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Definitely not Gray...

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That can only be a good thing IMO

Gray gone...


I agree, I think he has the makings of a good manager one day - he has summat about him BUT the mob wouldn't have given him a fair chance, rightly or wrongly because of his links to Penney. Will he now try it go alone or link again with DP?

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I for one am glad the gerbil has left, if you look like a 6ft gerbil you cannot command the respect of the Oldham public.


I once met Martin on a night out in Soho. I won't go into details suffice to say Victor Ubogu could barley walk afterwards. Martin is a big man with a big part, err sorry heart, but I thought that night he didn't have the head to be able to win people round and seems I was right.

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Genuinely wish him good luck wherever he goes, and I hope that his next job is as a manager, rather than following Penney as a number two.


But I think given the budget reduction, this was his job to lose. Obviously dont know what was said in the interview but I think any chance he had of winning the fans over went when


1) Instead of coming out and being his own man, he went on in an interview to say how shocked he was and how he respects Penney. Given Penney was arguably the most unpopular manager since Graeme Sharp, this was his chance to distance himself from Penney and come across as his own man. This he failed to do miserably.


2) He had a chance with the Charlton game to get the team to give the fans a performance (not necessarily win the game). Although I do not think it is fair to judge a manager on one game, like it or not there would have been a fair few latics fans who would have judged him on that game, and although I was not there, by all accounts, and after talking a good talk before the game, it was more of the same defensive :censored:e.

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