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Christopher Hall gets four year banning order

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Whilst this reflects badly on us- I'm sure our banning orders are published in some meag-list at some point somewhere. I entriely agree with the sentance- and all because someone had too much to drink and was being a bit of a :censored: (if said induvidual posts on here then you got what you deserved IMHO).

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In tonight's rarely wrong Chron, he pleaded guilty to common assault and a public order offence:



On or around the final day of the order, Oldham should surreptitiously arrange a game somewhere near him - no more than as friendly is necessary. If they notify the filth, but not Mr. Hall, he breaches, and is possibly out for another four years. My guess is he'll be into something else by that time anyway - dog fighting is a good bet.

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Didn't know footy68 was a Hall, so no. Unless he's coincidentally part of the same family!


Tis a common name round these parts, so no matter.



I don't know Garcon but I'm sure Martin will clarify this if he picks up on the thread. I know he has many brothers.

Edited by tangerinedreams
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It makes you wonder what the country's coming to when you can't punch some bloke in the side of the head while he's doing his job.


It's political correctness gone mad.



In the old days, you could get up in the morning, put your hand on a table and with your other hand smash all your fingers with a hammer and then dance around on the shattered bones. Then you could go out, get in your car, daub it with all swastikas and things and drive, but you couldn't drive because your hand was all smashed, drive off down the motorway with one hand, mocking the disabled with your face. And then you could drive off beachy head and you'd commit suicide and no one would blame you for it and you could die if you wanted and then all birds would eat your corpse, bit by bit, but now they're going "ohhh don't do that, what if it annoys a pakistani?". It's political correctness gone mad.

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hmmm very interesting


is there a Simon and a Alan Hall aswell?


i think i used to work with 4 of them if it is the same family


Indeed,Lived off Kingston Drive on Ooozy!

Northern Blankets?

Used to fill Scandals on a thursday night.

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Indeed,Lived off Kingston Drive on Ooozy!

Northern Blankets?

Used to fill Scandals on a thursday night.


Elite Lockers on Derker


Worked with Nigel and Alan for 7 years, Brian and Simon started later


i dont know what reputation they have around Royton but they were all sound blokes

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