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Planning Application

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Just received a letter in the post informing me that a planning application has been submitted :



Land east of Oldham Athletic FC, Furtherwood Road, OL1 2PA



Construction of a new building ranging from three to six storeys and providing 140 units of key worker accommodation ( class c3) together with a health centre ( class d1 ) with associated car parking and landscaping.




I presume this is latics' land so looks like wheels are in motion.

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These were part of the plan even if we stayed at BP...



So what, let's have a moan about it anyway.


Bloody stupid latics, can't get a lotto right (even though they don't run it); Put through plans that stop us re-developing BP without having planning for failsworth (even though these plans were part of BP re-development and do not stop anything); bloody stupid club.

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So what, let's have a moan about it anyway.


Bloody stupid latics, can't get a lotto right (even though they don't run it); Put through plans that stop us re-developing BP without having planning for failsworth (even though these plans were part of BP re-development and do not stop anything); bloody stupid club.


Lets see how these new properties are sold. Will the sales pitch be don't worry, there will be no stadium on this site? cos listen up folks the property builder will already know the answer. So if Failsworth fails where are we gonna play?. I tell ya all you folks who blindly follow without so much as a question will feel so shafted should Failsworth never happen. You can bleat to your hearts content on the bus to Spotland.

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Lets see how these new properties are sold. Will the sales pitch be don't worry, there will be no stadium on this site? cos listen up folks the property builder will already know the answer. So if Failsworth fails where are we gonna play?. I tell ya all you folks who blindly follow without so much as a question will feel so shafted should Failsworth never happen. You can bleat to your hearts content on the bus to Spotland.


Equally, those who blindly oppose everything and ask for 100% proof of every single item, even where such proof is impossible to provide, are guilty of the perceived oldham mentality that stops the town moving forward - a "moan until they get fed up and give up" policy if you like. You can bleat all you like outside an empty BP with the gates locked.


I don't blindly follow anything. I weigh up the evidence available and come to a conclusion that makes sense to me.

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Lets see how these new properties are sold. Will the sales pitch be don't worry, there will be no stadium on this site? cos listen up folks the property builder will already know the answer. So if Failsworth fails where are we gonna play?. I tell ya all you folks who blindly follow without so much as a question will feel so shafted should Failsworth never happen. You can bleat to your hearts content on the bus to Spotland.




Given it's FLATS for Key workers for the big hospital across the road I doubt they'll give a toss.


But I guess we could ask Harry Green.

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Equally, those who blindly oppose everything and ask for 100% proof of every single item, even where such proof is impossible to provide, are guilty of the perceived oldham mentality that stops the town moving forward - a "moan until they get fed up and give up" policy if you like. You can bleat all you like outside an empty BP with the gates locked.


I don't blindly follow anything. I weigh up the evidence available and come to a conclusion that makes sense to me.



Go on give me your evidence to date...... like every plan to date being shelved. Asking questions of intentions doesn't stop nothing being built. Actively opposing planning might do Real. so lets see your evidence that tells you everything is gonna get built as per the plan.

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And the houses on the exec park?




Well we have no information one way or another how they will be sold, after all these are all dwelling that were intended to be built if BP got redeveloped.



BP can't be touched until 2014 at the earliest meaning the season 2014/2015 and I don't believe the Football League would allow a situation like you believe will happen to develop

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Go on give me your evidence to date...... like every plan to date being shelved. Asking questions of intentions doesn't stop nothing being built. Actively opposing planning might do Real. so lets see your evidence that tells you everything is gonna get built as per the plan.


You want "evidence that everything is gonna get built"....


Ok, if you can show me any planning prroposal at all anywhere in the uk that could have provided evidence that it would be built prior to any planning approval, I'll concede your point.


The fact is that there is no evidence that it will be built, not at this point in time. There wouldn't be. It's a nonsense request.


But what has failsworth being built or not got to do with this planning aapplication? The area was going to be built on whether BP was re-developed or we move to Failsworth. How that development is sold to any buyer has nothing to do with the decision to move or re-develop.

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What's it got to do with the football league whether BP remains or not? or we ground share at Spotland. All the league will do is sanction it should it become necessity.


So you don't think the property developer needed to know whether a football stadium would exist on the same plot of land they were shelling out for? so knowing what to pay for it?


As it stands what we know (evidence) is that we have planning permission on the BP plot and houses flats etc are going up. We've been told the stadium is no longer viable on the BP plot as previously marched and fought for and that Failsworth is our last option (as told by Corney). As of now we don't have planning applications in for Failworth let alone planning permission or not. The council seemingly getting cold feet as elections approach and the Charity commission unsure of whats legal to build or not.


So we have two outcomes possible. Either Failsworth gets built or we have no home with Spotland the firm favourite. Unless anyone can show more evidence to the contray that is.

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You want "evidence that everything is gonna get built"....


Ok, if you can show me any planning prroposal at all anywhere in the uk that could have provided evidence that it would be built prior to any planning approval, I'll concede your point.


The fact is that there is no evidence that it will be built, not at this point in time. There wouldn't be. It's a nonsense request.


But what has failsworth being built or not got to do with this planning aapplication? The area was going to be built on whether BP was re-developed or we move to Failsworth. How that development is sold to any buyer has nothing to do with the decision to move or re-develop.



So you think it's wise to be building on BP without any evidence we can build our new ground. But hold on you've come to you view cos you've weighed up the evidence. Real you've proved that to be false cos you've seen no evidence. WE'VE BEEN TOLD BP REDEVELOPMENT IS NOW A COMPLETE NONE STARTER. THATS EVIDENCE REAL.

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So you think it's wise to be building on BP without any evidence we can build our new ground. But hold on you've come to you view cos you've weighed up the evidence. Real you've proved that to be false cos you've seen no evidence. WE'VE BEEN TOLD BP REDEVELOPMENT IS NOW A COMPLETE NONE STARTER. THATS EVIDENCE REAL.




If you're accepting BP won't ever be developed (I'm not accepting that to be an absolute, but I don't think it's likely) then what iss your problem with this planning application. Of course this still evades the point that this planning application does not prejudice either outcome. And the manner of sale of this proposal will no doubt mention that there is aa football club just down the road, just in case the buyers don't notice it.


(All that stuff about evidence - you asked for absolute evidence, that does not and cannot exist. There is other evidence that allows people to form opinions - but none of this has anything to do with what this thread is about).

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Anyone remember watersheddings ? real clearly dosent...



Where were the plans for ORLFCs new ground? Had they bought some land for it? Where was the site? Had the council spoken about the plans and their intent to back them?


I must have forgotten those bits too, perhaps you could jog my memory on those points?

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What's it got to do with the football league whether BP remains or not? or we ground share at Spotland. All the league will do is sanction it should it become necessity.


So you don't think the property developer needed to know whether a football stadium would exist on the same plot of land they were shelling out for? so knowing what to pay for it?


As it stands what we know (evidence) is that we have planning permission on the BP plot and houses flats etc are going up. We've been told the stadium is no longer viable on the BP plot as previously marched and fought for and that Failsworth is our last option (as told by Corney). As of now we don't have planning applications in for Failworth let alone planning permission or not. The council seemingly getting cold feet as elections approach and the Charity commission unsure of whats legal to build or not.


So we have two outcomes possible. Either Failsworth gets built or we have no home with Spotland the firm favourite. Unless anyone can show more evidence to the contray that is.




It has a hell of alot to do with the FL. By 2014/2015 we would know for certain whether Failsworth will be built of not, the FL will not sanction us groundsharing with another football league club just so the owners can knock the ground down for housing, and the situation is totally different from Rotherham and Millmore.

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I don't have any problem with the planning application that may or may not go into the council for the stadium to go up at the Failsworth site. I hope it does and I hope it's built.


You said you've weighed up the evidence and made up your mind due to it. Now you've said there is no evidence....you dead right there's no evidence Failsworth will see the light of day. My problem is this, we gained planning on the BP site for houses, flats and a stadium. Now it's been made perfectly clear the stadium is a none starter on BP but the houses and flats will still be built. Indeed as we type the developer as sourced their materials and ready 'to break ground' imminently on houses on the old exec car park and Clayton site. Are you telling me a developer would agree to a certain price for the land no matter if a football ground was right at it's side or not? like it would make a jot of difference to the asking price of the homes? come on please.


My problem continues with the haste. Lets get our new home secured with permission before we start the building of a new plot of houses & flats on a football groundless old BP site. Like a financial venture the past is not a guide to what may happen in the future, however that ditto sure does apply to Latics and the plans that's ever been made cos the evidence currently suggests the plans never happen. I wanted evidence in the form of permission and broken ground at Failsworth prior to BP development. Personally I think that would be sensible, but then I would wouldn't I.


However Real you keep spinning cos on past evidence you'll be dizzy a lot longer than I.

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I don't have any problem with the planning application that may or may not go into the council for the stadium to go up at the Failsworth site. I hope it does and I hope it's built.


You said you've weighed up the evidence and made up your mind due to it. Now you've said there is no evidence....you dead right there's no evidence Failsworth will see the light of day. My problem is this, we gained planning on the BP site for houses, flats and a stadium. Now it's been made perfectly clear the stadium is a none starter on BP but the houses and flats will still be built. Indeed as we type the developer as sourced their materials and ready 'to break ground' imminently on houses on the old exec car park and Clayton site. Are you telling me a developer would agree to a certain price for the land no matter if a football ground was right at it's side or not? like it would make a jot of difference to the asking price of the homes? come on please.


My problem continues with the haste. Lets get our new home secured with permission before we start the building of a new plot of houses & flats on a football groundless old BP site. Like a financial venture the past is not a guide to what may happen in the future, however that ditto sure does apply to Latics and the plans that's ever been made cos the evidence currently suggests the plans never happen. I wanted evidence in the form of permission and broken ground at Failsworth prior to BP development. Personally I think that would be sensible, but then I would wouldn't I.


However Real you keep spinning cos on past evidence you'll be dizzy a lot longer than I.


Tell you what, why don't you email the club, the developers or someone else entirely and ask if these developments on the BP site are being put together on the basis of an absolute assurance that there WILL NOT be a football club there?


You've spun up a theory based on no evidence at all. At least mine is based on something.


Email the club, get an answer, share it on here.



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Tell you what, why don't you email the club, the developers or someone else entirely and ask if these developments on the BP site are being put together on the basis of an absolute assurance that there WILL NOT be a football club there?


You've spun up a theory based on no evidence at all. At least mine is based on something.


Email the club, get an answer, share it on here.



OK I'll ask you again, where's your evidence you claim to have based your opinion on. You've not yet said apart from back tracking and saying no evidence could possibly exist currently. I've clearly indicated where I get my opinion that there will be no ground at the BP site. It came from the horses mouth (Simon Corney) and official communications on the website that the redevelopment of BP was now no longer viable and will not happen. I may just ask Paul Whitehead whether he knows if there will not be a ground at BP given he as invited myself to have a chat with him. Now if he says there won't be one what will your opinion be then?


Now if you were the salesman sat in the development cabin would you want to know if you can clearly tell the potential buyers if a ground will shadow their new house?

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