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The Jewish Connection

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Actual transcript of a conversation between Corney and Lee Hughes.


SC: Hi Lee I heard you converted to Islam when you were in prison


LH (dancing): no those allegations weren’t true boss, I’m not sure where they got them from.


SC: Oh dear!


LH: What’s up?


SC: I thought they were true so have [as punishment] secured you a move to Blackpool


LH: why would I want to move there, I’ve already had the clap twice? I want to stay at Oldham, I’m the happiest here I’ve ever been. Did you not see how much I was hugging Shez at the dogs?


SC: well errr …


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Penney is the fall guy for the massive problems we have at the club.


It's beyond dispute that Corney has brought players in over Penney's head, seemingly purely on the basis of their religion. That is a disgrace, the disgrace being the owners are having input in team affairs. Corney's gone public in the past saying he could do a better job than the manager, well on the basis of his 'recommendations' so far I think we can safely put that argument to bed. If we didn't already have Jacobsen for example perhaps we could have held on to Sheehan for the season, or even signed him in August instead of Jacobsen, who's mediocre to put it kindly. Same with Furman, who as a creative midfielder is in the 'Vinnie Jones' mould. Blackman didn't pull up any trees either, far from it.


Personally i'm deeply unhappy with the board apparently using this club as a vehicle for furthering their personal or business ambitions/contacts. The agreement with the Jewish owned Hungarian club where a number of their youth players benefitted from the expertise of professional coaching at our expense for months, none of whom were remotely near good enough for our first team, what was all that about? we seemingly did the same with a young Jewish Australian lad, again his Australian club happens to be Jewish owned.


Surely the point of a club's youth policy should be recruiting players who have the potential to break into the first team, not 'doing favours' for friends or business acquaintances by coaching their players? I may be totally wide of the mark here but I would be amazed if the time and expense the club invested on the Hungarians and the Australian lad couldn't have been more beneficial spent on kids with equal or better ability based in Greater Manchester.


If Corney is to continue playing 'Football Manager' with our club then at least he could attempt to bring in Jewish players who are of sufficient quality to improve the team? How about trying for Benayoun? or seeing we're short on centre halves, Walter Samuel?


Jewish businessmen doing business with other jewish businessmen. WHAT A SHOCKER. If only TTA had never saved us we would have had to put up with such a hardship.

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Jewish businessmen doing business with other jewish businessmen. WHAT A SHOCKER. If only TTA had never saved us we would have had to put up with such a hardship.



And, of course, there have never been examples of clubs signing predominantly Catholics....

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Jewish businessmen doing business with other jewish businessmen. WHAT A SHOCKER. If only TTA had never saved us we would have had to put up with such a hardship.


That's not the point though is it?


Owners signing players cos they share the same religion then the manager getting the s**t when they turn out to be crap, is. Especially when Penney could have brought in players for those positions of infinitely better quality, (like Sheehan.)


And I object to my club being used as a coaching facility for a bunch of substandard Hungarians when those places could and should have been taken by youth players in this area.

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That's not the point though is it?


Owners signing players cos they share the same religion then the manager getting the s**t when they turn out to be crap, is. Especially when Penney could have brought in players for those positions of infinitely better quality, (like Sheehan.)


And I object to my club being used as a coaching facility for a bunch of substandard Hungarians when those places could and should have been taken by youth players in this area.



Very good point!


Maybe that is why the club cant let Penney go because the players are poor when it was the so called MD sorry Director of Football who brought the players to the club???



Unfair dismissal surely ??


Also on this point - Maybe the players shez didnt play were brought in above his head?

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That's not the point though is it?


Owners signing players cos they share the same religion then the manager getting the s**t when they turn out to be crap, is. Especially when Penney could have brought in players for those positions of infinitely better quality, (like Sheehan.)


And I object to my club being used as a coaching facility for a bunch of substandard Hungarians when those places could and should have been taken by youth players in this area.

I am still not convinved that any of our managers did not have the final say.

I think it is more a case of putting these players availalbility to the manager and using their influence.

The fact they have not performed as expected is not limited to the Jewish players.

THe Hungarians were sent home in the end. It was viewed as an investment. Ia ma sure. Who made that decision?

If it was the manager, then he has the final say. If it is the TTA, then it is them that have admitted their mistake.


Of course, when Furman, Colbeck, Jacobson and the Hungarians were signed most people were excited by their potential, or at least waiting to see how it panned out.


And it is not YOUR club, or my club. Like it or not it is THEIR Club. If that is how they choose to spend their hard earned that is their look out.


And please name a amnager that has not made a duff signing whether they are of the same religion or not.

I cannot see how anyones releigion is relevent in the cases you give.

Whether they are good enough is simply the question, and what happens if the manager and the owners think they are not.

Edited by singe
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I am still not convinved that any of our managers did not have the final say.

I think it is more a case of putting these players availalbility to the manager and using their influence.

The fact they have not performed as expected is not limited to the Jewish players.

THe Hungarians were sent home in the end. It was viewed as an investment. Ia ma sure. Who made that decision?

If it was the manager, then he has the final say. If it is the TTA, then it is them that have admitted their mistake.


Of course, when Furman, Colbeck, Jacobson and the Hungarians were signed most people were excited by their potential, or at least waiting to see how it panned out.


And it is not YOUR club, or my club. Like it or not it is THEIR Club. If that is how they choose to spend their hard earned that is their look out.


Are you for real? Who was excited by spending 60k on a player that Bradford didn't deem good enough for League 2 and their fans couldn't wait to get rid of. And a player released from Bristol Rovers.


Furman I'll give you though.

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Are you for real? Who was excited by spending 60k on a player that Bradford didn't deem good enough for League 2 and their fans couldn't wait to get rid of. And a player released from Bristol Rovers.


Furman I'll give you though.

If you are going to highlight a quote at lesat have the decency to highlight the whole quote.


Of course, when Furman, Colbeck, Jacobson and the Hungarians were signed most people were excited by their potential, or at least waiting to see how it panned out.

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If you are going to highlight a quote at lesat have the decency to highlight the whole quote.


Of course, when Furman, Colbeck, Jacobson and the Hungarians were signed most people were excited by their potential, or at least waiting to see how it panned out.


I know many people who weren't even waiting to see how it panned out.

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Catholic ? Do you mean Christian ?



I could equally have said Protestant.


It doesn't matter who they are and it doersn't seem inappropriate for Chairmen - or whoever is in positions of authority at a club- to mine their community contacts.

Edited by LaticsPete
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