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Taylor tired after 20 minutes !

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Not sure if someone already mentioned it but shouldnt he be slowly worked back into the first team like putting him as sub and giving him 20mins at the end to see how he fairs. Would this not of been better especially because he is a key player to us? :mmm:


I agree that would have been a better option.

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Ah right... In that case the decision to play him is surely even more damming ??


Agreed! I'd love to know what DP was doing - how players perform on the training pitch goes a long way to whether they are picked on match days. Also - it was obvious after the first half that Taylor was struggling so DP's decision is even more baffling. :huh:

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The problem with Taylor's injury (having had a hip injury myself- not exactly the same though) is that because its a hip injury and repetitve movements won't be all that great for it- it would be quite hard for him to maintain his general fitness level. Swimming whilst generally being a good form of exercise for those who have some injuries (as it is a non weight bearing exercise) could be a problem due to the repetive movements, getting in and out of the pool, and certain leg kicks would have been very difficult (plus it depends how strong a swimmer Taylor is). Cycling has also been mentioned and whilst that can be good for some injuries it isn't great for hip problems- if he isn't using a static bike he will need his hips to maintain his balance (that was my problem) and if he was using a static bike the nature of the movements will mean that after a while it becomes counter-productive.


As for his match-fitness I personally think that yes every professional footballer should be able to run constantly at a good pace for 45 minutes but as anyone who has ever played Rugby League will tell you being able to sprint for short bursts is much more tiring. Match fitness is also a misnomer- it should be match sharpness as its the reactions which are off more than the general fitness. I certainly could see the logic in having Taylor on the bench and bringing him on towards the end of the game- however, if in past Penney has had similar ideas only to find he's had to bring the player on too early or not at all (so causing the player to travel a long way, get stiff in the process but not to play) you can see why he chose to start with Taylor.

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