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tta out before it is too late

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Would seem tts have had enough...

I don;t agree, but can you blame them if they read this board?


Asking them to lock the gates and throw away the key for not holding onto Hughes, who is now playing in the 4th Division and being paid by Arabic muilti millionaires is clinically insane.


The same people that criticise other clubs for buying a promotin are the ones asking us to fork out tons of extra money for 4th rate players.

You can't have it both ways.

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Sorry Paul, but what is it? A bite you want? From the top brass?


Let's get it straight. The club HAS been up for sale, for the last 2 years. No-one has ever come remotely close to what TTA want, for what they've ploughed into the club to keep it running. No, not to keep running, to keep it challenging in the top half of the table. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but for the last four years we have been challenging in the top half of the table. Sure, we've :censored:ed up numerous times at critical points of a season, but we've challenged in the top half every year, if you take out the couple of transient years just after they came in.


Now, one thing: today was a dagger through the heart of a result. A real smash in the teeth to see that 89th minute 0-0 turn into a 0-1 within the blink of a SSN second. Not the first time, but one of many. I, along with just about everyone here walked away cursing and holding my skull in place as bursts of anger threatened to make a claret-like mess of my head all over the floor.


But, time to reflect. Yes, let's demand TTA sell up to anyone that cares to be interested. Bonzer idea that one. Course, after all, they were all queuing up to sink money into us back in 2003 weren't they? Y'know, big expanse of land and a chance to make a bit of a killing. Except since then, to keep us afloat (and y'know, keep us challenging in the top half) one thing after another has stopped them achieving their real goal (which has never really been kept a cloak and dagger secret, has it?). This, naturally was to leave the club in an self-funding environment and walk away with a bit of a profit. What on earth do we have to indicate a new knight riding a white horse is going to trot in for us now? I mean, they've never made a secret of wanting to sell the club for the right money (and of course, people) recently, so why hasn't our potential saviour stepped forward and thrown their hat into the ring?


Because no-one will do, will they?


I'm certainly not saying TTA are beyond questioning, because they ain't. They've made some almighty cock ups in their tenure and anyone can see this. But our horse bolted a long time ago when the council acted like complete wallies and ruined any chance of redevolping BP. Twice.


To throw a gauntlet down to TTA now is playing a pretty dangerous game IMO. They could walk away and put the club up for sale tomorrow which would put our whole future into jeapordy, pushing us into a fight against time to find a buyer before any small amount of cash we have (after the inevitable fire sale of course, which unlike 2003 would be akin to a tombola to win a bottle of cheap perfume) to keep us going runs out. This ain't going to happen though, because what is going to happen is our move to Failsworth. Of course this, depending on whether the club attract a future investor, will mean we'll be playing in a snug, new ground but awaiting a substantial injection of money to enable us to fulfil any potential we have.


I don't think my passion for Latics has ever dipped as low as it has this year. The running of the club is part of that, but the constant radical craving for scapegoats within the club on places like this is as crushingly depressing, if not more of a deciding factor. I'm fed up of Latics at the moment, but I'm even more fed up of fellow fans willing to want to see how far they can push our owners for a reaction.


I want ambition Jamie, we've been treading water since the middle of the play-offs season. I want to see us attempt to build a team not give up on players after their two year deals are up or make token gestures to keep them. We should have built a team around Wellens and Porter, we cashed in on Trotters too early imo. I'm grateful for a lot they have done for us but Season Ticket prices have doubled during their 6 year tenure and we've never been further away from mounting a challenge. The club is a joke, with little or apathetic marketing with an attitude of sitting on their hands and hoping for the best. The ground is a disgrace, The Lookers was knocked as a cynical cost-saving measure and forcing fans to pay more for a ticket. The Chaddy end is knee deep in bird :censored: and a health hazard yet we're supposed to believe almost half a million pounds has been spent on ground maintenance and the final dagger to the heart of most Latics fans is the Failsworth 'take it or leave it option'. I feel used, we worked our arses off writing letters, emails and marching for a project that had been emotionally blackmailed into our consciousness for it to be simply swept under the carpet.


TTA helped save the club, I'll always be grateful for that and they had my support and still do for now but they are not beyond reproach. Many took the same attitude with Chris Moore, not me I was always suspicious of his motives and what would happen if he pulled out.


The problem is with TTA is that they have SOME money but quite rightly don't want to blow massive amounts on a small town that is apathetic to its football club, but personally I would rather go back to The Ritchie and Brierley days, at least we knew we didn't have a pot to piss in but somehow the whole experience was better - now we've got the golden carrott dangling but it remains as elusive as ever.


In conclusion my initial post was an emotional one, I meant the fact we do need change and I hope The Trust and Simon Blitz are actively seeking investment. The trust needs an overhaul, they're too close to the club. By the fans for the fans they were elected with OUR money. Thank you for the investment Simon but time to admit that to take this club on we need additional investment - pride becomes before a fall...


Right off to watch my boy play a proper game...

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I want ambition Jamie


Agreed. I think the ambition, which TTA showed plenty of up until probably the last 12 months has all but gone. But we have no-one coming forward to want to take the club on (for the price TTA want) and fulfil those original objectives. Your OP alluded to you wanting TTA to sell up now, as if we already have a glorious new load of investment coming in. But we don't, and that's the long and short of it unfortunately.


But going back to the Ritchie and Brierley days? Let's be truthful and stark; back then we landed lucky with a couple of genius players nearing the end of their careers which, had we not done we'd have been in the basement long before now. Guaran:censored:ingteed. Who knows, we'd probably have sunk even further into non-league, like Oxford, York.... Scarborough!


Yeah, a return to those good old days, when we relied on a tablespoon of good fortune, followed by a couple of iconic talismen to really allow us to tread water. Sorry, I'm as nostalgic as they get but we go back to that sort of set-up and you may as well just put a gun to our head and end it now.


All the other points, like the lack of marketing, crumbling wreck of a ground and general can't-be-arsed-any-more attitude to working hard on getting the towns apathetic bums on our bird poo-spattered seats are fair game. Much more needs to be done on that side. The way I see it is that we don't have any option other than let TTA carry on with PROJEKT:FAILSWORTH because throwing the glove down and challenging them to pack it up and go is just like walking off the edge of a cliff. In short - we're optionless.


In conclusion my initial post was an emotional one, I meant the fact we do need change and I hope The Trust and Simon Blitz are actively seeking investment. The trust needs an overhaul, they're too close to the club. By the fans for the fans they were elected with OUR money. Thank you for the investment Simon but time to admit that to take this club on we need additional investment - pride becomes before a fall...


I think they areseeking investment, and have been for over a year now. Being businessmen however, they are not going to sell up unless someone comes in meeting their valuation and proving they have enough cash to move the club forward. I want change myself, because I've never felt as distant from the club in my entire life. I just don't want a change for the worse which is what I could see if we returned to the not-having-a-pot-to-piss-in days.


Enjoy your lads footy mate.

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Agreed. I think the ambition, which TTA showed plenty of up until probably the last 12 months has all but gone. But we have no-one coming forward to want to take the club on (for the price TTA want) and fulfil those original objectives. Your OP alluded to you wanting TTA to sell up now, as if we already have a glorious new load of investment coming in. But we don't, and that's the long and short of it unfortunately.


But going back to the Ritchie and Brierley days? Let's be truthful and stark; back then we landed lucky with a couple of genius players nearing the end of their careers which, had we not done we'd have been in the basement long before now. Guaran:censored:ingteed. Who knows, we'd probably have sunk even further into non-league, like Oxford, York.... Scarborough!


Yeah, a return to those good old days, when we relied on a tablespoon of good fortune, followed by a couple of iconic talismen to really allow us to tread water. Sorry, I'm as nostalgic as they get but we go back to that sort of set-up and you may as well just put a gun to our head and end it now.


All the other points, like the lack of marketing, crumbling wreck of a ground and general can't-be-arsed-any-more attitude to working hard on getting the towns apathetic bums on our bird poo-spattered seats are fair game. Much more needs to be done on that side. The way I see it is that we don't have any option other than let TTA carry on with PROJEKT:FAILSWORTH because throwing the glove down and challenging them to pack it up and go is just like walking off the edge of a cliff. In short - we're optionless.




I think they areseeking investment, and have been for over a year now. Being businessmen however, they are not going to sell up unless someone comes in meeting their valuation and proving they have enough cash to move the club forward. I want change myself, because I've never felt as distant from the club in my entire life. I just don't want a change for the worse which is what I could see if we returned to the not-having-a-pot-to-piss-in days.


Enjoy your lads RUGBY mate.


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this season is and was always going to be about transition




Yes-the transition into becoming a fourth division club with Conference ambitions.


If we're being fussy, we're 5 points from a playoff place.




That's one way of looking at being in the relegation zone.


The club is more further on than it was 6 years ago




Further on the road that leads to oblivion perhaps.


Some people are in for a very, very rude awakeing.


We had a following over 6000 when they took over.



Ever since the Chris Moore days people had been slowly returning to BP. After several more false dawns, I doubt if they'll be giving it a second go.

Edited by Zorrro
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QUOTE (Thompsonlatic @ Sep 12 2009, 20:57 PM)

Totally cant believe what im reading. The TTA have always made money available for transfers, it isnt thier fault they dont come off, is it?? If anyone who wants them out, can find someone who is interested in safeguarding the future of this club long term (Which TTA are) And is prepared to pump money into a 3rd division team with a following of less than 4000, then fair play, otherwise.. ssh!



We had a following over 6000 when they took over.

And if they had not taken over we could have had crowds of 0

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QUOTE (slurms mckenzie @ Sep 12 2009, 21:02 PM)

We had a following over 6000 when they took over.


And if they had not taken over we could have had crowds of 0




Beside the point. They did take over and crowds have slumped by 2000.


When we're being watchd by 2500 in the lower reaches of the fourth division will people be still tugging their forelocks?

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Beside the point. They did take over and crowds have slumped by 2000.


When we're being watchd by 2500 in the lower reaches of the fourth division will people be still tugging their forelocks?


WE've not had a season's average of over 6,000 since we were in the Championship. It's slumped a bit but about 4 or 5 seasons ago the division was populated with many northern teams. We've lost Bradford, Sheffield Wednesday, Hull, Rotherham, Barnsley and the like, which is always going to make a difference to your average attendance over a season.


This season will see our lowest average gate for a long time. But there's certainly a factor involved with playing so many poorly followed southern teams as well as the usual apathy and disallusionment among supporters.

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WE've not had a season's average of over 6,000 since we were in the Championship. It's slumped a bit but about 4 or 5 seasons ago the division was populated with many northern teams. We've lost Bradford, Sheffield Wednesday, Hull, Rotherham, Barnsley and the like, which is always going to make a difference to your average attendance over a season.


This season will see our lowest average gate for a long time. But there's certainly a factor involved with playing so many poorly followed southern teams as well as the usual apathy and disallusionment among supporters.





Yes we have. Take a look at the statistics for seasons 2002-3 and the following season.


It doesn't matter all that much who else is in the division. The crucial matter is home fans, and the numbers are falling due to crap football and false dawns.

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  • 4 months later...
'Sep 12 2009, 16:21 PM']ambition in, grateful for their financial input over the last 6 years but let's stop kidding ourselves their 4th division budget is working. Happy clapping ass kissers need not reply. 5 goals in 9, hughes has scored 7 on his own, therein lies the problem - playing at building a team has left us with the :censored:e we've been left with.



Edited by oafcprozac
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