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Game off!

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Is the 5 minute argument or the full 10 minutes?


It is a bit nippy out there today, when I got to my mum's in Chadderton I got out of the car and it was cold. Ah well, at least my cold won't get worse and I might be fit for work on Monday.


who is the delightful lady i can never keep my eyes off?

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I really dont get it


Is it a case off "Damn, I can't slate the players for no reason today, I know I will slate the groundstaff instead"


This was on the website this morning...


Latics groundstaff report that the overnight frost has made the goalmouths and linesman's runs a little hard but with temperatures expected to rise above freezing by 9am today they do not expect any problems with the game going ahead at 3pm


Hmm, so even after last night's 'unexpected' temperatures the official line was still vastly different than the real picture. I think fans have every right to bash the club about it.


By the way, the Hartlepool game last season the temps dropped to around -7 degrees. Colder than last night. And like I've already said, I've put it on record about noting the groundsman's shifts put in during the recent freeze. No conspiricy there, I'm sure. But do we have an answer to perhaps using a hot water technique or burning some barrels on the frozen parts for 5 or 6 hours today?

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Really...well we had them on for 2 weeks over Xmas and only got a minor fungal problem. Run along now...or are you waiting around for 5pm so you can put up the league table and shout Penney out! A game being called off actually suits your agenda really, doesn't it!


Not really. Had we played today I expect we'd have lost. This postponement keeps Penney at the club longer than he should be

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Not really. Had we played today I expect we'd have lost. This postponement keeps Penney at the club longer than he should be


I was quite confident we'd win today. But not playing means that we slip further (3rd bottom of it remains Charlton 0-1 Tranmere). Does us no good whatsoever by not playing.

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You still havent give a sufficient reason as to why. As was said on the website...


The whole pitch was covered yesterday as a precaution

Temperatures were forecast to be -2

They were obviously colder as parts of the pitch was frozen.

The club thought the pitch would be playable for 3, obviously they were wrong


Have a go at the club for not sticking to the facts and misleading the fans with their own opinion by all means, but please spare the "they could have done more to get the game on" crap. I love it how all of a sudden our fans have become experienced groundsmen.

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Lol...ok, covers weren't on but the point was that the pitch was covered for 2wks...not the same as having the covers on for 2wks but the same result...the grass was covered.


Grass being covered by snow is a lot different than being covered by plastic sheets. Go and put a plastic sheet on your back garden for 2 weeks and see what happens. Then run along

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I was quite confident we'd win today. But not playing means that we slip further (3rd bottom of it remains Charlton 0-1 Tranmere). Does us no good whatsoever by not playing.


Have a go at the referee for calling it off then, and the weatherman for getting the forecast drastically wrong.

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Have a go at the club for not sticking to the facts and misleading the fans with their own opinion by all means, but please spare the "they could have done more to get the game on" crap. I love it how all of a sudden our fans have become experienced groundsmen.


Why? If the club give a suitable reason to why hot water techniques or burning barrels, heaters couldn't have been used today then yeah, I'll be satisfied with that. Just putting the covers on and hoping the forecast stayed the same isn't enough IMO.


Had we been in mid-table safety, and not already had a pretty ugly fixture backlog I'd not even give it a mention. But having the game on was ultra important, I just can't accept (as yet) the fact that very little was done today to aid the thaw.

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Why? If the club give a suitable reason to why hot water techniques or burning barrels, heaters couldn't have been used today then yeah, I'll be satisfied with that. Just putting the covers on and hoping the forecast stayed the same isn't enough IMO.


Had we been in mid-table safety, and not already had a pretty ugly fixture backlog I'd not even give it a mention. But having the game on was ultra important, I just can't accept (as yet) the fact that very little was done today to aid the thaw.


They did


The forecast was for temperatures to drop to of -2 at the lowest, which the frost covers could withstand. They were obviously alot lower than that. I could understand if they were forecast to be -4 or -5.

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They did


Did they? Really? And you're confident they did throw hot water down at 9am every half hour right up until noon? And you saw the smoke rising from all the burning barrels did you?


Funnily enough, I don't think I'm going to get the satisfactory answer from you. Just the club I suspect.

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Where? Having Taylor and Pav with a bit more match fitness. Thinking our luck has to change sometime. A general all-round good feeling in my water which I can't quite explain. That sorta thing, you know.


I dont feel we've been unlucky. Just :censored:. You need to make your own luck and we dont do anything. Taylor has been awful recently aswell.

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Did they? Really? And you're confident they did throw hot water down at 9am every half hour right up until noon? And you saw the smoke rising from all the burning barrels did you?


Funnily enough, I don't think I'm going to get the satisfactory answer from you. Just the club I suspect.


I am confident the club taken the necessary measures given the forecast. The forecast was no lower than -2 which frost covers would have protected the pitch from. And the club is strugling for income as it is, so no sense in spending yet more £££ on heaters when it was anticipated the frost covers would be sufficient


Taken from the article at 8:30


with temperatures expected to rise above freezing by 9am today they do not expect any problems with the game going ahead at 3pm


Hence assuming they didnt put hot water on the pitch, I would guess it was because they didnt anticipate the need to.

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Lol...ok, covers weren't on but the point was that the pitch was covered for 2wks...not the same as having the covers on for 2wks but the same result...the grass was covered.


Hey...if you're all happy that enough was done to get today on...fair play to you! I'm not. As is bluntly obvious...we've got games on in a lot worse conditions. An undeniable fact. Today...the club got something wrong and/or didn't do enough....in my opinion. Tough if people don't like my opinion... :grin:


Extra large bottle of back pedalling oil for BB80 :grin:

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areas of the pitch frozen :blink:


OK smart-arse, if you'd bothered to read the previous 6 pages you'd have noticed a lot of people are suggesting the club didn't do enough to get the game on, or dropped a bollock with their preparations.


I'm hoping to find out that this really was out of the club's control.

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OK smart-arse, if you'd bothered to read the previous 6 pages you'd have noticed a lot of people are suggesting the club didn't do enough to get the game on, or dropped a bollock with their preparations.


I'm hoping to find out that this really was out of the club's control.


The frost covers are a pile of toss and arent effective, thats why there was frost on the pitch.

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