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Protest at the Brentford game?

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Its a call to put the club up for sale along with the land... Well as far as I see it anyway...


the land is already up for sale,and as far as im aware part of it has already been sold to holryod homes,the back of the chaddy exec car park n little wembly,for housing


with this in mind,who is going to buy the club and remaining land from tta's,would you buy it if you had the available funds knowing you could never redevelop that part of the ground.

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get rid of the TTA then we have no football club,it's that simple.No one is going to come in and invest for fcuks sake,look at the mess at notts county,some people really have short memories.

If it wasn't for being raped, I'd get no love at all - something like that?

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oh I get it. But why are you on here giving backing for a vigilante protest when your just awaiting the answers to this supposed public unveiling.


Paul, the only piss and wind going on is the ranting on messageboards. They ain't delivered, but a protest is the wrong course of action at the moment. I want to see people taking on the gauntlet that Corney threw down.


I'd expect any protest to be well directed and wholly peaceful, a rampaging mob will simply be counter-productive. A protest was only a suggestion, we could sign a petition, other fans could use their connections we have wealthy fans, and fans with good connections. The answer is there somewhere but in mine and many people's opinions running the club into the ground whilst we wait for a relocation that may never happen is not it!

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I'd expect any protest to be well directed and wholly peaceful, a rampaging mob will simply be counter-productive. A protest was only a suggestion, we could sign a petition, other fans could use their connections we have wealthy fans, and fans with good connections. The answer is there somewhere but in mine and many people's opinions running the club into the ground whilst we wait for a relocation that may never happen is not it!


i think a mass protest will do very little really,i wouldnt expect the owners or even ah to be happy about sitting in front of what 40 or 50 people listening to ranting and raving about things.


i think the best way to go with this is to see just exactly how many people are for setting up an action group and being involved,for the good of the club,then electing 3 or 4 spokespeople to go to a meeting with mr corney and ah or whoever to get the point across and get some form of decision from them..


if people are still not happy after this course of action then by all means,a mass protest at the club either before or after a home game would be the only way.


but just remember if it doesnt go according to plan there would be no recourse from it,bridges will be burnt.

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Any protest must be focussed and accurately directed at the intended target.


If the protest is not about our current plight on the pitch then the very last time and place it should be conducted is at a football match during a battle for relegation. Of course, if the protest is against the players and manager then that's different.


If the protest is about Failsworth and the board level running of the club, then I would have thought the best time and place would be the next level of consultation about the Failsworth project, by which point the published Failsworth plan should give people something tangible to protest about (or not).



Edited to add: I definitely agree that staying away from matches is a valid protest. The only problem is that it doesn't in itself explain what you're protesting about.

Edited by garcon
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I have paid my dues for many a year... I am now protesting with my feet... That is my vote...


Cant fault or blame you for that at all.


The TTAs would be among the first to acknowledge that, but a protest outside the ground on match day seems futile to me especially as many present would not normally be there

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I firmly beleive much of the frustration in this thread should actually be attributed to results, rather than the TTA.


The TTA that have

-Spent £7,000,000 on buying the ground

-Spent approx £10,000,000 over income since coming here

-Planning to spend £25,000,000 on a stadium

-Recouped £15,000,000 from sale of BP

-Recouped player sales approx

-Spent £10,000's on free and reduced price games


Some clearly have info, not just BB80, but none of this seems to be publicly avaialble.


Had some real bad luck from others who have let them down.

Council over stadium plans

Global Recesssion

Lee Hughes & Dog-gate

Oldham public not coming in

Signings like Dean Windass etc

The injuries this season


We had a lucky escape with the Oldham Arena, as that would have been £80m debt. It would have to be paid back.


Clearly things are not perfect, but this is all premature


One thing I would do , is look at this PR company, the satisfaction about Failsworth is going down.

I am sure things will pick up with a) A couple of wins B) THe new stadium presentation.


I think a protest is futile and counter productive, we are lucky to have the TTA, even though it easy to forget,


Re the 4 or 5 people to see Simon Corney, if beforehand it was agreed to see him and report back on here, then that is public surely.

In fact, if that comes about from this thread I would fully support it.

It would ahve to be a section of people for, against and floating, the composition is important, but it could be very helpful.

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One crucial thing about any protest. I know the first resort of disgruntled fans is almost always "sack the manager" (even I've come round to that one in our present circumstances) followed by "sack the board", but anyone who thinks a protest of "TTA out" is the right way to go really ought to think very carefully about that they wish for.


What do you honestly think would happen to the club if TTA heard that call and walked?


I do not like what they are doing, but I want TTA to understand that and review their plans and/or publicly advertise for new investors to join or replace them. What I do not want is for a bunch of misguided fans to force them out and in turn force the club into administration (or worse). For a start, that would split our support at a time when the club needed it most, with those who shouted "TTA out!" refusing to accept any responsibility for the club's plight and others blaming them for killing the club.



In a thread about whether or not to protest and what about, my belief that TTA are very likely going to walk and leave us in administration anyway is beside the point.

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One crucial thing about any protest. I know the first resort of disgruntled fans is almost always "sack the manager" (even I've come round to that one in our present circumstances) followed by "sack the board", but anyone who thinks a protest of "TTA out" is the right way to go really ought to think very carefully about that they wish for.


What do you honestly think would happen to the club if TTA heard that call and walked?


I do not like what they are doing, but I want TTA to understand that and review their plans and/or publicly advertise for new investors to join or replace them. What I do not want is for a bunch of misguided fans to force them out and in turn force the club into administration (or worse). For a start, that would split our support at a time when the club needed it most, with those who shouted "TTA out!" refusing to accept any responsibility for the club's plight and others blaming them for killing the club.



In a thread about whether or not to protest and what about, my belief that TTA are very likely going to walk and leave us in administration anyway is beside the point.


Best outcome for me is for the TTA to release the Failsworth plans NOW, let people make there minds up about the move and if people are against it they advertise the club for sale for a 6 to 12 month period for a reasonable number, and if that fails to find investment then we settle for Failsworth. But can you have your cake and eat it ? I doubt it...


Most likely is we either accept Failsworth or we fight against it which will probably result in TTA walking...

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I am up for protesting, so long as I know what the protest is in favour of, what the grounds are and that the complaints are well founded. Without that, it's not for me.


Re: the fact-finding mission, I did say that I would see if Mr Corney would be up for letting me and an accountant take a look at things, I will see if I can get that running asap. Completely open minded either way, whether or not I am anyone's favourite or least favourite poster I hope people will accept that I'm not shy of rocking a boat if I think it needs to be just as I'm not one to see doom and betrayal where there might not be any.


Finally, 0000's idea is, frankly, nuts. If TTA plan to asset-strip the club and leave it in the gutter, how is standing outside the ground asking them to give away their assets going to make a bit of difference? The club has zero cash value, so selling the club with the land is practically a charter for bulldozing Boundary Park, building on it and not bothering to have a club anywhere else. Like it or not, what happens next depends to a fair degree on the best intentions that we hope they have. EVERY scenario gives our owners the option to leave us (if they do) in a better or a worse place, I'm not sure that everyone has realised that.

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Enough's a enough, Penney's a bad 'un yep but time to let TTA know just how pissed off we are. The Trust are up TTA arse so surely it is Time for the stayaways to grow some balls and do summat for a club that has given them so much pleasure over the years or are they just willing to sit back and let us die like many of ORLFC's 'diehards'.


Over to you lot...


Everyone get their arses to BP on Saturday, get the place rocking and let Corney and co just what we think, let them know they may own the club lock, stock and barrel but it is still OURS and we want it back!


'Brentford' that should be in the title obviously...


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I am up for protesting, so long as I know what the protest is in favour of, what the grounds are and that the complaints are well founded. Without that, it's not for me.


Re: the fact-finding mission, I did say that I would see if Mr Corney would be up for letting me and an accountant take a look at things, I will see if I can get that running asap. Completely open minded either way, whether or not I am anyone's favourite or least favourite poster I hope people will accept that I'm not shy of rocking a boat if I think it needs to be just as I'm not one to see doom and betrayal where there might not be any.


Finally, 0000's idea is, frankly, nuts. If TTA plan to asset-strip the club and leave it in the gutter, how is standing outside the ground asking them to give away their assets going to make a bit of difference? The club has zero cash value, so selling the club with the land is practically a charter for bulldozing Boundary Park, building on it and not bothering to have a club anywhere else. Like it or not, what happens next depends to a fair degree on the best intentions that we hope they have. EVERY scenario gives our owners the option to leave us (if they do) in a better or a worse place, I'm not sure that everyone has realised that.


Did I ever say TTA where asset striping :blink:

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I do not like what they are doing, but I want TTA to understand that and review their plans and/or publicly advertise for new investors to join or replace them. What I do not want is for a bunch of misguided fans to force them out and in turn force the club into administration (or worse). For a start, that would split our support at a time when the club needed it most, with those who shouted "TTA out!" refusing to accept any responsibility for the club's plight and others blaming them for killing the club.

I fully support this paragrpah...but for me, I blame most of our fans for this situation as it is anyway! They killed the club with threats of walking away which led to sacking a manager who was putting a platform down for a real promotion push. I'm in a minoirty who thinks that way! I firmly believe we would have gone up. We certainly would be on a different road either way and still have more fans coming now than we have. So I'm not bothered either way if I'm blamed for killing the club....that really isnt the intention and for me, the beginning of the end started years ago.


Let's make it clear though...nobody is forcing TTA out....people want plans seen through. We can't tfurn back the clock and undo things. But they can give Penney a budget which can bring in the Wellens and Porters and have us challenge for maybe playoffs. Colchester are doing a good job of it....they're no different to us but are down the line in their plans. They didn't run down the club and move...they took a healthy one. Where's TTA's 5-yr plan, or even talk of on-the-pitch investment when we get to Failsworth. There is none.


I'll accept Failsworth, if they'll offer a budget better than arse-end League One-Top end League Two! Coz if we do go down, we seriously won't be any better off for them being here and I'll wonder if being relegated is part of the plan! Lesser costs, promotion push in new stadium. Is that too unbelieveable to believe? Not really. Not when all Simon Corney said whenever we got close to promotion was about how much more it'll cost for us to be promoted! Didn't make financial sense to go up...businessmen or football men? You decide!

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Did I ever say TTA where asset striping :blink:

You may not have said so as such, but you seem to have grave doubts about their intentions, which I assume means you suspect they are going to do the dirty for their own interests, Ican't think what else that would mean?

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You may not have said so as such, but you seem to have grave doubts about their intentions, which I assume means you suspect they are going to do the dirty for their own interests, Ican't think what else that would mean?


How about you just ask me instead of putting words in my mouth ?


Do I think TTA are big evil men, no no no... I think they had good intentions but its not worked out... They see the only option now as Failsworth. I think they want to build it and sell us on and get out of dodge. I don't blame them. I do have a shed load of concerns regarding the development. Mainly what we will own and what there holding company will own. I am prepared for these concerns to be layed to rest.


I am not sold this is in the best interest of the club but in the best interest of TTA getting the hell out of dodge. There are other more risky, but potentially, more fruitful options.

Edited by oafc0000
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Also, Corney has always stated that anyone is welcome to come in for a meeting, look at the books and raise their grievances personally. Why not focus your energy on doing that? Get 4 or 5 of you together as some "Action Group", go down and report back. If that doesn't come off, THEN start the public protests off.

Corect but throughout this whole saga I haven't seen a single post which indicated that there is anyone actually willing to put some time and effort in.

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I don't have a magic ball and I don't rub shoulders with people who have enough money to buy a football club or any major multi million pound development but I would of thought valuable land + planning permission would of attracted interest even if whoever bought it would have to fund the club as well...


Oldham Arena is only not happening because TTA can not raise the money to make it happen. Is it really beyond possibility there is someone out there who could / would ? I don't think it is as clear cut as you think.


Its a simple choice isnt it... Vote Failsworth and all the risks that go with it or vote to take a different risk...


I don't think any of our options are currently great to be frank and all have the potential to lead us to having no club. Although it should be said OAFC 2004 would become OAFC 20XX if the club ever went bust. The club would reform.

Would it? Who'd do that then?

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How about you just ask me instead of putting words in my mouth ?


Do I think TTA are big evil men, no no no... I think they had good intentions but its not worked out... They see the only option now as Failsworth. I think they want to build it and sell us on and get out of dodge. I don't blame them. I do have a shed load of concerns regarding the development. Mainly what we will own and what there holding company will own. I am prepared for these concerns to be layed to rest.


I am not sold this is in the best interest of the club but in the best interest of TTA getting the hell out of dodge. There are other more risky, but potentially, more fruitful options.

Ironically I was thinking on nominating LL, 0000 and an accountant to look at the books!

So less of the bickering you two, you are going to be seeing a bit of each other!

I will do a poll otherwise!

I know you did not want to go 0000, but I think you are not totally on one side or the other and can be very even handed.

LL is clearly quite open, and knowing him better, know he will be objective,

THe accountant is obvious though I know not who

PRozac is sceptical, but not a natural agitator, but would remeber everything said

A real sceptic would help, I'd love Rummyto do it.


Why not do this on the auspices of OWTB Investigates and report back as a feature (rather than just a post)

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