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M.E.N. reports Hyde United "wound up"

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Could a mod possibly move the political pontificating to another thread? Ta.


Back to Hyde: they have a chance to appeal the winding up order, but to do so need to raise another £35,000 by Monday.


Assuming their FA Cup match is off tomorrow, Hyde fans are meeting at the Tigers Social Club to 'discuss' the situation, collect money and get emergency fundraising plans together.


Think about it - a paltry 35 grand to give a club with a 90 year history the chance to survive.

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Could a mod possibly move the political pontificating to another thread? Ta.


Back to Hyde: they have a chance to appeal the winding up order, but to do so need to raise another £35,000 by Monday.


Assuming their FA Cup match is off tomorrow, Hyde fans are meeting at the Tigers Social Club to 'discuss' the situation, collect money and get emergency fundraising plans together.


Think about it - a paltry 35 grand to give a club with a 90 year history the chance to survive.


Problem for Hyde I would guess is that they need £35k by Monday and then no doubt another £35k very soon afterwards?

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Simply proves that even the so-called free market governments in the world are essentially actually socialist in nature and act in unison at the beck and call of their shape-shifting lizard masters{/quote]




Yes, I'm familiar with this argument. It's usually made by drooling rednecks on Youtube who call the Wall Street puppet Obama a Marxist and tell people to stock up on 'ammo.' They haven't thought of it themselves though. They rely on the various fourth-rate minds and pseudo-intellectuals of the Ayn Rand school of thinking for their nonsense. They remind me of those kind of lefties who constantly tell you that socialism has never been tried anywhere just because the outcome turns out different than what the holy books say.


So after a long period of financial deregulation and privatisation of everything profitable, resulting in a massive widening of the gulf between rich and poor across the globe, we get the inevitable crash, and the bailing out of the multi-millionaires at the taxpayer's expense. And then some clowns try to tell us that this is somehow socialism. As various extremely non-socialist voices like Nassim Taleb keep telling us-the only credence you can give to that argument is that it's socialism of the mega-rich at the expense of everybody else. Or, as Gerald Celente-a man actually much loved by the ultra-right radio show hosts in the US says-economically it's actually closer to fascism than anything else.


Who was the world's best-known disciple of Ayn Rand? Alan 'there was a flaw in the model that we didn't see' Greenspan. Enough said.

Regulation ensures that each mistake applies across the board. It will be fun if we get world bank regulations, the potential of these bureaucrats to bring the whole system down in one go will be something to behold then. I agree that bailing out bankers isn’t classical socialism, but nationalising banks or regulating them to such an extent that they are effectively publically owned is.


As for Rand, I think the fact that an anti-Semitic Russian Jew is believed to be America’s second most influential novelist gives further credence to the murky world of lizardry. I’m sure Neil Peart’s lyrics on Rush albums have had more impact on world affairs than Greenspan’s bureaucratic meddling money markets.



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Problem for Hyde I would guess is that they need £35k by Monday and then no doubt another £35k very soon afterwards?

The £35k seems to be the balance of what they need to settle the HMRC debt in full and pay court costs, so in theory gives them a clean slate.


Reading their forum, I detect alot of trust in Steve Hartley (Chairman) but some dark murmurings about those "responsible"...

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Regulation ensures that each mistake applies across the board. It will be fun if we get world bank regulations, the potential of these bureaucrats to bring the whole system down in one go will be something to behold then. I agree that bailing out bankers isn’t classical socialism, but nationalising banks or regulating them to such an extent that they are effectively publically owned is.


As for Rand, I think the fact that an anti-Semitic Russian Jew is believed to be America’s second most influential novelist gives further credence to the murky world of lizardry. I’m sure Neil Peart’s lyrics on Rush albums have had more impact on world affairs than Greenspan’s bureaucratic meddling oney markets.




Gosh, so you are serious. Regulation isn't the answer to everything, but then few people would claim it is. However, it wasn't during periods that banks were more strictly regulated that they came within a whisker of bringing the entire world economy down, but when regulation was loosened.


Those who can still defend neo-liberal economics have got some brass neck.


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The £35k seems to be the balance of what they need to settle the HMRC debt in full and pay court costs, so in theory gives them a clean slate.


Reading their forum, I detect alot of trust in Steve Hartley (Chairman) but some dark murmurings about those "responsible"...


Oh right so the owe HMRC £35k ? and the rest is owing to other people ? Banks etc?

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I'm not sure how serious you are about all this LL, as you come across like some identikit 'Hang-Nelson-Mandela-shock-a-liberal' Young Conservative before Tebbit closed them down for showing the Tory Party up.


Are you into flicking naked men with damp towels in steamy dressing rooms?

I am a liberal Corp, in it’s true and original meaning. Individual freedom is impossible when your economic life is not free. As for Nelson Mandela, I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for him. Some of them that have come after him could do with a bit of a noosing mind you.





Could a mod possibly move the political pontificating to another thread? Ta.













Shut up Garcon, I’ll keep him busy here and the rest of you can talk about football on t’other threads

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Oh right so the owe HMRC £35k ? and the rest is owing to other people ? Banks etc?

Total HMRC debt was I think £112k, plus court costs for the appeal. So it would seem Mr Hartley has already secured pledges of around £100k and the £35k is the remaining balance.


No idea on other debts - it would be foolish to assume there are none!





Shut up Garcon, I’ll keep him busy here and the rest of you can talk about football on t’other threads

Ah, good plan. Carry on. :grin:

Edited by garcon
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Shut up Garcon, I’ll keep him busy here and the rest of you can talk about football on t’other threads


anything you can do to stop him copying and pasting from the Internatonal Socialism Journal is most welcome. I'd suggest trying to link Failsworth with the Shah of Iran or some right-wing authoritarian regime.



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I am a liberal Corp, in it’s true and original meaning. Individual freedom is impossible when your economic life is not free. As for Nelson Mandela, I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for him. Some of them that have come after him could do with a bit of a noosing mind you.




Don't you think there's very good reason why 'true' liberalism died out in all its heartlands? People like Thatcher tried to revive it, combining it with social conservatism, and only partially succeeded. The bit that did succeed completely eroded the social base for social conservatism (much of which was expressed through the mortally wounded labour movement in any case.) No wonder the poor old dear looks confused nowadays.


As for freedom, the millions crammed to together in unsanitary slums on a diet of cheap white bread and dripping during the heyday of classical liberalism look a lot less free to do what they wanted than those growing up with vastly improved health in relatively decent living conditions in the heyday of postwar economic regulation.

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anything you can do to stop him copying and pasting from the Internatonal Socialism Journal is most welcome. I'd suggest trying to link Failsworth with the Shah of Iran or some right-wing authoritarian regime.




Nothing I've said is particularly left wing. In fact, if you were to do even cursory research into the commentary on the financial meltdown, you'd see all the arguments I've made here from figures traditionally associated with the political right. Much of it from multi-millionaire investors who saw what was happening from the inside.

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Holy :censored: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love politics. We should have an OWTB house of commons style debte on all things tics ... LL on one side Corp on the other and Garcon as Mr Speaker...... :grin: Sorry was just getting a bit heavy !!


Whilst on the subject of slum living though ... you could keep your front and back door open in those days and the coppers and teachers would give you a hiding. Diet was poor but the discipline !!!!!

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Nothing I've said is particularly left wing. In fact, if you were to do even cursory research into the commentary on the financial meltdown, you'd see all the arguments I've made here from figures traditionally associated with the political right.


I was temporarily blinded by the whirlwind caused by your tirade against Mrs Thatcher. So much so that I suggested that your rampant plagiarism had come from the wrong source.



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I was temporarily blinded by the whirlwind caused by your tirade against Mrs Thatcher. So much so that I suggested that your rampant plagiarism had come from the wrong source.




I see no whirlwind. Don't you get out of the farmyard all that much, Mr Poultry?


As for plagiarism, I suggest you look up the meaning. I suppose all your thoughts are totally original?



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Having googled neo-liberal economics I can confirm that the second listing is a site called 'Corp Watch'.



He is not kidding either lol


CorpWatch : What is Neoliberalism?

"Neo-liberalism" is a set of economic policies that have become widespread during the last 25 years or so. Although the word is rarely heard in the United ...

www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=376 - Cached - Similar

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He is not kidding either lol


CorpWatch : What is Neoliberalism?

"Neo-liberalism" is a set of economic policies that have become widespread during the last 25 years or so. Although the word is rarely heard in the United ...

www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=376 - Cached - Similar

You couldn’t have made that up! :grin: Good to know he is being monitored anyway, there must be a team of hundreds tracking his activities across cyberspace.


Incidentally, I was just thinking about how keen Mr Hitler was on regulating all areas of his economy. I also noticed that Michael Jackson had said that Hitler was a genius. I was wondering if this logically proves that Corp is a fan of the Billy Jean singer and King of Pop?


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You couldn’t have made that up! :grin: Good to know he is being monitored anyway, there must be a team of hundreds tracking his activities across cyberspace.


Incidentally, I was just thinking about how keen Mr Hitler was on regulating all areas of his economy. I also noticed that Michael Jackson had said that Hitler was a genius. I was wondering if this logically proves that Corp is a fan of the Billy Jean singer and King of Pop?




Yes-as everybody knows, the only advocate of economic regulation has been Hitler.

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As for plagiarism, I suggest you look up the meaning.


Plagiarism, as defined in the 1995 Random House Compact Unabridged Dictionary, is the "use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work. (Wikipedia)


I suppose all your thoughts are totally original?





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True. The banking collapse wouldn’t have happened on Pol Pot’s watch either.




No comprehensive banking collapse during the 1940s to 1980s period of regulation adopted by governments of all shades. Two major finnacial crashes just prior to and since, however.


This is where hyperbole lets political dogmatists down.

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