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BBC Highlights - Brentford

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I don't agree with you, I thought Pavs 1st goal was quality, CM's was good but more technical ability was required by Pav :wink:



Strange they didn't show Eaves' Header at the death' IMO that was the best save their on-loan 'Keeper pulled off.


Thought on the night that Reuben was at fault with poor marking for the 1st & 2nd goals; those highlights confirm it. Bad day of the office for Mr Hazell and a rare one with recent form considered.


Pav's 1st was a blinding goal though!!!

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Flahavan to blame for goals two and three imho :wink:


Reuben hazell to be blamed for all goals. First his mad dive header at the ball, then his non marking of their man from the free kick and the last goal his wild swipe at the ball instead of just standing him up. The 1st goal though for once I agree with Dave Penney, 1 man against 2 and he still got a cross in

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