong part of any British town of a weekend and you will have no difficulty getting into bother if you don’t keep your head screwed on. Places with very high murder rates, be it parts of London, SA, grim inner city USA, Moss Side back in the day, tend to be the poor/underclass killing each other, not them attacking people passing through. Not to say that you can’t get unlucky but a lot of the fear is about perceptions. I was in the north of Ireland dozens of times as a kid when the Troubles were going strong and lot of people thought it was terribly dangerous, in fact it was just a bit dull. By contrast my mad Irish aunt from over there has kittens about me living in London as it’s, “full of murderers!”

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I wasn’t scared in Manila when I was 7! Go into the wrong part of any British town of a weekend and you will have no difficulty getting into bother if you don’t keep your head screwed on. Places with very high murder rates, be it parts of London, SA, grim inner city USA, Moss Side back in the day, tend to be the poor/underclass killing each other, not them attacking people passing through. Not to say that you can’t get unlucky but a lot of the fear is about perceptions. I was in the north of Ireland dozens of times as a kid when the Troubles were going strong and lot of people thought it was terribly dangerous, in fact it was just a bit dull. By contrast my mad Irish aunt from over there has kittens about me living in London as it’s, “full of murderers!”


When you were 7 you didn't see the real Manila. Trust me. The Philippines is my favourite place on the planet but you have to be very careful.



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I wasn’t scared in Manila when I was 7! Go into the wrong part of any British town of a weekend and you will have no difficulty getting into bother if you don’t keep your head screwed on. Places with very high murder rates, be it parts of London, SA, grim inner city USA, Moss Side back in the day, tend to be the poor/underclass killing each other, not them attacking people passing through. Not to say that you can’t get unlucky but a lot of the fear is about perceptions. I was in the north of Ireland dozens of times as a kid when the Troubles were going strong and lot of people thought it was terribly dangerous, in fact it was just a bit dull. By contrast my mad Irish aunt from over there has kittens about me living in London as it’s, “full of murderers!”



lots of murders in SA seemed to be related to robbery...car jacking ,especially in jo'burg can be as normal as buying a burger there.

poor on rich/middle class/working class...haves v have nots.

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Interesting how people have different opinions.


I'd honestly rate Cape Town the second most threatening place I've ever been (San Jose in Costa Rica is worse). Addis Ababa and all the minor towns in Ethiopia, Windhoek, Manila and all over the Philippines, Bangkok...I could go on.......all way safer.


See I spent a couple of days in CT having spent 9 weeks in Blantyre, Malawi and although Malawi is safe someone staying at the same hostel as me got robbed a gun-point. If you know what you are doing and aware that being outside after dark can be v. dangerous (it was pitch black about 6.30pm) you can get along OK.

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