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Biggest change next season

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On the few occasions I make it to BP, it does astonish me that every slight error is jumped upon and the players involved are vilified. There are always going to be occasions where a player (or players) deserve some abuse, but I can't help think that it's just so deeply ingrained into people now that they don't even realise what they're doing.

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but I can't help think that it's just so deeply ingrained into people now that they don't even realise what they're doing.


So what... Leave them to it... Its always been like that...


You go, you moan, you shout, you scream, you even swear... You cheer, you cry, you dance, you sing...


Its bloody football!! Thats what its all about....

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Once... People like you make me never want to go again !



aww....want your dummy back...lol..you may need it as a spare for you off spring


Love the fact you can't hack a positive vibe around BP to venture to the ground more than once a season.


You take the rough with the smooth thats what being a latics fan is all about. A clean slate that's all is being asked for next season


So thanks for all your "support" of your team....... and I won't debate with you on the subject again.


I have met Lee so I can understand where he is coming from... you however are a bit of an enigma so


"you are our weakest link....Goodbye"

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On the few occasions I make it to BP, it does astonish me that every slight error is jumped upon and the players involved are vilified. There are always going to be occasions where a player (or players) deserve some abuse, but I can't help think that it's just so deeply ingrained into people now that they don't even realise what they're doing.


Its never warranted when it is verging on personal, as the 's**t yorkshire b*****d' chants were,

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Its never warranted when it is verging on personal, as the 's**t yorkshire b*****d' chants were,


Its probably best I don't go any more... Its all change so much in the last 20 years... I don't miss the hooliganism, I miss a proper football atmosphere though....

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aww....want your dummy back...lol..you may need it as a spare for you off spring


Love the fact you can't hack a positive vibe around BP to venture to the ground more than once a season.


You take the rough with the smooth thats what being a latics fan is all about. A clean slate that's all is being asked for next season


So thanks for all your "support" of your team....... and I won't debate with you on the subject again.


I have met Lee so I can understand where he is coming from... you however are a bit of an enigma so


"you are our weakest link....Goodbye"


You really should try and step back and work out why latics is becoming a private members club these days...


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So thanks for all your "support" of your team.......


That is the whole problem... You feel you are in a position to judge the level of support other fans give... Why concern yourself with it ? Just be happy people want to pay £20 to watch the dross that is served up...


I only went one game... That much is true... You think that is the be all and end all when it comes to my support...


I know I have given more to the club than the average fans money wise... I know I will be there if they REALLY needed me there again like a number of years ago... I neither seek or want the approval of others... but it does make all wonder why bother supporting a club though... The fan unity is pretty terrible... Was always a big factor in years gone by..

Edited by oafc0000
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So what... Leave them to it... Its always been like that...


You go, you moan, you shout, you scream, you even swear... You cheer, you cry, you dance, you sing...


Its bloody football!! Thats what its all about....


That is the whole problem... You feel you are in a position to judge the level of support other fans give... Why concern yourself with it ? Just be happy people want to pay £20 to watch the dross that is served up...


I only went one game... That much is true... You think that is the be all and end all when it comes to my support...


I know I have given more to the club than the average fans money wise... I know I will be there if they REALLY needed me there again like a number of years ago... I neither seek or want the approval of others... but it does make all wonder why bother supporting a club though... The fan unity is pretty terrible... Was always a big factor in years gone by..





I agree whole heartedly with everything in bold, however, I don't think this club is unique on its fanbase, if things are going well on the park things will go well on the terraces, its sod's law, you've only got to look at Chelsea in the season just gone, they were being booed if they were drawing ffs, never lost a game at home, the thing there is that the crowd who used to go back in the day have now been priced out, normally working class people like myself just couldn't afford the £70 that they are asking down there, it's some of my mates who I feel for, not hooligans either.

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My two pence worth!


Since the premiership was formed the divide between the players and the fans has slowly but surely widened. Working class ppl like ourselves see how much money these guys are being paid, even at league 1 level, and feel justified to jump on the players backs at the slightest sign of lack of effort! For this very reason some fans, for example lee sinnot and 0000, will now crusify players at every opportunity. I agree the majority of performances have been unacceptable this season, but so has some of the abuse from fans towards players! Put another way, if I was being called a :censored: for 90minutes. I would be much less inclined to give a rats arse about giving that extra 5% effort, that can make all the difference in football! Knowing this as an Oldham fan, I would keep stum with personal abuse full stop. Unless of course these fans wish to see our team's performance suffer? :unsure:

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I agree the majority of performances have been unacceptable this season, but so has some of the abuse from fans towards players! Put another way, if I was being called a :censored: for 90minutes. I would be much less inclined to give a rats arse about giving that extra 5% effort, that can make all the difference in football! Knowing this as an Oldham fan, I would keep stum with personal abuse full stop. Unless of course these fans wish to see our team's performance suffer? :unsure:

Couldn't agree more. I was as infuriated as anyone by the piss-poor performances this season, but i don't know what people thought they were gonna achieve by hurling incessant abuse at the players. Much as i wasn't a fan of Dean Brill (although he did improve after being dropped, his early season performances were some of the worst i've seen from a Latics keeper), i don't know why the bloke in the Chaddy end who kept bellowing "have a shot, you'll score past this useless b*st*rd" thought that would help the defence. I'm not saying people aren't allowed to lose their temper and mouth off, but when it's constant right throughout the game,there's just no need for it. Call me a happy clapper if you want.

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There's a time and a place for being negative about players and the manager...during 90 minutes is never it...ever (I better do the IMO!) Ya can say that's boring, elitest or whatever...do it in the pub afterwards or on here by all means...I hated Butcher and Talbot but never boo'd them or sang for their heads. Did all that over a beer or on JKLatics. The posionous attitude within the club (at games) is a mark of the way society has changed...the same people who go on about "I'm a paying customer and I'm entitled to my say" are usually the same ones who slag off the Red Scum for turning sport into business and being everything they're against in football. I've never seen myself as a customer of Latics...if I did, I'd be complaining about faulty goods endlessly!

Edited by boundaryblue80
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Who says so ? You ?


No offence but you are not the authority on what people can or can not say.. If there is a problem in the support base its people like you who think every fan has to adopt the way you hold yourself and if you don't you will verbally attack them...


There is scene in the film ID... It shows loads of fans taking the piss out of there own player... Then the player scores and all as one they sing his name aloud...


Its called football... Its dead now I suppose...


Give me that over this bloody blind faith, love you to I die crap / won't hear a negative word uttered... Its boring..


Football is about passion... Not reason...



Arrghh – can’t believe I’m typing this; but…..+1. Arrrghh; I feel wrong just typing that……………..



Anyways; Latics fans come from all walks of life; are all of different ages & all obviously have different personalities. The way they choose to support their club is down to them.


I personally cannot ‘stand’ it when that stand up if you love Oldham song gets sung. It’s usually accompanied by glaring looks from the ones who have stood towards the ones who haven’t stood. As if standing up for less than 1 minute really shows that your love is greater than someone who hasn’t. It’s cringey and it’s sad.


On match days; I sit close enough to the pitch to be heard by the players. I’ve got a pretty loud voice too which helps to reach further onto the pitch as well (!). I use this to shout encouragement to the Latics players; and to give sh&t to the opposition. That’s just what me and my mates do. It’s not right and it’s not wrong. I don’t expect that every fan around me should do the same. I sit around people who barely say a word all game; but I don’t glare at them, ‘offer them out’ or berate them for their lack of vocal support. They’ve paid their money and they can choose to act as they wish on match days.


I wasn’t overly impressed with the Penney Out song and the people who sung it prematurely at games; but at the end of the day; they have paid to come and watch the club they support – and they choose to sing it; which they are free to do. If we all expected to conform to the same routine, if we all are expected to support our club in exactly the same way; then it’ll be the end of football.


At Latics and at every other club in the land, within the fan base there will be the singers, the silent types, the young kids and the pensioners, the inebriated and the sober, the encouragers and booers. All are there because they care & support the club. How they choose to show that care & support is entirely down to them. A call to arms to every single fan to engage in some blind happy clapping is a noble notion; but it is flawed from the start.


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Arrghh – can’t believe I’m typing this; but…..+1. Arrrghh; I feel wrong just typing that……………..



Anyways; Latics fans come from all walks of life; are all of different ages & all obviously have different personalities. The way they choose to support their club is down to them.


I personally cannot ‘stand’ it when that stand up if you love Oldham song gets sung. It’s usually accompanied by glaring looks from the ones who have stood towards the ones who haven’t stood. As if standing up for less than 1 minute really shows that your love is greater than someone who hasn’t. It’s cringey and it’s sad.


On match days; I sit close enough to the pitch to be heard by the players. I’ve got a pretty loud voice too which helps to reach further onto the pitch as well (!). I use this to shout encouragement to the Latics players; and to give sh&t to the opposition. That’s just what me and my mates do. It’s not right and it’s not wrong. I don’t expect that every fan around me should do the same. I sit around people who barely say a word all game; but I don’t glare at them, ‘offer them out’ or berate them for their lack of vocal support. They’ve paid their money and they can choose to act as they wish on match days.


I wasn’t overly impressed with the Penney Out song and the people who sung it prematurely at games; but at the end of the day; they have paid to come and watch the club they support – and they choose to sing it; which they are free to do. If we all expected to conform to the same routine, if we all are expected to support our club in exactly the same way; then it’ll be the end of football.


At Latics and at every other club in the land, within the fan base there will be the singers, the silent types, the young kids and the pensioners, the inebriated and the sober, the encouragers and booers. All are there because they care & support the club. How they choose to show that care & support is entirely down to them. A call to arms to every single fan to engage in some blind happy clapping is a noble notion; but it is flawed from the start.

Cant' help but agree with such a well written piece. Totally agree! Well said (written)!!! :comeon:

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There's a time and a place for being negative about players and the manager...during 90 minutes is never it...ever (I better do the IMO!) Ya can say that's boring, elitest or whatever...do it in the pub afterwards or on here by all means...I hated Butcher and Talbot but never boo'd them or sang for their heads. Did all that over a beer or on JKLatics. The posionous attitude within the club (at games) is a mark of the way society has changed...the same people who go on about "I'm a paying customer and I'm entitled to my say" are usually the same ones who slag off the Red Scum for turning sport into business and being everything they're against in football. I've never seen myself as a customer of Latics...if I did, I'd be complaining about faulty goods endlessly!






Edit: Add another +1 for Sly's post also!



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