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stadium design

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I think no matter what it will be better than what we have now,

even if there could of been a better idea, either way we will be better off than staying inside a 3 side crumbling stadium held together by chewing gum and fag stumps,


and we should build a 16000 seater stadium so that all 5000 that will go can get 3 seats each!


and as for 1500 against stalybridge, arent we getting that amount now?




No. it's over twice that number at the moment.


For the nth time, capacity isn't about how many fans the club attracts in its current abject state, but where it wants to go. With a sub-12000 capacity in the offing, we can only conclude that it doesn't want to go far.

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The thing is, all those snipers having a pop about the likely failure of the new stadium, not one has come up with an alternative plan. That will work.

Adn it never will.

Becasue there will always be those that cannot see past pitfalls rather than they chance and to give it a realy give it a good go.

Better to have tried and failed than go out with a whimper.




No. But I, for one, have acknowledged that the heel dragging and impediments put in the club's way has resulted in there being probably no alternative to the current plan. That doesn't mean the plan will work in terms of sustainability, nor does it mean we are not condemned to permanent lower division football. We are (the clue is in the proposed capacity, dunderheads), and the latter cancels out the former-at least as something with the capability of propelling the club forwards as opposed to keeping it ticking over at this level or below.


We can look forward to a future in which all the potential the club once had has been taken away. Survival for the sake of it. What joy.

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We've been through all this before. Several times. Rearrange the words: Posting my check history.



yes, we have. I asked you to show how you'd made consistently accurate predictions. You asked me to prove a negative.


Makes your Dustyovsky references look like something out of the office.

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yes, we have. I asked you to show how you'd made consistently accurate predictions. You asked me to prove a negative.


Makes your Dustyovsky references look like something out of the office.



I haven't said that I predicted absolutely everything right, just that I got it right on all the major issues. Which I did. Suck it and see.


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You might also want to pick up a history book as well and clue yourself up on the History of Democracy in this country...



It was sacrcasm. I was expecting a few posts quoting pythonesque lines such as "well there's the viaduct" and "its safe to walk the streets at night". I was giving a humourous (well at least i thought so) example of a place where people gather and bitch and complain - usually forgetting the reason they were there in the first place - that wasn't a football ground.



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I get the feeling you would not have a clue what it is like to be a solider in Helmands...



And this was supposed to be representing two opposite ends of the ridiculous. Obviously there cant be many positives to be taken from risking your life every day in Afghanistan, so a soldier saying the only good thing about being there was his tan is, again, a humourous take on taking something positive from something so terrible.


And no, i'm not a former soldier, i never had the balls to sign up when i was a kid.


P.s. this is about as good as my use of the quote system gets.


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I do. The verbal sparring - the jabbing and posturing. It's all good fun!


I wouldn't have had you down as the first to go though.




I'm not because I haven't been involved in the debate.



































Oh dam! Now see what you've done

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