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Robert Enke.

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Something seems highly, highly off here, professional footballers who have just come back from an injury (well a virus to be more precise) and who are good enough to be in their national teams squad (he may even be number 1 when fit) would be towards the bottom of my list of people likely to commit suicide.


There is more to this story you can almost guarantee it, and knowing how amoral some sections of the German press are it will eventually come out.

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Something seems highly, highly off here, professional footballers who have just come back from an injury (well a virus to be more precise) and who are good enough to be in their national teams squad (he may even be number 1 when fit) would be towards the bottom of my list of people likely to commit suicide.


There is more to this story you can almost guarantee it, and knowing how amoral some sections of the German press are it will eventually come out.

Maybe he was a fruitloop?

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Absolutely. It just shows how little most folk really understand about depression.


Hands up all those people who have worked in a psychiatric hospital for more than 2 months, plus spent 4 months working at a GPs (where most people with depression present). I know a relatively big amount about depression, if his daughter has just died then Yes of course he is at high risk of suicide if today/yesterday is an important anniversary (especially of his daughter's death) then yes he is at a big risk for harming himself on that day. I'm more interested in this "virus" which has kept him out of football for over 2 months as the list of viruses that can do that to a professional footballer (i.e. a very fit man) is not very long and most of them are very nasty.


I'm not saying the death of his daughter isn't a big factor (maybe she died from the virus he just had- or even maybe he had it back then) all I'm saying is I would think there is more to come about this story and given the reputation of the German press it will soon be public knowledge.

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he missed the last three World Cup qualifiers with what turned out to be an energy-sapping stomach virus and had just returned to action after almost two months out.


his two-year-old daughter died of a heart ailment in 2006.


like i say..depression hits people differently.

i should know.i've suffered from it for over 6 years.

anniversary or not.little things tigger big issues.

being ill for 2 months with plenty of time on his hands can play havoc on the mind.

Edited by johnny punkster
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he missed the last three World Cup qualifiers with what turned out to be an energy-sapping stomach virus and had just returned to action after almost two months out.


his two-year-old daughter died of a heart ailment in 2006.


like i say..depression hits people differently.

i should know.i've suffered from it for over 6 years.

anniversary or not.little things tigger big issues.

being ill for 2 months with plenty of time on his hands can play havoc on the mind.

That last bit could be more significant than people realise. A prolonged period where he can do little but rest ... and think.

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Did someone actually remove the jokes?


Bloody hell, what happened the the 'hands-off' moderating? So it's OK for some Hudders fan to come on and post stuff about 'Yids'...that doesn't go, but as soon as someone posts and a couple laugh about a news item (tragic as it is), that gets removed from a thread?


Just because it's not in some people's taste doesn't mean it has to be taken off.

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If you're really desperate to see the jokes they'll probably be on sickipedia by now.



Just because it's not in some people's taste doesn't mean it has to be taken off.

Actually, if someone does complain and a mod views that as a reasonable complaint then I'd say that's a perfectly good reason for the offending post(s) to be removed. That's what hands off moderating means, to me at least.

Edited by garcon
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If you're really desperate to see the jokes they'll probably be on sickipedia by now.




Actually, if someone does complain and a mod views that as a reasonable complaint then I'd say that's a perfectly good reason for the offending post(s) to be removed. That's what hands off moderating means, to me at least.


Not that desperate to see them, I saw them...it's just a tad OTT to take them down.


Obviously some people take things differently, and maybe I'm more hardnosed than some...but like I said, the 'Yid' thing was actually personally offensive, but I'm not going to go off crying to a mod about it asking for it to be taken off. The jokes that were on (well the ones I saw anyway) were perhaps not in the best taste but come on, hardly worth removing. I doubt anyone had a personal connection to Enke...and whilst some may (and evidently do) have links to depression, just because you don't like a joke doesn't mean it should be taken down.


Like I said, I'm not bothered about seeing them again...it's the principle.

Edited by jsslatic
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So, two Jewish men walk into a Man United pub and order a pint. The barman asks "Haven't you two been circumcised?" "Well yes, it's part of our faith", reply the Jewish men. "Well I'm afraid you'll both have to leave then, we only allow complete dicks in here".







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So, two Jewish men walk into a Man United pub and order a pint. The barman asks "Haven't you two been circumcised?" "Well yes, it's part of our faith", reply the Jewish men. "Well I'm afraid you'll both have to leave then, we only allow complete dicks in here".

Just the one pint between them? I suppose you think it’s funny to make out that Jewish people are tight?

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