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Say NO to Failsworth?

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I feel absolutely zero affinity to 'Oldham' as a town, and i have lived on the oldham/manchester border all my life.


My affinity is attached to the football club, not the town


I'm Oldham born and bred, lived on some of its' roughest estates as a kid and lived on the Moston border during my teenage years now I live on the Chadderton/Hollinwood border and frankly whilst not doing cartwheels about the move the Failsworth and having changed my mind a few times I think i'm educated enough to have listened to the arguments for and against as well as finding out other info that has allayed a lot of my initial fears. I'm of the opinion now of let's wait and see and erring on the side of perhaps it is time for a move.


Those that won't admit there isn't a viable site in Oldham need to get real, i'm not TTA biggest fans but Simon Blitz has spent hundreds of thousands of pounds with the various schemes that have been proposed, yes they've gone tits up and if he's honest he'll share a proportion of the blame. No doubt the council were to blame over the Oldham Arena, Ferney Field was announced far too early in the process and perhaps Failsworth was tbh but TTA do want to see us in a new stadium, yes they'll make money from BP but I do not begrudge them that.


I changed my attitude towards Blitz last week after seeing his LP interview, he was right - whilst a lot of us were whingeing last season and looking for reasons to abandon the club - he was watching the same football, was just as disappointed but STILL kept on signing the cheques. That does not not sound like a guy who's after a way out - that sounds like a guy who wants to see the job through.


Things are looking up (it seems) and there is a real chance of the new ground happening - I've felt more positive since seeing the drawings in February (ok a bit vague but finally there was something tangible) I said then I was approaching the proposed move with an open mind and I look forward to the next stage in June.


Failsworth is Oldham, an Oldham that is devoid of any decent leisure facilities from what I understand these are a real possibility to be incorporated into the new development.


I think it is time Latics fans came together, stopped whining, whingeing and back biting and back their club. BP is a relic - so are many of our fans in our attitudes, indicative of a non-progressive dying mill-town. We have the opportunity to bring our club kicking and screaming into the 21st Century, get on board and ensure we are still here in another 50 years...


Onwards and upwards



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I think it is time Latics fans came together, stopped whining, whingeing and back biting and back their club. BP is a relic - so are many of our fans in our attitudes, indicative of a non-progressive dying mill-town. We have the opportunity to bring our club kicking and screaming into the 21st Century, get on board and ensure we are still here in another 50 years...


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Those that won't admit there isn't a viable site in Oldham need to get real. Prozc there is a very viable site in Heart of Oldham a land exchange deal could be a possibility. IF IF the political will. Dead industrial land wouldnt be used for housing. Hate failsworth with a passion just doesnt feel right.


Its called Higginshaw Gas works and has signs up now re availability of land, a deal could be sorted politically IF the will. Plenty big enough and close to new Metrolink, Broadway and major roads.


Agree with what you say re future but cant help feeling the Failsworth site is not great reasoning either. Just available.


Just looked it up on Google Maps and it looks like a possibility that... Has it not been considered ?

Edited by oafc0000
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Those that won't admit there isn't a viable site in Oldham need to get real. Prozc there is a very viable site in Heart of Oldham a land exchange deal could be a possibility. IF IF the political will. Dead industrial land wouldnt be used for housing. Hate failsworth with a passion just doesnt feel right.


Its called Higginshaw Gas works and has signs up now re availability of land, a deal could be sorted politically IF the will. Plenty big enough and close to new Metrolink, Broadway and major roads.


Agree with what you say re future but cant help feeling the Failsworth site is not great reasoning either. Just available.


This has been mentioned before, the land's contaminated, I'm not saying it isn't vaiable but a real potential minefield and time is something we are fast running out of to start from acratch again. If this drags on for another 2 or three years with nothing concrete then we really could be facing oblivion.


Personally I hope any Plan B is a downscaled Boundary Park - if we're hoping for political will, look forward to playing Chadderton in a League game very, very soon...


Once the new ground is built, people will come and despite the scaremongering re: United and City, we will expand the fanbase providing the club wins hearts and minds in the area. United, City, Wigan, Bolton and even Blackburn have affected our attendances over the last decade or so - whether we stay at BP. move to Higginshaw, Tameside or Failsworth that issue will remain. What will have changed is that the club can offer better facilities and a more family friendly experience - that just may enable us to find our niche in the lower divisions.


Some people will never come on board, for them it's BP or a mile or so from it or nothing. There are possible other sites but for one reason or another they have been declined.


The people whingeing (not aimed at you Hallam) about Failsworth are the same sort of people that allowed the Rugby Club to wither and die, were given a second chance but abandoned it at BP and I see they are hardly coming out of the woodwork at the Whitebank. (I've been twice already to the Whitebank and attend a fair few games a season despite having a personal dislike for the Chairman, but they are my local team - despite being a Saints fan) I fear this will happen to Latics unless people put aside their grievances and aim for the common good - the survival of Oldham Athletic. The time for suggesting alternative sites is over I think. The only viable site financially is now Failsworth or homeslessness is looking increasingly likely.


Failsworth is not the end of the world. Not being able to see Latics at 3 o'clock on a Saturday afternoon is..

Edited by oafcprozac
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Just looked it up on Google Maps and it looks like a possibility that... Has it not been considered ?


Both Hollinwood and Higginshaw have been, the sites are big enough but the environmental surveys and contamination issues are a real stumbling block. It would cost a fortune to bring the site up to standard.


From Ian Hill and Alan Hardy last time I spoke to them.

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The people whingeing (not aimed at you Hallam) about Failsworth are the same sort of people that allowed the Rugby Club to wither and die


I don't think that is fair... Oldham Rugby now aiming to play at the Whitebank stadium should serve as a warning why trusting the council is a dangerous game. A combination of a greedy chairman and Oldham council but the nail in the coffin of Oldham Rugby, not the fans... My rugby club died years ago. The team that plays at the Whitebank is not my team, more of a bastard child...


While I respect your opinion that Failsworth is the best option and it is a conclusion I now share, I think to start attacking fans who held the same opinion as yourself not to long ago is tad hypocritical...

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Both Hollinwood and Higginshaw have been, the sites are big enough but the environmental surveys and contamination issues are a real stumbling block. It would cost a fortune to bring the site up to standard.


From Ian Hill and Alan Hardy last time I spoke to them.



Fair enough... I would of been surprised if it had not been considered...

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Once the new ground is built, people will come


I honestly don't think they will. Obviously you'll get people going who want to see a new ground. But the novelty of a new ground will soon wear off and we'll be left with the same :censored: crowds we get now.


The only way we will ever expand our fanbase is by having a team playing great football, winning nearly every week and sitting at the top of the table. Obviously the chances of that happening are incredibly slim.


I'm never going to be in favour of the move to failsworth. It's a bad move for the club, i've no doubt about that.



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I honestly don't think they will. Obviously you'll get people going who want to see a new ground. But the novelty of a new ground will soon wear off and we'll be left with the same :censored: crowds we get now.


The only way we will ever expand our fanbase is by having a team playing great football, winning nearly every week and sitting at the top of the table. Obviously the chances of that happening are incredibly slim.


I'm never going to be in favour of the move to failsworth. It's a bad move for the club, i've no doubt about that.


Give me BP over Failsworth any day of the week...


Unless you find someone with a :censored: load of money to burn though its not going to happen... :(


And on those grounds I think Failsworth now has to happen...

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Thats fair enough but suspect the land at Higginshaw wasnt available at the time. for the right price, it may still not be? Recessions work both ways, create opening that didnt exist. The contamination issue is a bit of a joke really. Hundreds of houses in shaw built upon feet of glass, plenty of land with an industrial past built upon the ash that filled the car park at BP straight from the old power stations at Chadderton etc hardly free from polution and houses will go up.. Believe im right in saying same as Lancaster site. Higginshaw had gas towers the contamination not that bad. The freeport at Pontefract built on similar if not worse land. Environmental survey bollocks its a large industrial site not Oldham edge. Sounds like a keep em happy remark to sell a case and a done deal.


Will never whinge about Failsworth simply dont like it doubt I ever will just doesnt feel home for latics.


Carl its well over 10 acres at Higginshaw.


Its the will to do it, still grants for such land as want it in use. To late however.


You can build on it but it costs money to decontaminate does it not?

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Has the council (or whoever owns the ex-gasworks land) dismissed the option out of hand, or is it Latics who have tunnel vision and will not entertain any other option?

If I was a town planner, which I'm not, I would have concerns about how 6,000 fans would quickly access and leave the site on a Saturday afternoon when the only connection at present is a B road. As such, I'd be tempted to recommend to my superiors that they don't give planning permission to develop the location.


While the option may have been looked at by both council and football club, I doubt very much that either party could see the benefits.



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I know some tend to not believe people in power, but all areas of land big enough for the development we need were considered and Failsworth was considered the best when all things have been considered.


Failsworth is the best site if you ignore the 'It's not in Oldham' nonsense.

Edited by Senor_Coconut
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Just found this from Ghost of Rickers on 606


I know it's been volunteered as an alternative before, but did anyone ever actually explain why the new stadium couldn't go at the old Higginshaw Gasworks site instead of Failsworth?


I've just looked on google maps and the site is almost identical size to Boundary Park and it's surrounding land.

It must only be 3/4 of a mile away at most and it just bothers me how Latics are careering headlong into Failsworth, where we are clearly not wanted. Alternate sites are dismissed immediately and we are told it MUST be Failsworth, even though a lengthy fight to move charitable land elsewhere remains on the cards.

Why are we going through all the mither of this Failsworth episode?


Has the council (or whoever owns the ex-gasworks land) dismissed the option out of hand, or is it Latics who have tunnel vision and will not entertain any other option?


Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a new stadium, I realize we need it if we are to survive. I just think we've not exhausted all posibilities before deciding where we'll be for (hopefully) the next hundred years...





BP:- Broadway from lookers side, 1/2 mile and then motorway/ dual carriageway; Past B&Q to Chaddy way Dual carriageway; Up Sheepfoot Lane to Rochdale Rd.

All 3 routes are A roads, with motorways/trunk roads within 1/2 mile.


Failsworth:- Broadway back to M60; Oldham Rd back towards Oldham (and M60); Oldham Rd towards Manchester.

3 more A roads with both directions of the M60 available within 1 mile; A62 towards Manchester is dual lane, but not a dual carraigeway.


Higginshaw:- Shaw Road, possible Higginshaw lane.

B road or Minor Rd, Route through Salmon Fields back to A627m via Shaw Rd End and Broadway, approx 2 miles or the other way via Shaw Rd, to Bottom O'th moor, onto Oldham Way, then down Manchester Street/Road to M60 - about 4 miles.


Add in contamination and you can't even begin to look at such a site. Add in the fact that failsworth is bigger and therefore offers more opportunities, and that it has a greater population within 1/2/3/4 Miles, whereas Higginshaw is moving away from population concentrations, and it's hardly worth a moment's thought.


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In your opnion more central to fans likely to turn up? Doubt it but hope it works. As for Shaw Road being a B road dont make me laugh its a Historical factor nothing more. Stockport Rd at Lydgate is an A road on paper its a load of nonsense. Loads of grounds in far worse/similar locations. The Galpharm, Meadow Lane, Its just a difference of opinion and respect yours. Also assume everyone will use a car? or wants to get on the Motorway network. BP the best location in town. Failsworth like Marmite hate it or love it. As for contamination WHAT exactly? One problem will do? Just driven past in last hour long cleaned up an old PIT long ago, Coal hardly dangerous. Gas ???? Not being argumentative as Failsworth a done deal. Just feel its the wrong place but if its the only place so be it.



it's not an opinion about the volume of population, it's a fact. Whether the number that would turn up to watch latics is more or less is conjecture, but Higginshaw would be about the same distance as BP for anyone from Shaw/most of Royton, further for most of Chadd, probably about the same for Hollinwood. it would be closer for people from moorside and derker, but it would definitely be further for anyone outside any of these areas.


Regardless of your comments on Shaw Rd being a "B" road or not, do you dispute the central point about traffic capacity of Higginshaw against either BP or Failsworth? Surely not?


meadow lane isn't a new build - it's been there for over 100 yrs, so that's not really a valid point, as for the Galpharm, is there anywhere else that Hudds could have built to be closer to a decent road network? As far as I know, there aren'y any dual carriageways leading from Hudds town centre in any direction. Leeds Rd is probably THE major rd in the area, and it's all but on it.

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iF PEOPLE ARE REALLY ARSED ABOUT A postcode you could always lobby the royal mail to give that piece of land a OL postcode.


Half of Saddleworth managed to convice them to allow business up there be addressed Yorkshire.

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iF PEOPLE ARE REALLY ARSED ABOUT A postcode you could always lobby the royal mail to give that piece of land a OL postcode.


Half of Saddleworth managed to convice them to allow business up there be addressed Yorkshire.


I refer you to my post of months ago, which was correct then and is correct now.


Who has mentioned the postcode on here in months? Who are you actually quoting? Who actually cares what the postcode is apart from yourself? Postcodes as are comparisons are irrelevant. Failsworth is Manchester, live with it.
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QUOTE (slurms mckenzie @ Feb 5 2010, 13:55 PM)

"Who has mentioned the postcode on here in months? Who are you actually quoting? Who actually cares what the postcode is apart from yourself? Postcodes as are comparisons are irrelevant. Failsworth is Manchester, live with it."


Well, it's not politically in manchester, it's never been politically part of manchester, you don't consider the postcode to be relevant, and it's population is mixed between manc, oldham, people from other bits of the wider local area, other bits of the uk and a few ethnic minorities etc.


So how can you genuinely say "Failsworth is Manchester, live with it". All that amounts to is an opinion. Nothing else.


Failsworth was the last place to be producing the pre-cotton mill traditional product of Oldham, which suggests the history is more linked with oldham than anywhere else. Ok, it wasn't as much a part of the cotton mill boom, but that was probably down to climate more than anything.

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