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Roll call - Who actually paid to watch that last night?

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I gave my ST away last night so a certain person could go in my place, not happy with the circumstances that I missed it but hey, so effectively I paid someone else in, I received a text towards the end of the 1st half, it read "Pretty :censored: at the moment"


You will have the RSPCF (Royal society for the prevention of cruelty to football fans) after you. :grin:

Edited by BP1960
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Get out of bed the wrong side did we? Those that have replied understand that the idea behind the thread is to try and establish a cross-section of how many paying customers we had last night and how many season ticket holders thought feck it! A smidge over 3,000 home fans suggests that a fair few season ticket holders thought balls to that and i'm interested to see how many of the regular week in week outers on here subscribed to that opinion.


Perhaps those that actually paid in last night deserve their moment in the spotlight, if i'd not had season tickets there's no way I would have paid £23 for me and my boy to watch that. But many did...


I have a season ticket but could not make it as I was working until 6pm and even at the speed I drive I could not have driven the 190 miles in time for ko.


My brother went and came up with the line: 'the team was yawned off at half-time' :grin:


I'll be there on Saturday oh yes :wink:

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I parted with £26 for a mainstand seat, programme and parking.


Not many complaints though as I actually quite enjoyed it in a perverse kind of way. I hadn't been for a while so it was interestingly :censored:e.

not bad for entry to a comedy show. brt they charge more for the apollo in london :grin:

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