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The Fans Are Killing The Club...

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What a crock of :censored:e. You are honestly trying to sell this drivel to people? So it's us fans who are responsible for the slow decline since our heady Premiership days???? Nothing to do with poor performance from players/management/owners. You're a joke.


If highly paid, professional players haven't got it within them to get themselves up for a game, to show some professional pride, then they should change their career. They're grown men FFS, and should be able to take criticism..


If you lot want to link arms and sing kum-by-yah and stroke their sodding egos whilst they take the club into League 2, then knock yourselves out. Me and all the other realists? We'll do our thing instead.


Get a grip, the lot of you.

:applause1: Most sensible thing I have heard on here for weeks! Its the lazy :censored: on the pitch and the :censored: for a manager that are killing our club. Not helped by the happy clapping pillocks who keep saying "give him more time"! You will all still be talking crap when we are mid table in the Unibond League!

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Life has become so much better since I stopped coming on here so much....... you should all try it, you will be far less angry and :censored: off with all things Latics. You can just get on with being a Latics fan and stop arguing with fellow fans all the time.


Don't take the board too seriously mate (easier said than done, I know) - personalities and arguments are heightened and racked up x 100 on here, so you can never take any of it seriously.

Edited by Yard Dog
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More fans not bothering next season - those season ticket holders who can no longer be bothered wasting their hard earned, will no doubt be blamed for putting an extra nail into the clubs coffin next season - yet it's the negative football from the playing staff and above that is the reason why an awful lot of ST holders wont be renewing next season. Whether Penney's manager or not.


The fans arent killing this club. It's those who have an impact on the most important thing about a football club. Results.

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A lot of things have gone wrong since we left the halycon days of being a mid-table top division side (first season in what was then division 1). Most of it has absolutely nothing to do with any fans still left. In fact quite a lot has nothing to do with anyone who has ever been involved in the playing side of things, including coaches/managers. Some very bad decisions were made by various owners/administrators/people involved with the business side of things which has resulted in our not so dramatic fall from grace. Plus not too mention the lack of support, or in most cases opposition, from the locally elected council people certainly haven't helped.


I remember when we played Wycombe in this division about 8/9 years ago when Wycombe were one of the worst sides in the division. We got beat 1-0 and were shockingly bad- the fans cheered Wycombe scoring (and to be honest they deserved it because their players actually bothered that day, ours might has well have stayed at home). This apathy towards the club is not new. Oldham fans are not killing the club, lots of other things are killing the club more than the fans. However, certain Oldham fans, and this doesn't just mean the muppet choir at the front of the RRE, it means them and the ones who are too willing to trust in the owners, and TRUST is the definately the operative word, plus others, are not helping.


Everyone is far too willing to blame Penney for the team being poor at the moment, saying he bought the players, he sets the tactics etc. Very few are questioning the owners- they appointed him and he was apparently their first choice of the people who applied. I seriously doubt Penney has anything like the budget Moore and Shez had (certainly the first two seasons) despite what gets said and quite frankly I think the board appointed Penney not because he's a tactical genius but because he's a disciplinarian- unlike Shez. If fans booing affects the players that much then I'm sorry but the players need to grow some balls.

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Very few are questioning the owners- they appointed him and he was apparently their first choice of the people who applied. I seriously doubt Penney has anything like the budget Moore and Shez had (certainly the first two seasons) despite what gets said and quite frankly I think the board appointed Penney not because he's a tactical genius but because he's a disciplinarian- unlike Shez. If fans booing affects the players that much then I'm sorry but the players need to grow some balls.


To be frank the owners HAVE been questioned and they say the budget is the same as last seasons.

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I don't see that the fans today are any different to the fans of the last 40 years.

When you're struggling, your attendances dip, and pockets of fans that once fused together to sing in unison become two or threesomes unable to muster the same enthusiasm as a large gathering. Vocal support wanes, and the negativity that has ALWAYS been there becomes more apparent.

Success sees people returning and re-establishing bonds with people they know, and the vocal support increases to a level where that fusion and unison happens once again.

I've been lucky enough to see us promoted a couple of times, and also had to endure the two relegations, and I don't remember support being an issue on any of those occasions. There was no negativity when we dropped out of the Prem because we knew we were never going to cement our place in the top flight, and there was still reasonable optimism when we dropped again because we were expected to bounce right back up. Unfortunately not enough was done to keep us fighting for a promotion place when we failed to bounce back, and a steady demise ensued.

If we avoid relegation this season, what is to say we won't go down next season? Especially with less revenue forcing a cut in playing budgets.

Success on the field is the catalyst for the good times to return, and you can only achieve that by speculative investment, good management, and a slice of luck. At the moment we appear to have none of those.

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Simon Corney used to love coming out and slating our supporters when 5000 turned up against MK Dons, Colchester etc at home. Instead of actually trying to do something about it and entice them back he would slag them off in the local media. Where is he now, have not heard from him in ages?


2 play off postions in 16 years other than that not a sniff of promotion. This is on top of the most boring manager in the cubs history has something to do with the fans leaving in droves and the negative atmosphere. Under Dowie and more recently Shez (before the disaster of Feb onwards last year) when the team had been playing decent stuff and actually trying to beat teams there was not a lot wrong with the atmosphere around the club. We got 9000 at home to Wolves 3 years ago on a Tues night, 9000 at home to Forest when we won 5-1, 6000 Fans away at Everton etc etc, we should have built on this but were lazy and TTA arrogantly expected them to be there for the un attrrative fixtures and slagged them off when they didnt turn up and pay £20 at home to Gillingham.


The fans are there if we could sustain some sort of success and go out to attack teams like we have done under Shez and Dowie. Under Dave Penny that is never going to happen and the crowds are never going to come back new marketing guy or not.


I dont think the fans are the problem, yes there is a bad atmosphere around the club at the moment but in my opionion thats has been caused by the guys running the show






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I don't see that the fans today are any different to the fans of the last 40 years.

When you're struggling, your attendances dip, and pockets of fans that once fused together to sing in unison become two or threesomes unable to muster the same enthusiasm as a large gathering. Vocal support wanes, and the negativity that has ALWAYS been there becomes more apparent.

Success sees people returning and re-establishing bonds with people they know, and the vocal support increases to a level where that fusion and unison happens once again.

I've been lucky enough to see us promoted a couple of times, and also had to endure the two relegations, and I don't remember support being an issue on any of those occasions. There was no negativity when we dropped out of the Prem because we knew we were never going to cement our place in the top flight, and there was still reasonable optimism when we dropped again because we were expected to bounce right back up. Unfortunately not enough was done to keep us fighting for a promotion place when we failed to bounce back, and a steady demise ensued.

If we avoid relegation this season, what is to say we won't go down next season? Especially with less revenue forcing a cut in playing budgets.

Success on the field is the catalyst for the good times to return, and you can only achieve that by speculative investment, good management, and a slice of luck. At the moment we appear to have none of those.

Nail on the head there, my friend. If only others could see it too....

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I'll tell ya. A board that wants to win, a club united (sorry) going forward, a club that players want to join, a club that players sweat blood to stay in the side, a club that as success as it's odour. Football and happiness is simple. Win.

you offer a player what he wants and there will be a queue of players wanting to player for us ,but latics carn't afford to give players what they ask for ,ie lee hughes

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you offer a player what he wants and there will be a queue of players wanting to player for us ,but latics carn't afford to give players what they ask for ,ie lee hughes

maybe maybe not bob


but they can obviously afford to buy a piece of land at considerable expense without knowing if they can build a new ground on it first...just imagine if they said to the manager,heres 3.5 million now get us out of this league.....

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maybe maybe not bob


but they can obviously afford to buy a piece of land at considerable expense without knowing if they can build a new ground on it first...just imagine if they said to the manager,heres 3.5 million now get us out of this league.....


I would but a lot of money on them seeing a bigger return from the money on the Failsworth site...

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Get a grip, Oldham is like everywhere else. Get a winning side from a winning club with a winning board and bingo.................. crowds, smiles, songs and swagger.


So true. Fans are utter hypocrits and their own worst enemy. I can't stand to be around those sorts, and sadly the majority are like that.


The fans do have a right to be bored with the current state. We've seen nothing else apart from League One for years, and the few before that were struggles. Those who can remember Joe Royle are lucky. Those who have only seen what I have seen are bored. I'll admit I'm bored, but I'm not a prat who changes opinion on certain aspects every few weeks.


The owners, like the fans, have lost the passion. That's what's missing. Even in my lifetime of supporting Oldham, Satruday used to be full of excitement. Down to Boundary Park, a decent following from the away side made is so much better too.


The owners, even only a few years ago, used to get behind the team, getting the fans on their side. They've been silent for the past year. Get a message out rallying the fans, because at the moment 3,800 for an home game and the constant arguing amomngst fans is playing a big factor is our downfall.


However, something has to be done on the field to get fans smiling again. At the moment, I can't stand what I see from the side, and I don't rate what TTA are doing either.

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So true. Fans are utter hypocrits and their own worst enemy. I can't stand to be around those sorts, and sadly the majority are like that.


The fans do have a right to be bored with the current state. We've seen nothing else apart from League One for years, and the few before that were struggles. Those who can remember Joe Royle are lucky. Those who have only seen what I have seen are bored. I'll admit I'm bored, but I'm not a prat who changes opinion on certain aspects every few weeks.


The owners, like the fans, have lost the passion. That's what's missing. Even in my lifetime of supporting Oldham, Satruday used to be full of excitement. Down to Boundary Park, a decent following from the away side made is so much better too.


The owners, even only a few years ago, used to get behind the team, getting the fans on their side. They've been silent for the past year. Get a message out rallying the fans, because at the moment 3,800 for an home game and the constant arguing amomngst fans is playing a big factor is our downfall.


However, something has to be done on the field to get fans smiling again. At the moment, I can't stand what I see from the side, and I don't rate what TTA are doing either.


When we were top of the league with Shez I saw Simon Blitz several times in the away ends sat with the fans, Corney used to often walk over before games and speak with the fans. No where to be seen now! Does anybody know if they actually still go to the away games and sit in the directors seats or not even bother with that anymore?

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Are some people on here seriously suggesting that the reason attendances are declining is anything to do with the owners not walking over and saying hello? There is some pathetic drivel talked on OWTB but this is taking the biscuit!


This myth that Latics players don't care and don't work is getting out of hand - I cannot say that I have seen us lose a game through a lack of effort this year. Everyone knows we are painfully short of a goal scorer, and we need more adventure from midfield; something should have been done about that through transfers and coaching before now. However, accusing the owners of not backing us is bollocks - they are already funding our losses why the hell should they do more? Yet they do, they have free attendance days, reduced attendance days and 3 for 2 offers and all that jazz, yet all I hear is that they are dragging this club down and not doing enough to interest the fans. Frankly that is sh*te spoken by gobsh*tes without a brain in their heads.


Goals make teams. At any level of football if you are struggling to score it puts enormous pressure on a team all over the pitch, and when you concede your instant emotion is despair - how can you turn it round if you can't score? All these tough guys who talk about them being grown men, professional footballers etc etc have not got a clue. I'd love to be a footballer, but the pressure that goes with the modern game is not something I envy them or can understand so how the hell people like Snookmeister can come up with such tripe is beyond me - the real thing is harder than Fifa. Oh, and some of these guys are under 23 at which point even football rules still treat them as young lads rather than grown men - maybe we should give them the same credit and not expect them to have the resilience to criticism that a 40 year old accountant with two decades of experience has.

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People are not going to pay £20 (before any extras) for :censored: entertainment, in a cold awful stadium.... It really is that simple.


The club need to build a new stadium or redevelop BP

The manager needs to create a team people want to watch

The fans need to support and back with there money


Three factors...


After six years of failure from the board we now have a nasty circle and fans have given up. Which makes it hard to build a side..to justify building the right stadium....so on and so forth... :blahblah:


Its a nasty circle...

Edited by oafc0000
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People are not going to pay £20 (before any extras) for :censored: entertainment, in a cold awful stadium.... It really is that simple.


The club need to build a new stadium or redevelop BP

The manager needs to create a team people want to watch

The fans need to support and back with there money


Three factors...

spot on, you hit the nail on the head

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People are not going to pay £20 (before any extras) for :censored: entertainment, in a cold awful stadium.... It really is that simple.


The club need to build a new stadium or redevelop BP

The manager needs to create a team people want to watch

The fans need to support and back with there money


Three factors...


After six years of failure from the board we now have a nasty circle and fans have given up. Which makes it hard to build a side..to justify building the right stadium....so on and so forth... :blahblah:


Its a nasty circle...


ill go with that..


however i would much prefer them to not build a new stadium....i would much rather them pump money into the team to produce the winning football we so badly need and desire,which in turn will bring the fans back,i think this is a must before a new ground..we have put up with bp for ever,so a few more seasons isnt going to hurt is it,then once we are on a good wave of decent football with attendancies up,then go for the new ground...but have our current owners got the bottle for it???

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Are some people on here seriously suggesting that the reason attendances are declining is anything to do with the owners not walking over and saying hello? There is some pathetic drivel talked on OWTB but this is taking the biscuit!


This myth that Latics players don't care and don't work is getting out of hand - I cannot say that I have seen us lose a game through a lack of effort this year. Everyone knows we are painfully short of a goal scorer, and we need more adventure from midfield; something should have been done about that through transfers and coaching before now. However, accusing the owners of not backing us is bollocks - they are already funding our losses why the hell should they do more? Yet they do, they have free attendance days, reduced attendance days and 3 for 2 offers and all that jazz, yet all I hear is that they are dragging this club down and not doing enough to interest the fans. Frankly that is sh*te spoken by gobsh*tes without a brain in their heads.


Goals make teams. At any level of football if you are struggling to score it puts enormous pressure on a team all over the pitch, and when you concede your instant emotion is despair - how can you turn it round if you can't score? All these tough guys who talk about them being grown men, professional footballers etc etc have not got a clue. I'd love to be a footballer, but the pressure that goes with the modern game is not something I envy them or can understand so how the hell people like Snookmeister can come up with such tripe is beyond me - the real thing is harder than Fifa. Oh, and some of these guys are under 23 at which point even football rules still treat them as young lads rather than grown men - maybe we should give them the same credit and not expect them to have the resilience to criticism that a 40 year old accountant with two decades of experience has.


No nobody is


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then once we are on a good wave of decent football with attendancies up,then go for the new ground...


Like when we was under Shez ? Because that is the best it is going to get for us unless they seriously want to bank roll the club like Moores did...


The stadium is the priority... I won't be back until its sorted as my enjoyment is effected by that crumbling wreck / lack of food / uncomfortable seat / poor views...


The stadium also helps us fund the squad budget... which then starts to help with issue number 2... Building something worth paying to watch.

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Like when we was under Shez ? Because that is the best it is going to get for us unless they seriously want to bank roll the club like Moores did...


The stadium is the priority... I won't be back until its sorted...


if you like,first 2 seasons under shez were good,but they failed to capitolise on that and didnt back him,leaving him enough rope to hang himself with,which he eventually did.


so if we go on the premise that a new ground is a must...how long do we have to wait for said stadium...and once built how long will it be until we actually see a significant upturn in club fortunes,it wont happen overnight...in the meantime do we just have to put up with this level of football and lose more fans season on season???


they have the money there....they have proved it.so maybe a moore type season is in order,i still think they wont mess it up like he did and pull the plug.

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if you like,first 2 seasons under shez were good,but they failed to capitolise on that and didnt back him,leaving him enough rope to hang himself with,which he eventually did.


so if we go on the premise that a new ground is a must...how long do we have to wait for said stadium...and once built how long will it be until we actually see a significant upturn in club fortunes,it wont happen overnight...in the meantime do we just have to put up with this level of football and lose more fans season on season???


Facts are Shez built promotion challenging squad on said budget... So I think the manager is selling us short at the moment.


Regarding the new stadium all valid questions. None I have answers for. Only TTA know...


they have the money there....they have proved it.so maybe a moore type season is in order,i still think they wont mess it up like he did and pull the plug.


Careful what you wish for... Big players on big contracts with no money to pay them... We know where that leads...

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if you like,first 2 seasons under shez were good,but they failed to capitolise on that and didnt back him,leaving him enough rope to hang himself with,which he eventually did.


so if we go on the premise that a new ground is a must...how long do we have to wait for said stadium...and once built how long will it be until we actually see a significant upturn in club fortunes,it wont happen overnight...in the meantime do we just have to put up with this level of football and lose more fans season on season???


they have the money there....they have proved it.so maybe a moore type season is in order,i still think they wont mess it up like he did and pull the plug.


Firstly, Moore was absoluute idiot who couldnt't find his arse with both hands. Whatever I think of TTA, they are not fools and aren't willing to throw money away. They geninely thought we were good enough to go up so backed it, although conservatively.


Secondly, where is all this money you say they have coming from? They bankroll us with a few hundred grand per year. I very much doubt they can invest anymore than that.


oafc0000, are you saying if we got a side playing quality football you still woulddn't show up? That sort of attitude from certain fans is killing the club...

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oafc0000, are you saying if we got a side playing quality football you still woulddn't show up? That sort of attitude from certain fans is killing the club...


I would be more inclined to start coming back... Its going to take a lot more for me to start coming regularly again.


I have started filling my Saturdays up with other things now which I enjoy a lot more though and with the little one due any day my life is changing. A new stadium with decent facilities would be far more tempting.


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For crying out loud.

I can't understand why we need to keep worrying about this ground issue.

Suggestions have been made regarding sharing with Rochdale at a site central to both clubs.

Hand on heart, would it really hurt us to share with our neighbours?

I honestly can't see a more sensible solution that would suit the finances of both clubs.

No doubt the idea would raise the heckles of a few on here, but it would free up some money to spend on the team.

Guaranteed weekly income, halved maintenance and running costs, plus a shiny new 25,000 seater.

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