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so for the penney out protest

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but some are,in their own way, "protesting"...

they ain't turning up.


average crowds at home are dwindling each season.

and its gonna get worse.


This club badly needs a manager that wants to play some football..........we are probably safe now but the whole season has been an absolute disaster with awful football in an awful stadium and not surprisingly fans are giving up on the team.......they have simply had enough!!!.


You could argue that Penney may eventually turn it round given time but just how much time can we afford to give him?

The guy is hardly going to suddenly change tactics for next year..........we've seen what his teams are about and it's not what Oldham fans want!!!!!


Supporters are leaving in droves and interest in the team is at an all time low..........I know so many long term fans that are not renewing next season and if the exodus continues our budget will be lucky to just keep us in this division.


I think TTA need to think long and hard over the coming weeks and do whatever they can to increase the playing budget because the football simply has to improve in order to get the fans coming back.


You cannot keep blaming the supporters..........since the premier days we have on the whole been absolute garbage and have had 15 years of gradual decline. Come on TTA, spend some money on the team, get some success back on the field and almost everything else will look after itself, without a decent product out on the pitch how do you expect any progress to be made?


I simply cannot believe they took over this club and spent all that money to simply struggle, year after year in this awful division. We have to get the fans a team to be proud of once again because at this present rate we won't even have a club to take to a new stadium!!!!



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I think we should. See what he does in the summer and give him at least 10 games next season. Then a new guy as more time and we pay Penney and his goffer's less wedge.

The problem with that however is, if we does get the sack 10 games in, then any new manager will have to put up with that squad (okay a few loan signings in the loan market and january) effectively until the end of the season when players are out of contract, if he is to go, then it is either if the team looks seriously like being relegated, or end of the season,


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What happens if the latics coach crashes on the way back from a match or we have a flu bug and rules out 5 first teamers for a few weeks just after our 8th match? Does he still get 10 games?


For me he gets the length of his contract before the decision is even considered, if we're on the edge of the play-offs come this time next year it would be madness to get rid and he should get an extension.


I fear though that he has "lost the fans" and no matter what happens now he is dead man walking which is an embarrassment for a 3rd division club.

He's lost me at the moment (shock, horror) and had done about two months ago. I will however be all too happy to have to eat my words should he and the team come good. I really will. I'd love nothing more to be proved wrong - and should it happen, I'll be the first on here to eat a large slice of humble pie. I just can't see it happening.

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Why not leave the sackings to the board. Lets be honest here they've never been shy about doing it before! There is absolutely no point to sack Penney now this season. I feel we are safe from the drop, indeed 2 perhaps 3 wins will now seal that I feel. What are we to gain in sacking him now with more than a season left of his deal? whether he's here or not we'll stay up now. Lets see if he manages to get rid of those that have let themselves, Penney the club and the fans down so badly. It will be no mean feat in shifting some of those under contract, but lets see if he does.


As for those not buying a ticket because he's still in charge, I level the charge at you that's not the real reason.


if the board see that we are safe or feel we wont go down,the next thing they have to consider is season ticket renewals....can they afford to lose more valuable lifelong fans fed up of the negative football and unemotional manager....


if they got rid now and brought in as a lot of people want,ritchie and appoint tony p as his number two then that is going to have an enormous effect on fans being happy..many may feel that with ritchie back it will be worth spending the money on another ticket to see what happens,he is a club and fans favourite.he would be afforded more time to get it right....


if this doesnt happen and dynamite daves still here,you say get rid of the dead wood...well except for greegs hazell flahavan stephens lee and abbott....you need another new team,they have been the consistant performers all season...do you really think the board are going to sanction a mass cull and bring in 12 new players.....or that penny will indeed have the balls to do such a thing.....i think not.

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if the board see that we are safe or feel we wont go down,the next thing they have to consider is season ticket renewals....can they afford to lose more valuable lifelong fans fed up of the negative football and unemotional manager....


if they got rid now and brought in as a lot of people want,ritchie and appoint tony p as his number two then that is going to have an enormous effect on fans being happy..many may feel that with ritchie back it will be worth spending the money on another ticket to see what happens,he is a club and fans favourite.he would be afforded more time to get it right....


The constant pining for Stitch is one of the most infuriarating things whenever the manager's position is in question. The bloke got Barnsley out of the division but completely flopped with Huddersfield...well DP has enjoyed relative success wherever he's been until now and I'd say he's far more likely to take us up the table than Stitch is.


As for the last bit that I quoted, well it's a sad state of affairs if the choice in manager comes down to who will be given more time by the boo boys. There's a good percentage of fans who are happy to give DP time to get the job done. Just because the more vocal element can't appreciate that should not push the owners into bringing someone who they'd tolerate for a little longer.


The only good thing about sacking the manager and bringing in Stitch is that when he flops, it will finally bring an end to the tedious 'ANDY ANDY RITCHIE' songs that Moore Sheridan Penney-outers turn to whenever we fall behind. Or seemingly now when we win away from home.

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The constant pining for Stitch is one of the most infuriarating things whenever the manager's position is in question. The bloke got Barnsley out of the division but completely flopped with Huddersfield...well DP has enjoyed relative success wherever he's been until now and I'd say he's far more likely to take us up the table than Stitch is.


As for the last bit that I quoted, well it's a sad state of affairs if the choice in manager comes down to who will be given more time by the boo boys. There's a good percentage of fans who are happy to give DP time to get the job done. Just because the more vocal element can't appreciate that should not push the owners into bringing someone who they'd tolerate for a little longer.


The only good thing about sacking the manager and bringing in Stitch is that when he flops, it will finally bring an end to the tedious 'ANDY ANDY RITCHIE' songs that Moore Sheridan Penney-outers turn to whenever we fall behind. Or seemingly now when we win away from home.


for what its worth i agree...


i was using ritchie as an example as how the fans would in the main be happier with him than current boss...


bringing royal in last season had the desired effect in pleasing the fans and keeping season ticket sales up at near normal levels,even if it was a waste of time and cringeworthy....


trouble is i cant see penny getting rid of many players,and i cant see him bringing in quality replacements...but its also the style of play as well..we never go for the win from the off,we always try to protect the point we already have...and i cant see him changing his style of play....if the owners decided next season with the relative big boys promoted and out of this league to go for broke and spend a big big budget to get promotion..would people be happy with mr penny spending that amount of cash???

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Plenty of them still have time on their deals. It'll be tough to offload a lot.



That's the worry for me.


2 year deals for a great number of them were handed out by DP to bring them here in the first place. As far as i'm aware; isn't it only Lee & Whitts who's deals are up?


To get shot of Parker et al; It will surely have to involve us paying up the remainder of contracts as who would stump up cash to buy?


Massive clearout is needed; but I fear financial reasons will see to it that it dosn't happen......

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for what its worth i agree...


i was using ritchie as an example as how the fans would in the main be happier with him than current boss...


bringing royal in last season had the desired effect in pleasing the fans and keeping season ticket sales up at near normal levels,even if it was a waste of time and cringeworthy....


trouble is i cant see penny getting rid of many players,and i cant see him bringing in quality replacements...but its also the style of play as well..we never go for the win from the off,we always try to protect the point we already have...and i cant see him changing his style of play....if the owners decided next season with the relative big boys promoted and out of this league to go for broke and spend a big big budget to get promotion..would people be happy with mr penny spending that amount of cash???


I wasn't really disagreeing with you.


DP's sides since he took Doncaster into the Football League have averaged 63 goals per season. Sheridan's 'footballing' Latics side averaged 64. I don't doubt at times this season we've gone out to protect the point we have, though I wouldn't necessarily say this is a particularly DP approach - he's had bad luck with injuries etc and to be fair, whilst I do like to see Latics have a go, there's been that much of a gulf in class at times between the team we've been able to put out and our opposition (Norwich away, Leeds), that a point wouldn't have been a good result. Everyone was delighted with that point at The Valley.


I'm not saying he's not made mistakes. He has. However, given his record (in terms of both achievements and goal tallies), I'd say he's more than capable of turning it around. Unfortunately there are many amongst us who don't want to give him the chance.

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