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Boundary Park plans give new squad boost

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My point was, even if it was worded badly, was that they are all alive and kicking :)


Alive and what? I don't see much kicking.


So you can answer my really simple question then...


How much of the profit will Oldham Athletic receive from the new soccer dome ? As a percentage....


I simply don't know that figure just yet. But that isn't a bearing on why I consider Failsworth to be a good move for us.

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Alive and what? I don't see much kicking.




I simply don't know that figure just yet. But that isn't a bearing on why I consider Failsworth to be a good move for us.


So how we become self sufficient is not a big concern for you ? Or you prepared to blindly trust TTA with no commitment from them ?


It is one thing to say we are building a soccer dome...


Its another to say we are building a soccer dome and 50% of the profits will go to Oldham Athletic...


These are my concerns....

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I asked you a simple question to clarify what you meant ? Whats the problem ?

I don't have a problem. It means what is says, I think it's an insult to underestimate the fans thinking. It's okay to believe in something, especially something like the supposed millions of Chris Moore and the thought of promotion as a result of that cash injection. Let people make their decisions, even if it's the wrong one...

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I don't have a problem. It means what is says, I think it's an insult to underestimate the fans thinking. It's okay to believe in something, especially something like the supposed millions of Chris Moore and the thought of promotion as a result of that cash injection. Let people make their decisions, even if it's the wrong one...


I fail to see how I or anyone else are stopping people from making there own decisions... I do think people are not giving it enough thought. Something I am entitled feel....

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So how we become self sufficient is not a big concern for you ? Or you prepared to blindly trust TTA with no commitment from them ?


It is one thing to say we are building a soccer dome...


Its another to say we are building a soccer dome and 50% of the profits will go to Oldham Athletic...


These are my concerns....


Granted, it's important to know that. But when the owners come out and state that staying at BP (or locating to any other part of the borough) isn't an option, that they won't be around forever leads me to think that it's Failsworth or nothing.


If the Failsworth development doesn't go through, TTA will cash up and go, trying to recoup whatever they've put into it. It leaves us in exactly the same scenario when Moore went, except we don't have players to sell (except Taylor, who we may get £100k for in a fire sale). Oh, and we'd have less land around BP because TTA would surely sell off a bit of brownfield in an effort to cut their losses.


It's that scenario I'm more worried about. Much more worried. Our chance at a regenerated BP came and went as soon as the council started being wallies about it.


Regarding the Failsworth development, I don't think precise details of how much the club is projected to make to keep it self sufficient has been discussed or made available yet. I certainly don't expect there to be no third party income, or else what would be the point in spending a load of money in building a new stadium. Probably a lot less than what a fully functioning hotel and business suite on BP would bring in, but enough to make us stable, secure and hopefully attractive to a new investor.

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I don't have a problem. It means what is says, I think it's an insult to underestimate the fans thinking. It's okay to believe in something, especially something like the supposed millions of Chris Moore and the thought of promotion as a result of that cash injection. Let people make their decisions, even if it's the wrong one...



Chris Moore did have millions, whether anybody believed in them or not. For my part, I realised that the amount being spent on the club was a bigger percentage of the £45 million or so we were informed CM's paper wealth amounted to to be comfortable about. Like I said, though, I chose to beleve that he must have know what he was doing. Simply, after the terrible times we'd endured over the previous seven years or so, scepticism was, for most people, shelved.


As I said recently, the tragedy for Latics is that CM wasn't worth ten times the amount he actually was. He would have been able to see the project through, and we might be looking at a different kind of future right now.


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Granted, it's important to know that. But when the owners come out and state that staying at BP (or locating to any other part of the borough) isn't an option, that they won't be around forever leads me to think that it's Failsworth or nothing.


I suppose its a matter of trust in the end... I was brought up to challenge what I am told... No harm in doing it...and if there is nothing to hide the person shouldnt mind you doing it...



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how many football pitches etc are being built? Does anybody know? (or is that inside information)


How many allotments?


is their conference facilities being built withn the new ground?


have i forgot, or have the EXACT details been released?


Do TTA even know?


ive never heard of an 'ambitious', 'self sufficient' football club being run off the rental of football pitches and allotments :laught16:


self sufficient? my arse - for league 2 and the conference aye

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Anyway, to go back to an earlier question, does anybody know why the Ferney farmer pulled out or not?

I vaguely remember some spat or other whereby the Chronicle published something they probably shouldn't have (no surprise there then) which caused the farmer to throw his toys out the pram and pull out of the potential deal.

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I suppose its a matter of trust in the end... I was brought up to challenge what I am told... No harm in doing it...and if there is nothing to hide the person shouldnt mind you doing it...


I think I wholeheartedly agree with that. I just trust TTA and can see why they've had to U-turn on what ambitions they held when they came in up until a couple of years ago. The initial rejection by the council has probably had an effect in what they see as them achieving here, and we're starting to see how fundementally notable that rejection was now.


But yes, I trust them, and suspect it's their get out clause. But only after they've found someone to carry on the baton in our new home. I suppose to some element it's blindness, and hope - but I've formed that trust from them being here copping for bloody nose after bloody nose.

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how many football pitches etc are being built? Does anybody know? (or is that inside information)


How many allotments?


is their conference facilities being built withn the new ground?


have i forgot, or have the EXACT details been released?


Do TTA even know?


ive never heard of an 'ambitious', 'self sufficient' football club being run off the rental of football pitches and allotments :laught16:


self sufficient? my arse - for league 2 and the conference aye


Conference facilities where mentioned as well. But like you say, it all sounds fine for a league two setup... League One at a real push...


Granted we might not know it all...but what we do know dosent sound right good...


Maybe some people are right and we shouldnt expect much better...if thats the case the Corporal is right I think... and we are planning for a future around this level...

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I think I wholeheartedly agree with that. I just trust TTA and can see why they've had to U-turn on what ambitions they held when they came in up until a couple of years ago. The initial rejection by the council has probably had an effect in what they see as them achieving here, and we're starting to see how fundementally notable that rejection was now.


But yes, I trust them, and suspect it's their get out clause. But only after they've found someone to carry on the baton in our new home. I suppose to some element it's blindness, and hope - but I've formed that trust from them being here copping for bloody nose after bloody nose.


Well that's fine and I am glad you admitted it! If it is blind hope and you prepared to say that I have respect for that. You put trust in them.


I would suggest that people try to replace the blind hope with something more concrete before its too late to react.


To many people here saying we should not be questioning it when all the have is the security blanket of blind hope. Until I see more concrete information none of this will get my backing. Quite the opposite. If you lot want to back it fell free to do so...


Just dont go telling me "ivory towers" in a couple of years...

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Well that's fine and I am glad you admitted it! If it is blind hope and you prepared to say that I have respect for that. You put trust in them.


I would suggest that people try to replace the blind hope with something more concrete before its too late to react.


To many people here saying we should not be questioning it when all the have is the security blanket of blind hope. Until I see more concrete information none of this will get my backing. Quite the opposite.


What can be more concrete than staying at BP with most of our land sold off and no ownership though?

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Sure, sure...


it would seem you are underestimating people by suggesting they cant hold a debate, argue their postion and retain there own thoughts...


Look just skip to banning me again so you can push this thread back the way you want to....save us both some time... Mainly by singling out corproal....



Every time I chat on here you find some way to remove me...censorship comes in many forms...

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I think I wholeheartedly agree with that. I just trust TTA and can see why they've had to U-turn on what ambitions they held when they came in up until a couple of years ago. The initial rejection by the council has probably had an effect in what they see as them achieving here, and we're starting to see how fundementally notable that rejection was now.


But yes, I trust them, and suspect it's their get out clause. But only after they've found someone to carry on the baton in our new home. I suppose to some element it's blindness, and hope - but I've formed that trust from them being here copping for bloody nose after bloody nose.





The trouble is that if anybody is prepared to take up the baton after TTA they will be doing it on a different basis from that in which TTA came in-one in which realistic ambtions of the Championship will have been dropped. I don't see that anybody wanting glory is going to come in aiming to spend the kind of cash getting back to the Championship, and establishing the club there, would take on the basis of a 12000-seater stadium, the (cough) expansion of which would eat up much of the funding required to build a team capable of keeping us up. More likely we will get another 'custodian' with limited funds.


At best, TTAs official legacy is going to be that they prevented the club going out of business (for a time anyway.)

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