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All gone off again round Coalshaw Green


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didn't hear a thing, but two lads jumped their taxi on my street - the driver took exception and drove after them running them down in the alley between the park and my house. The road's cordoned off (blood everywhere) and somehow our car was damaged in the process now C.I.D want to take it away as 'evidence'.

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didn't hear a thing, but two lads jumped their taxi on my street - the driver took exception and drove after them running them down in the alley between the park and my house. The road's cordoned off (blood everywhere) and somehow our car was damaged in the process now C.I.D want to take it away as 'evidence'.

Oh Eck. Don't like hearing about local trouble, however just like the car thief who died last week (Fricker), which created a bit of a stir in the rarely wrong last night, I hope those who tried to jump the taxi get their just deserts, It's just not right that it's the families of those that have to suffer and not the scumbags!!

Saying that if it was just a runner they were doing, running them down seems a bit harsh - but if they were trying to rob him, good on him!

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Guest Scratch2000uk
Oh Eck. Don't like hearing about local trouble, however just like the car thief who died last week (Fricker), which created a bit of a stir in the rarely wrong last night, I hope those who tried to jump the taxi get their just deserts, It's just not right that it's the families of those that have to suffer and not the scumbags!!

Saying that if it was just a runner they were doing, running them down seems a bit harsh - but if they were trying to rob him, good on him!



Just wondering about that article, do you think the local rag was right to print those comments left on their web site, i found it quite insensitive to the parents or loved ones.

Indeed, it made it worse by reading the obituary, then reading the article in question :shock:

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Apparently he had terrorised Shaw/Heywood for quite a while the Fricker lad, it was only a matter of time before something like this happened, but where are the parents? :shock:


To describe him as 'our little soldier' was laughable IMO, ive got a mate who has just come back off a 6 month tour of afghanistan, and he wont be going nicking cars and killing himself thats for sure

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Apparently he had terrorised Shaw/Heywood for quite a while the Fricker lad, it was only a matter of time before something like this happened, but where are the parents? :shock:


To describe him as 'our little soldier' was laughable IMO, ive got a mate who has just come back off a 6 month tour of afghanistan, and he wont be going nicking cars and killing himself thats for sure



Yep good riddence to bad rubbish I say......

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Just wondering about that article, do you think the local rag was right to print those comments left on their web site, i found it quite insensitive to the parents or loved ones.

Indeed, it made it worse by reading the obituary, then reading the article in question :shock:


Tough one. There was half a page of negative comments about the deceased - that cannot have been easy for the family and friends.


You cannot help but agree with a lot of what was said about him, but to me, the Chron have tried to sell papers on the back of a very unfortunate situation.


I noticed his family had put a message in the Deaths section of the Chron. Very sad for any parent to lose their 20 year old son.

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Guest Scratch2000uk
Tough one. There was half a page of negative comments about the deceased - that cannot have been easy for the family and friends.


You cannot help but agree with a lot of what was said about him, but to me, the Chron have tried to sell papers on the back of a very unfortunate situation.


I noticed his family had put a message in the Deaths section of the Chron. Very sad for any parent to lose their 20 year old son.


That's what i was getting at Yard Dog, i think they were out of order ( Chronicle ) publishing them tbh, even though some of what was said i would have agreed with myself.


I would agree that these days they are stooping lower than ever to get a few copies sold :ranting:

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To be fair to the rarely wrong, the family had asked for an article to be published and therefore imo were opening themselves up to criticism from those who know of him and his associates over the years.......Only a couple of years ago i saw my friends car pulling out of the road where he worked and on me realising that it wasn't him who was driving - i gave chase - i later found out that this chap was one of those in this car......Too many families have been left upset/angry/devastated by this young mans actions in the past and whilst frrling some sympathy for some members of his family, He has imo got what he deserves and if it clears the streets of another unruly, lawless couldn't give a toss teenager - of his own doing - then so be it!!


If parents want to make silly, insensetive comments, then that's there perogative, but considering his background, may have been advised against it.

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Good riddance to bad rubbish, absolutely no sympathy for him whatsoever, far better that he die than some innocent person walking down the street who gets run over by him as he loses control of the stolen vehicle.


Everywhere he ever used to joyride will now be much safer for his absence, amen to that.


As for "our little soldier" his 'parents' should be really proud to have brought up a thieving ASBO scumbag, sometimes we do get what we deserve.

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Just been speaking to one of the detectives, apparently the lad is in a critical condition, the taxi driver sped afte him and mowed him down in cold blood it was the impact which shoved him into our car causing a couple of large dents. Heat of the moment or not that imo is pre-meditated attempted murder, Police know the whereabouts of the car but they are still to prove who was driving. The trouble is that many taxi's are driven by their brother's, sister's, uncle's brother. So whether they'll get the guy who did it or not remains to be seen and that leaves us with a damaged car and out of pocket if we want to get it fixed.

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Just been speaking to one of the detectives, apparently the lad is in a critical condition, the taxi driver sped afte him and mowed him down in cold blood it was the impact which shoved him into our car causing a couple of large dents. Heat of the moment or not that imo is pre-meditated attempted murder, Police know the whereabouts of the car but they are still to prove who was driving. The trouble is that many taxi's are driven by their brother's, sister's, uncle's brother. So whether they'll get the guy who did it or not remains to be seen and that leaves us with a damaged car and out of pocket if we want to get it fixed.

And once again Prozac, an innocent victim may be left to cover the cost of somebody elses mindless behaviour - it's not on.

Hope you get your car sorted and paid for.

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Good riddance to bad rubbish, absolutely no sympathy for him whatsoever, far better that he die than some innocent person walking down the street who gets run over by him as he loses control of the stolen vehicle.


Everywhere he ever used to joyride will now be much safer for his absence, amen to that.


As for "our little soldier" his 'parents' should be really proud to have brought up a thieving ASBO scumbag, sometimes we do get what we deserve.

Yeah okay, but you can't go around just offing people - it wasn't for the taxi driver to decide the runners fate. Christ that's all we need - a load of Mr Majstyks dishing out street justice without a second thought, or any respect for the courts of the land.



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Yeah okay, but you can't go around just offing people - it wasn't for the taxi driver to decide the runners fate. Christ that's all we need - a load of Mr Majstyks dishing out street justice without a second thought, or any respect for the courts of the land.


....it would make quite a deterrent though.

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Yeah okay, but you can't go around just offing people - it wasn't for the taxi driver to decide the runners fate. Christ that's all we need - a load of Mr Majstyks dishing out street justice without a second thought, or any respect for the courts of the land.

I think he was talking about Fricker and not the lads in the taxi...


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Yeah okay, but you can't go around just offing people - it wasn't for the taxi driver to decide the runners fate. Christ that's all we need - a load of Mr Majstyks dishing out street justice without a second thought, or any respect for the courts of the land.

Yeah, I was referring to the joyrider 'Fricker' case from the chron (mentioned further up the thread) Rummy, not the Taxi driver Prozac mentioned.


I agree you can't run someone down because they do a runner from your taxi.

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I think he was talking about Fricker and not the lads in the taxi...



Yeah, I was referring to the joyrider 'Fricker' case from the chron (mentioned further up the thread) Rummy, not the Taxi driver Prozac mentioned.


I agree you can't run someone down because they do a runner from your taxi.


Ahh, fair do's lads.

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the taxi firm will probably have a tracker system, where the police will know which drivers where in the area at the time


then its just a case of interviewing the drivers


Yeah despite my cynical view I said the same to the wife...as long as any records haven't gone mysteriously missing! :wink:

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