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Club owner chasing and threatening own supporter. What a complete embarrasment no matter what was said. I am sure Mike Ashley/George Gillett/Hull Chairman etc etc has been called some stuff recently but would not dream of reacting like that...


What a complete Joke we are

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Club owner chasing and threatening own supporter. What a complete embarrasment no matter what was said. I am sure Mike Ashley/George Gillett/Hull Chairman etc etc has been called some stuff recently but would not dream of reacting like that...


What a complete Joke we are

:violent111::mainstand: You couldn't make it up...Pity that documentary's not still filming.

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Actually Senor I entirely disagree, if someone called me a :censored: censored: :censored: in Corney's postition I would look at them funny and maybe suggest that someone with some decent power have a word but I certainly wouldn't chase after them, get a little bit physical and then threaten to send some boys round pubically like Mr. Corney did. People have insulted me in my job but if I had reacted like Mr. Corney did I'd be out of one. He is a club offical/co-owner of a football team if he reacts like that every time someone calls him a nasty name I suggest he sells up now before he makes any money out of us by moving us virtually out of the borough. It was appalling and to be honest for a steward to have to get involved- and she did- makes it even more so- especially as technically he was paying the steward's wages.


Its quite funny that you have started this thread and are painting Corney in a bad light when you are obviously so anti failsworth. Surely this is not just a coincidence?


Maybe he has said something out of order, but I cant for one minute believe that some :censored: sitting in the main stand hasnt said something out of order to him in the first place, we all know we are supported by more than our fair share of loud mouthed opinionated pricks. Many of them no doubt in the main stand where they can get close to their targets.

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Coming out of the main stand after the game I saw one Oldham fan chase another down the stairs in a frenzy, shouting stuff like "How dare you insult me in front of my family". He then implied he was going to send some "boys round" as he knew where the other Oldham fan was from.

The Oldham fan doing the chasing.....













None other than Simon Corney.


It was an absolutely shocking display from one of our most senior people. Any other fan would have been bought up on charges but no doubt Mr. Corney will get away scott free from what was criminal harrassment. The poor bloke (wearing a red jacket who looked like he was in his 50s) didn't know what was going on and it was only the fact that a steward broke it up that he was able to escape without Mr. Corney assaulting him IMHO. I'm sorry Yes I want to see passion from our owners but that was criminal and it shows what a (insert word) Corney is. There is no way I want that sort of person in charge of my beloved Oldham. Oh and if Mr. Corney doesn't like what I just said (depsite it being the truth) it he is welcome to send some boys round (something he is obviously fond of threatening).

I was not there or see the whole incident, so unlike some people replying to this, I don't think it my place to comment on that. But the reality is that there is no one else to his place, even if that were appropriate. No one with the money or be prepared to take the abuse.

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Its quite funny that you have started this thread and are painting Corney in a bad light when you are obviously so anti failsworth. Surely this is not just a coincidence?


Maybe he has said something out of order, but I cant for one minute believe that some :censored: sitting in the main stand hasnt said something out of order to him in the first place, we all know we are supported by more than our fair share of loud mouthed opinionated pricks. Many of them no doubt in the main stand where they can get close to their targets.


Saying something out of order, is one thing, being physical with someone (on a set of slippery stairs- not the best place) and then threatening to send some boys round, like he was some part of a Jewish mafia in a bad gangster movie is another. I'm not anti-failsworth, it makes not a jot of difference to me by the time it is built I hope to be living in Durham more permanently, but it is quite clear to me that TTA despite all thier talk bought this football club for a property deal as a way to make a quick buck as it were and that is the problem I have and they are now left with all their eggs in one Failsworth basket. I've received abuse in my job and other people have received much worse if everyone in the NHS reacted like that we would have no NHS as everyone would have been fired. But Mr. Corney is in a priveledged position isn't he- who fires him?

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