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Good guy...Good bye

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Good cop!




Bad cop!


I think the level of feeling regarding Parker runs throughout the club, talk about out with the trash in with the new.


"The lads welcomed me with open arms and at least I knew Dave Penney as he signed me for Doncaster from Newcastle."





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Good cop!




Bad cop!


I think the level of feeling regarding Parker runs throughout the club, talk about out with the trash in with the new.


yep good riddance to mr parker....i was one of his advocates when we was going for him,totally based on that season with the lashers and how he ripped us to pieces...seems it was his purple patch and that was it...cant say im angry,lazy :censored:..


so i take it for next season then our dave will be in for one of...heffernan,guy or nardiello....

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Parker should have been played on the wing way more than he has been this season. That's where he's impressed the most.....


due to the fact he sees less of the ball and therefore have less opportunity to see how terrible he is.

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Parker should have been played on the wing way more than he has been this season. That's where he's impressed the most. It was clearly eveident after 6 odd games that he wasn't a striker. On the wing however I felt he could still do a job for us....over Joe Colbeck anyway.



nah hes a forward. no use on the wing he makes some excellent runs up front in behind defenders has a bit of pace, finishing has been woreful he would be in double figures for us if he could finish a one on one. On the wing he doesnt have enuff tricks and is easily muscled out off the ball

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Colbeck over Parker everytime for me. At least the kid tries his damnedest every game. OK, so he's got a first touch like Peter Sutcliffe , but he doesn't lack effort. Can't remember seeing Parker put in the kind of tackles that Colbeck does....

What kind of tackles can you remember Parker putting in?

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