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The Fans Are Killing The Club...

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Chill. You're only a young un. You don't want your blood pressure rocketing because of something so inconsequential.


It's appears that Zorro, in his old age, has adopted something of a 'Win or Lose Have a Booze' approach to supporting Latics. With each match that passes it looks wiser than ever.....

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For crying out loud.

I can't understand why we need to keep worrying about this ground issue.

Suggestions have been made regarding sharing with Rochdale at a site central to both clubs.

Hand on heart, would it really hurt us to share with our neighbours?

I honestly can't see a more sensible solution that would suit the finances of both clubs.

No doubt the idea would raise the heckles of a few on here, but it would free up some money to spend on the team.

Guaranteed weekly income, halved maintenance and running costs, plus a shiny new 25,000 seater.


Only one bite in nearly 2 hours.....

I need to try some tastier bait.


Or is it that people really would like to share with Rochdale?

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While the rest of the stand sit in silence watching the game.... yawn....


You actually show up the point Macca was making...


sorry..but the fans having a go at anything and everything has gone on since adam was a lad...people know what to expect at football grounds these days and if they dont like it they sit somewhere else....


and no they dont sit in silence,some people do try and get a bit of chanting going and get behind the team...


if the club want good atmosphere to return then the product on the pitch has to improve...vicious circle which will only be broken by a good season and the chance of promotion.


also think they now need to make the chaddy end the away end...let everybody regroup in the rre,the singers will gravitate together and strat outsinging the numptys.....

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Are some people on here seriously suggesting that the reason attendances are declining is anything to do with the owners not walking over and saying hello? There is some pathetic drivel talked on OWTB but this is taking the biscuit!


This myth that Latics players don't care and don't work is getting out of hand - I cannot say that I have seen us lose a game through a lack of effort this year. Everyone knows we are painfully short of a goal scorer, and we need more adventure from midfield; something should have been done about that through transfers and coaching before now. However, accusing the owners of not backing us is bollocks - they are already funding our losses why the hell should they do more? Yet they do, they have free attendance days, reduced attendance days and 3 for 2 offers and all that jazz, yet all I hear is that they are dragging this club down and not doing enough to interest the fans. Frankly that is sh*te spoken by gobsh*tes without a brain in their heads.


Goals make teams. At any level of football if you are struggling to score it puts enormous pressure on a team all over the pitch, and when you concede your instant emotion is despair - how can you turn it round if you can't score? All these tough guys who talk about them being grown men, professional footballers etc etc have not got a clue. I'd love to be a footballer, but the pressure that goes with the modern game is not something I envy them or can understand so how the hell people like Snookmeister can come up with such tripe is beyond me - the real thing is harder than Fifa. Oh, and some of these guys are under 23 at which point even football rules still treat them as young lads rather than grown men - maybe we should give them the same credit and not expect them to have the resilience to criticism that a 40 year old accountant with two decades of experience has.


Did you watch ANYTHING that Parker did (or more appropriately, DIDN'T do) on Saturday. There have been too many times this season when we've been carrying passengers. Nobody is saying that ALL the players don't care, but there has not been nearly enouh effort and application from ALL members of the squad.

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What do you mean you seriously doubt it? Presumably you must also seriously suspect that TTA ‘cooked’ the books which they showed leeslover and L&E? From the information they garnered it’s fair to deduce that the 2008/2009 wage bill was what it was in 2007/2008. Even prior to that information it was pretty bleeding obvious there was little, if anything, in it just by taking a look at the ‘ins and outs’ of summer 2008. You must have been on whatever boundaryblue80 was on – though he finally seems to have let go of that straw so perhaps you could do the same, as opposed to stating ‘certainly’.


TTA are in for some stick off you today aren’t they? Not content with effectively, if indirectly, questioning their integrity you now want to point the finger at them for failures which fall within Penney’s remit. Whilst they must shoulder the blame for a poor appointment you would imagine that, if they do accept this ‘responsibility’, they should be cutting their losses and sacking him. However rudemedic has advocated us sticking by Penney in other posts. Let's have some continuity of reasoning man.


As for Penney being TTA first choice, largely on the grounds that he’s a disciplinarian, well, firstly he doesn’t look too ferocious from the sidelines. Secondly, why put the emphasis on appointing a disciplinarian when it was pretty clear that the squad was to be overhauled anyway? I don’t recall much bemoaning of Penney’s appointment at the time, so presumably most though it to be ok. I myself think the board appointed Penney as he was the ‘best of a bad bunch’, so to speak. I can’t imagine that there were hoards of respected managers beating down the door for an interview, particularly in light of the shoddy treatment Sheridan received. Fact is, as Oldham Athletic looking for a new manager, you have three choices. There’s the in-house promotion, the widely respected legend (if you’re lucky), and the journeyman. We forced out our legend, foolishly believing the grass to be greener. We subsequently appointed a journeyman and are now reaping the grass we sowed instead. Tastes :censored: doesn't it?


I would stick by Penney- not because he is any good but because he is who we have and getting rid off him means whoever comes in has 3 less wages (Penney, Gray and the GK coach) to spend as they will all have to be paid off- not to mention players like Abbott going (if he stays if Penney goes i'd be surprised). Who is going to want to come in anyway? We have 8 or so weeks of the season left, only loanees can be bought in and we are currently safe. What is the new person going to achieve? Us not getting relegated- Penney is currently doing OK there. Mid table mediocraty- Penney isn't far off with that one and its not that much of a step-up from being safe. Or what happens if things go tits up and we go down- someone's career is over and all because they inherited a no-win situation. If we go down and provided the contract has some nice clauses in I would get rid of DP. If not I'd give him to November minimum because OK by then we will still have to pay him off (but it won't be as expensive) and whoever comes in has a bit of time to work out what needs fixing and the january transfer window to fix it. I've said this before but for some reason you expect my position to change.


As to playing budget- is that playing or wages? I can see the playing budget being the same but what about the breakfasts being paid for and the extra expenses of travelling down south more than last year- especially since Shez wasn't a fan of overnight stays- where is that in the budget. I use my eyes- there is no way this years squad is on the same money as last years- or if it is someone is ripping us off royally. Our biggest earner last year was Gregan who has taken a pay-cut, how much were we paying Windyass? Nevermind Maher, Stam, Allot etc. Hughes was on a good deal because we got him out of the nick but I can't see Abbott being on more than him because of all his injuries. Parker will probably be expensive but Davies won't have been on peanuts. Taylor's wage will have gone up but I doubt it will be by that much. I really doubt we are paying the same wages as last season- or the year before but I didn't get a look at the books and if you believe the owners showed our two intrepid accountants the full books then you are naive.


I didn't complain about Penney being our next manager but I've said it before and I'll say it again the owners are very good at fixing what was wrong with the last person but not very good at getting a good balance. Moore played boring football- get rid and get Shez in under who we played some great stuff. Shez was a poor disciplinarian who let an alcohol culture gain momentum (not helped by his own liking of a drink), get rid and bring in Penney (especially after JR's report on what's wrong- he wasn't one for bad discipline from what I hear). How many booze scandals have we had this year or players being up half the night on their computers? Bar the thing with Worthy and those two American lasses who liked their own publicity and the occassional sighting of certain players in Tokyo's I can't think of too much.


Penney is not a tactical genius- if he was he wouldn't be managing in this division. He's trying to use a formula that has worked before in this league (including by himself) of getting 1 GK, 7-8 runners/workhorses towards the back and 2-3 players of quality up front. It hasn't worked because Parker doesn't have the quality he had for 6 months 3 years ago, and Abbott and Taylor have been off their game mainly because of injuries, plus he signed a GK who has cost us more points that he's saved. We have a good defence but have struggled to score. Its only a couple of pieces of the puzzle but unfortunately everyone in the league is looking for the same pieces and we don't have the spending power as quite a few. Hence why I would give Penney until November as I think he may well sign one or two of the forwards we've had on loan in the close season and get rid of some of the squad players who ain't needed anymore and cheaper alternatives can be found.

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I really doubt we are paying the same wages as last season- or the year before but I didn't get a look at the books and if you believe the owners showed our two intrepid accountants the full books then you are naive.

I am not an accountant. I may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, an accountant, but I am NOT a porn star.

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Are some people on here seriously suggesting that the reason attendances are declining is anything to do with the owners not walking over and saying hello? There is some pathetic drivel talked on OWTB but this is taking the biscuit!


This myth that Latics players don't care and don't work is getting out of hand - I cannot say that I have seen us lose a game through a lack of effort this year. Everyone knows we are painfully short of a goal scorer, and we need more adventure from midfield; something should have been done about that through transfers and coaching before now. However, accusing the owners of not backing us is bollocks - they are already funding our losses why the hell should they do more? Yet they do, they have free attendance days, reduced attendance days and 3 for 2 offers and all that jazz, yet all I hear is that they are dragging this club down and not doing enough to interest the fans. Frankly that is sh*The spoken by gobsh*tes without a brain in their heads.


Goals make teams. At any level of football if you are struggling to score it puts enormous pressure on a team all over the pitch, and when you concede your instant emotion is despair - how can you turn it round if you can't score? All these tough guys who talk about them being grown men, professional footballers etc etc have not got a clue. I'd love to be a footballer, but the pressure that goes with the modern game is not something I envy them or can understand so how the hell people like Snookmeister can come up with such tripe is beyond me - the real thing is harder than Fifa. Oh, and some of these guys are under 23 at which point even football rules still treat them as young lads rather than grown men - maybe we should give them the same credit and not expect them to have the resilience to criticism that a 40 year old accountant with two decades of experience has.

So you think the "pressure" that a pro football player is under is any different from that found in any other employment? Of course it isn't. I work in sales and I know that if my figures don't match my targets, I'm on Aldi beans for a month. It happens two or three months in a row I'm on a disciplinary. I'm sure you can guess what happens next. It is however pressure that I'm well used to having worked for the company for the past 10 years, and pressure that I deal with. Being a grown up and all. Having a big, comforting arm thrown around me by my sales manager 24/7 wouldn't make me work any harder or apply and improve myself; my professional and personal pride does that. To suggest it's any different in football, I believe, is absolute bollocks.


Given the choice, I would choose their line of work. I'm sure it's not easy - but I'd like to wager it's one of the better jobs out there. That is never going to happen of course given that I have a 50p head and a 20p right foot. The left I can barely stand on. I'm not much better at FIFA either.


And those under 23's you mention? Well they'd better get used to it because it isn't going to go away. It's called the real world. And it's here to stay.

Edited by Snookmeister
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