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Your team needs you Sat 3rd April

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I won't mention to them the conditions that our lads n lasses have to endure in the Helmand province then shall I? that is what you call hostile!!


Exactly. My eldest is now doing his basic training, so he'll probs be there in a year or so.

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I won't mention to them the conditions that our lads n lasses have to endure in the Helmand province then shall I? that is what you call hostile!!



I didn't say hostile duh!!!!.......that would amount to several ST being thrown in the case of BP :wink:


Its not the same and unfair to compare the two DEAREST...., although shootings at BP may be an idea....hmmm :lol:

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I didn't say hostile duh!!!!.......that would amount to several ST being thrown in the case of BP :wink:


Its not the same and unfair to compare the two DEAREST...., although shootings at BP may be an idea....hmmm :lol:


It's not unfair because it is a real and genuine comparison. Like people going on strike complaining of poor working conditions, they haven't a clue.

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bang on there!!


chickers do you want me to bitch slap you????...on second thoughts best not as you still have my tresspass fleece. :lol:


One day your passion for latics I'm sure will totally knock me off my feet.... :wink:


I'll shake you warmly by an appendage tomoz. You in the Rifle beforehand for Mike's Birthday?

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chickers do you want me to bitch slap you????...on second thoughts best not as you still have my tresspass fleece. :lol:


One day your passion for latics I'm sure will totally knock me off my feet.... :wink:


I'll shake you warmly by an appendage tomoz. You in the Rifle beforehand for Mike's Birthday?


sorry all this love in about how bad the players have it is a bit sickening, they are getting paid well doing a job which involves a bit of crowd berating should they put in a :censored: performance, and adulation should they score a winning goal...they need to take the rough with the smooth, grow a set and start to feel as though they have earnt there salary once a month, not crying to papers that "i dont think i can perform as mr smith might boo at me!" set of overpaid pansy :censored: the lot of them.


ill be in the rifle tomorrow, and im sure i will still be in there working my way thru the jd and the jim beam whilst everyone else goes to massage the egos of people who frankly dont give a :censored: for the club and more worryingly themselves!!

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Not just on the field Tracy. But there's only the players can lift the doom and gloom - on the pitch. I have no sympathy for Taylor, or any of them. They need to grow some bollocks and pull their fingers out, not cry in a newspaper.


I agree Martin, however, its been said that they can't and I can only try and act as I deem fit just like you are now.


Mine is the sympathy route (but only up to a point), yours is "get a grip" and yes that works too and I do like to say it as well after I have had a gutful. Its just that I am not at that stage yet


yes I heard on the old jungle drums Joanthan is in basic training. I hope he is doing well, I think its the best thing any youngster can do and the training to to give em the skills they need.


Maybe a forces boot camp is need for the entire club.


Now I am off shopping in a mo......more pies needed :lol:


I hope we all see a decent game tomoz with plenty of passion on show - well I can only pray to the god of goals for this

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Exactly. My eldest is now doing his basic training, so he'll probs be there in a year or so.



Ah so Jon decided to go for it afterall Martin, good on him!!!


In fact if we get relegated this season I am suggesting that the whole team goes on boot camp during the closed season..... I went to see my mate before the Tranny away game, he is now in a wheelchair after being shot on leaving the army, did I hear him moaning and groaning about life.... NO!! I'm logging off now as this is going to start turning into a rant...

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sorry all this love in about how bad the players have it is a bit sickening, they are getting paid well doing a job which involves a bit of crowd berating should they put in a :censored: performance, and adulation should they score a winning goal...they need to take the rough with the smooth, grow a set and start to feel as though they have earnt there salary once a month, not crying to papers that "i dont think i can perform as mr smith might boo at me!" set of overpaid pansy :censored: the lot of them.


ill be in the rifle tomorrow, and im sure i will still be in there working my way thru the jd and the jim beam whilst everyone else goes to massage the egos of people who frankly dont give a :censored: for the club and more worryingly themselves!!



Yes I agree Chickers like I agree with Martin, :censored: performance? - again agree give it to them at the end of 90mins by all means both barrels too.


Its about the atmosphere tomoz at BP. I am sick of it, I want to walk out there at 4.45pm thinking wow the crowd really made it for me today, rather than the crowd really pissed me off instead.


But we shall see and us fans will act as we seem fit as we all have the passion its just how we are all showing it "hearts on sleeves" and all at the mo. Moaning, cursing, or singing support


Its a funny old game footy, just like our fans are a proper mixed bag of characters too. Its never boring and I can't wait for the game tomoz.


"we love you Oldham we do....." not necessarily the players but "oldham our club"

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Okay we all know its not be the season we hoped and this Sat's game is cruical for a win for us.


I am going to throw this out there tonight and In light of Chris Taylor's comments in tonights Chronicle quote:

"Speaking for myself, I am a bit worried sometimes going out on to the pitch," said the frank 23-year-old.....


"You hear the fans after you make a mistake and sometimes it does get to you when you are on the ball.


"You have to try to ignore it, get on with it and do your job to get out of this situation.


"There are a lot of nervous players, you can tell that. They aren't playing with the level of confidence that allows them to show that they are good players. Unquote


This has been echoed many times by Gregan too, our Captain asking for your support


So, how about we give them a shot, I know some don't deserve it and they have many chances to prove themselves and I know some of you think why the hell should we?


Its a novel idea but then if we do back them and they cock it up, then they can't say its the pressure from the fans can they.


Its easter guys - "season of....oh hell, not good will as that's xmas...season of the chockie crackpot egg"


Is it worth a go?



Additional- wardle has come up with a fantastic idea on another thread - your words to the players and he will try and put them up in the changing room on sat. Show your support, get your message over


They will get 100% support from me from start to finish - I'll even try to hold my tongue when Smalley (if he gets on the pitch) runs up yet another blind alley :wink:


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They will get 100% support from me from start to finish - I'll even try to hold my tongue when Smalley (if he gets on the pitch) runs up yet another blind alley :wink:


Excellent Big dog....I know it will be a strain with regards to smalley, so which patch have you scented in BP so I can try and make you out?

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Can I just clarify to that I am not Dave Penney in disguise as there seems to be an article in the Chon tonight asking for support from us fans.


I do not look like I have chewed a wasp or fidgit with my marbles in my pocket either.


Just wanted to make this known and no I am not related to him or anyone else at the club either that I am aware off....hmmm...second thoughts, maybe I should speak to my mum with regards to this first :shock:

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The reality is Matin that some of our players can't hack the doom and gloom atmosphere, hence Greegs asking for the fans support in the programmes and the Chris Taylor interview yesterday - why I don't know and I am not a qualified shrink to dig deeper -that's for the club


Can I ask you this - don't you want a better atmosphere at BP? Don't you want to sing for your team again - if their effort was there for you to see?


We support don't we - this is your team Martin, how about giving this one go and if it does go wrong them I am sure with your passion you will act as you deem fit

Well I am - and no matter what people think the players should be able to cope with from the stands, they can't, and if people think otherwise, they are wrong. Negativity breeds negativity, which breeds lack of confidence / apathy, which breeds poor performances. Save your negative songs and shouting for after the game.


It's not been a good season, but negativity is only going to be counter-productive. Trust me, I'm a doctor! :grin:

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I was listening to the Exeter commentary on LW this afternoon and was struck by the tremendous backing from their crowd.

Mind you it sounded like the Exeter players give them something to shout about with a battling display.

DP and Latics players take note.

Edited by BP1960
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sorry all this love in about how bad the players have it is a bit sickening, they are getting paid well doing a job which involves a bit of crowd berating should they put in a :censored: performance, and adulation should they score a winning goal...they need to take the rough with the smooth, grow a set and start to feel as though they have earnt there salary once a month, not crying to papers that "i dont think i can perform as mr smith might boo at me!" set of overpaid pansy :censored: the lot of them.


ill be in the rifle tomorrow, and im sure i will still be in there working my way thru the jd and the jim beam whilst everyone else goes to massage the egos of people who frankly dont give a :censored: for the club and more worryingly themselves!!

But they don't always have to be doing badly for the whinging to begin. It's basic behaviour theory:


Do bad - get booed - try harder next time.

Do ok / really well but go a goal down - get booed - learned helplessness (why are we bothering?).


Booing won't get the manager sacked (and if it did, nobody could take over at this stage, with this set of players and make a difference).


Booing won't make the players play better - most of them are trying their hardest - the ones that aren't have no soul and will not be affected by booing).


Booing may make TTA just that bit more likely to just :censored: us off and leave us in the sheite.


Booing will not make the owners think 'oh, the fans don't sound happy, maybe we should sack the manager/put a shed load of money in.....etc' - they know we're not happy already, and can see from crowds and results that we're not going great guns.


There are no positive outcome from booing during a match.

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Well I am - and no matter what people think the players should be able to cope with from the stands, they can't, and if people think otherwise, they are wrong. Negativity breeds negativity, which breeds lack of confidence / apathy, which breeds poor performances. Save your negative songs and shouting for after the game.


It's not been a good season, but negativity is only going to be counter-productive. Trust me, I'm a doctor! :grin:


There you have it chap/chapesses, lets not be the excuse the players need tomorow of not performing.


Lets be the reason they play out of their skins

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I know it's a bit short notice but we can only do what we can



It doesn't matter how little you think it is.....your doing something positive and that's points for me.


IT'S the little bits we are all doing now and hopefully tomorrow, that I am hoping we can pulling it all together and create a better atmosphere for us all, players and fans alike.


And of course a couple of goals for us would help too.... :wink:

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The Chron is reporting that some fans are planning a protest march tomorrow from the QE Hall to the ground....surprised nowt's been said on here. Or is it bull:censored: ?

I've heard that one too. But not from the chron. From what I can tell, it's going ahead .

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The Chron is reporting that some fans are planning a protest march tomorrow from the QE Hall to the ground....surprised nowt's been said on here. Or is it bull:censored: ?


As in full support for our team?...wow this is bigger than I hoped... :wink: ..okay I am blonde but I understand that its maybe a different protest.


Well if it is, I applaud that it is being done before the game and if need be after.


But for 90mins can we try to be one voice?

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But for 90mins can we try to be one voice?


Can we shout, sing and yell loud enough for 4-0 win? With today's results, as long as the Bin Dippers don't chuck a 2 goal lead away, a 4 goal winning margin can take us 16th, above exeter, with a game in hand.


Worth shouting for? Or do you want to boo them into submission, which could see us back in the bottom four? No brainer for me. :dance:

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Can we shout, sing and yell loud enough for 4-0 win? With today's results, as long as the Bin Dippers don't chuck a 2 goal lead away, a 4 goal winning margin can take us 16th, above exeter, with a game in hand.


Worth shouting for? Or do you want to boo them into submission, which could see us back in the bottom four? No brainer for me. :dance:



Interesting Bristol...i can feel a "we want 4 " chant coming on even now.


We'll defo see you tomoz either outside or just inside the RRE.

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