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They seem to work fine in a lot of other sports... and other sports seem to be able to run as businesses... But no, if you think its unfixable fine :)


How about banning transfer fees altogether... How about changing how football clubs and football runs completely... Basically, why don't the authorities fix the problem :)




oh yeah, they want some of this money and are very much a major reason why we are in this mess :) Feel free to defend them though...


I thought it was a matter of fact that we can't have a salary cap, due to employment laws? Having said that I have always wondered why the league couldn't enforce it's own cap as criteria for inclusion. Maybe somebody could shed some light on this? :(



Which other sports have a salary cap? NFL? I imagine they can get away with it as it is a franchise, and so in effect it is simply company policy. There is nothing to stop our individual companies (clubs) doing the same (which they do), just as there is nothing to stop them spending however they see fit, regardless of consequences. You appear to apply ordinary business practice and theory to football clubs/businesses when it suits, yet then want to see clubs subjected to some form of embargo on the grounds that they aren't ordinary businesses? :(



We could abolish transfer fees, but then there would be no out of contract transfers. As football is an entertainment business, and transfers and transfer specualtion are entertaining, this would probably be detrimental. :(




Well why not restate them a little less subtly :)


Should anybody in addition to yourself feel it necessary then maybe I shall bother. :(

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I thought it was a matter of fact that we can't have a salary cap, due to employment laws? Having said that I have always wondered why the league couldn't enforce it's own cap as criteria for inclusion. Maybe somebody could shed some light on this? :(



Which other sports have a salary cap? NFL? I imagine they can get away with it as it is a franchise, and so in effect it is simply company policy. There is nothing to stop our individual companies (clubs) doing the same (which they do), just as there is nothing to stop them spending however they see fit, regardless of consequences. You appear to apply ordinary business practice and theory to football clubs/businesses when it suits, yet then want to see clubs subjected to some form of embargo on the grounds that they aren't ordinary businesses? :(



Rugby have a salary cap...I think your confused...


If your a business you apply business practice... If you think a regulator applying a salary cap does not happen in business take a look at the banks... Its not salary but they are certainly control how much people earn...



We could abolish transfer fees, but then there would be no out of contract transfers. As football is an entertainment business, and transfers and transfer specualtion are entertaining, this would probably be detrimental. :(


That is just the worse argument I have heard for keeping transfer fees...


Should anybody in addition to yourself feel it necessary then maybe I shall bother. :(


oh alright then...but no one else was speaking to you... Anyway, your wasting my time now...

Edited by oafc0000
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Rugby have a salary cap...I think your confused...


If your a business you apply business practice... If you think a regulator applying a salary cap does not happen in business take a look at the banks...


I hate Rugby, and I am a little confused, which is why I asked if anybody could shed any light. By all means be the one to enlighten me.....


Anyway, isn't Super League also a franchise?


Doesn't 'business practice' vary, business to business?


That is just the worse argument I have heard for keeping transfer fees...


Really? Ok, how about the lifeline they offer to many clubs? It's about the only way any money filters down.


Have you any coherent argument for abolishing them?



oh alright then...but no one else was speaking to you... Anyway, your wasting my time now...


My apologies, Dumb Dumb. :)

Edited by Stitch_KTF
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I hate Rugby, and I am a little confused, which is why I asked if anybody could shed any light. By all means be the one to enlighten me.....


Anyway, isn't Super League also franchise?


What the hell does franchise have to do with it :blink: A "cap" on salary is a "cap" on salary no matter which way you polish it.


Really? Ok, how about the lifeline they offer to many clubs? It's about the only way any money filters down.


Have you any coherent argument for abolishing them?


I have a :censored: load of ideas. I doubt you have the capcity to digest what I have to say given some of the above. Seeing as you can not take the time to clear up your thoughts I really can not be arsed spending time writing mine up.


We need transfer fees in the current structure. If you had bothered reading and digesting my posts you would of seen my suggestion wholesale and fundamental changes. I think the concept of a transfer fee, even with the bosman ruling, to be madness.

Edited by oafc0000
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What the hell does franchise have to do with it :blink:




I have a :censored: load of ideas. I doubt you have the capcity to digest what I have to say given some of the above. Seeing as you can not take the time to clear up your thoughts I really can not be arsed spending time writing mine up.


We need transfer fees in the current structure. If you had bothered reading and digesting my posts you would of seen me suggestion wholesale and fundamental changes. I think the concept of a transfer fee, even with the bosman ruling, to be madness.





If you recall, the franchise point was made in response to you telling me that other pro sports enforce salary caps. I mooted the NFL franchise model as a possible explanation as to how this is enabled. You largely ignored it, talked about banks, and told me rugby has a salary cap. I question whether my previous explanation regarding the NFL was applicable to rugby's salary cap. Your response? "What has it to do with it?" :petesake:


So, I have written up my thoughts - you have failed to address them, and had not the 'capacity' to disect my post regarding Arsenal. Nothing new to see here then.....


Now run along Dumb Dumb, and try not to make yourself the laughing stock of the forum, again.

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If you recall, the franchise point was made in response to you telling me that other pro sports enforce salary caps. I mooted the NFL franchise model as a possible explanation as to how this is enabled. You largely ignored it, talked about banks, and told me rugby has a salary cap. I question whether my previous explanation regarding the NFL was applicable to rugby's salary cap. Your response? "What has it to do with it?" :petesake:


So, I have written up my thoughts - you have failed to address them, and had not the 'capacity' to disect my post regarding Arsenal. Nothing new to see here then.....


Now run along Dumb Dumb, and try not to make yourself the laughing stock of the forum, again.


You insult me while trying to apply American laws to a UK/EU business market...


I instead offer you an example that is UK based....


Franchise is not a factor... Feeling dumb now ?


Probably not, rational thought probably hurts...

Edited by oafc0000
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What the hell does franchise have to do with it :blink: A "cap" on salary is a "cap" on salary no matter which way you polish it.




I have a :censored: load of ideas. I doubt you have the capcity to digest what I have to say given some of the above. Seeing as you can not take the time to clear up your thoughts I really can not be arsed spending time writing mine up.


We need transfer fees in the current structure. If you had bothered reading and digesting my posts you would of seen my suggestion wholesale and fundamental changes. I think the concept of a transfer fee, even with the bosman ruling, to be madness.


Post edit....


I wasn't 'polishing' the cap, I was putting forward an explanation for how it is enabled.


Isn't a transfer fee essentially the buying out of ones employment contract? You would need wholesale changes indeed... ^_^:laught16:

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You insult me while trying to apply American laws to a UK/EU business market...


I instead offer you an example that is UK based....


Franchise is not a factor... Feeling dumb now ?


Probably not, rational thought probably hurts...


Where did I apply any laws, Dumb Dumb? I have already put my franchise point into context quite clearly, I'm sure most will agree.







Is there a clutching at straw smiley anywhere?

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Where did I apply any laws, Dumb Dumb? I have already put my franchise point into context quite clearly, I'm sure most will agree.


I think to respond any further would be fruitless as you did nothing of the sort. You only seem interested in getting personal.

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If you actually understood the difference you would realise their are slight but significant differences...


Quite. Note the question mark, and maybe answer the question?


Or will you ignore my 'not know it all attitude', and scoff at me like, like after i posted the below?


I thought it was a matter of fact that we can't have a salary cap, due to employment laws? Having said that I have always wondered why the league couldn't enforce it's own cap as criteria for inclusion. Maybe somebody could shed some light on this? :(


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What the hell does franchise have to do with it :blink: A "cap" on salary is a "cap" on salary no matter which way you polish it.




I have a :censored: load of ideas. I doubt you have the capcity to digest what I have to say given some of the above. Seeing as you can not take the time to clear up your thoughts I really can not be arsed spending time writing mine up.


We need transfer fees in the current structure. If you had bothered reading and digesting my posts you would of seen my suggestion wholesale and fundamental changes. I think the concept of a transfer fee, even with the bosman ruling, to be madness.


In terms of getting rid of transfer fees are you saying that we should have a free labour market and that players could go from club to club as and when they choose like in a normal job therefore creating a completeley free labour market? Rather than now where it is ultimately the decision of the employer if one of the players leaves their club?

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