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Are Latics ambitious enough in how we are run?

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Of course, just as people agreeing with what Simon Blitz said the other day doesn't make it true.


It's just encouraging to see more people realising this move will be, in all probability, a disaster.

My foot is firmly in this camp, so much for having an open forum to air our concerns.Seems to me they can't push this through quickly enough.

And all this ' we're going to market new fans' It's never really worked at BP, it certainly won't work trying to attract failsworth folk to switch their allegiance from one of the manc teams.

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My foot is firmly in this camp, so much for having an open forum to air our concerns.Seems to me they can't push this through quickly enough.

And all this ' we're going to market new fans' It's never really worked at BP, it certainly won't work trying to attract failsworth folk to switch their allegiance from one of the manc teams.


its really eating away at me this, its a case of you are getting this in Failsworth and thats it, when everyone knows they will sell up when its built

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I too believe that the owners have lost interest in the club over the last couple of seasons but you can't blame them.


I would have become disillusioned when manager after manager failed to deliver despite the investment, fans have voted with their feet and attendances have dropped by 25%, the council have lacked any real support along with locals when trying to inject redevelopment in the area and the final nail is the financial climate hitting land prices.


It's therefore understandable that they are following an exit strategy that will allow them to break even on their investment but deliver the future for the club via a new stadium and nil debt.


Whoever then comes forward will either have to take on the stadium and the club or simply take on the club allowing someone else to own the stadium and rent it out to the club. Whichever option is taken my personal opinion is that the playing budget will be downscaled accordingly based on youth development and the signing quality either through a wealthy owner or wheeling and dealing if not to sign those players.


Once the owners do leave then the question of them being ambitious is debatable - securing a new stadium and safeguarding the future of the club by clearing the debt would show great ambition if we look back to when we were near to closure in the dark days. Short-term success and massive investment on the pitch hasn't materialised so if you wish to deem ambition as promotion then the facts speak for themselves - no promotion = no ambition.


I know what I prefer though - stadium, debt-free and a future in our own hands by cutting our cloth accordingly would have shown great ambition from the state of the club when the owners came forward.



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I know what I prefer though - stadium, debt-free and a future in our own hands by cutting our cloth accordingly would have shown great ambition from the state of the club when the owners came forward.




Cutting our cloth accordingly in this context only means kicking around the lower divisions-probably, I'd wager, the one below this, on crowds of 3-4000. If we become a bottom half fourth division outfit, that and the seeming reluctance of many fans to go to Failsworth will probably see plenty of gates dip below 3000.

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