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Mike Newton

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Southampton tried that trick though didn't they (well kind of). It was southampon leisure holdings that went into administration, not Southampton FC, and it was on that grounds that they tried to dodge administration, but the league overruled it, stating the two organisations were linked.


The point is... were there is a will you can find a way...

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I also get the impression (if ihis interest in football reignited at Oldham) his contacts are not much further than the Business Development (ie Sales!) person

who's CV reads



Suspect tried to be bought in at Oldham

Tried to be bought in at Port Vale


That's a pretty downward spiral if you ask me.


I really like his insights into the club, I liked the fact he benchmarked with other clubs (ie Leeds whislt he was here!) but he has more than a touch of the Tony Blair for me.

Bullsh** baffles brains.

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Port Vale fan in peace here.


As you may or may not be aware, one of your former directors, Mike Newton has proposed a £500k investment into Port Vale.


For his investment he wants to become Chairman, and to appoint a new CEO.


One of the gripes amongst his detractors is that he is said to have been a disruptive influence in and around the footballing side at Oldham last season.


Anybody know is this is true, and what are your thoughts about Mike Newton and his time as an Oldham Director?


Thanks in advance.



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Port Vale fan in peace here.


As you may or may not be aware, one of your former directors, Mike Newton has proposed a £500k investment into Port Vale.


For his investment he wants to become Chairman, and to appoint a new CEO.


One of the gripes amongst his detractors is that he is said to have been a disruptive influence in and around the footballing side at Oldham last season.


Anybody know is this is true, and what are your thoughts about Mike Newton and his time as an Oldham Director?


Thanks in advance.




Thought Penney and Gray were the Bees Knees despite being the most negative unambitious management team we've had since Graeme Sharp and Colin Harvey in the mid-90s, likes the sound of his own voice, forever at the training ground - read into that what you will...

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Port Vale fan in peace here.


As you may or may not be aware, one of your former directors, Mike Newton has proposed a £500k investment into Port Vale.


For his investment he wants to become Chairman, and to appoint a new CEO.


One of the gripes amongst his detractors is that he is said to have been a disruptive influence in and around the footballing side at Oldham last season.


Anybody know is this is true, and what are your thoughts about Mike Newton and his time as an Oldham Director?


Thanks in advance.



Very open.

Posted excellent regular blogs on the official website.

However left after a disagreement at boardroom level.

He wanted to appoint Martin Gray after DP got sacked, but was a disagreement about this and he left.


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Port Vale fan in peace here.


As you may or may not be aware, one of your former directors, Mike Newton has proposed a £500k investment into Port Vale.


For his investment he wants to become Chairman, and to appoint a new CEO.


One of the gripes amongst his detractors is that he is said to have been a disruptive influence in and around the footballing side at Oldham last season.


Anybody know is this is true, and what are your thoughts about Mike Newton and his time as an Oldham Director?


Thanks in advance.




Will echo what some others have said on here


Very open guy (although maybe too open)


Although I believe the disagreement was over not putting enough cash into the club to warrant his level of involvement.


I believe it was Newton who dismissed Penney, but he also openly wanted to appoint the other half of the most negative, uninspiring management team we have seen at BP since Graeme Sharp in 1995, to manager, which would have probably resulted in Season Ticket sales not reaching 1500.

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Interesting thoughts, and ones that almost exactly mirror what is being said on the Vale message boards.


I've nailed my colours to the mast in favour of Newton. With a Board that don't have pot to piss in, and who have openly said that they have taken us as far as they can, I feel that we don't have any other choice. Plus the fact that I don't see a queue of rich Vale fans lining up to invest.


The main gripes against him are:


a) he's a Stoke fan

B) he left Oldham - why?

c) he's a Hedge Fund Trader and

d) he's got bad hair and a dodgy suit.


He has given proof of funding, and whilst people feel that he's trying to take control on the cheap, the rules of our share issue prevent this as no single investor may purchase anymore than 24.9%. At present Robbie Williams is our largest shareholder with 24.9%.


People seem to be clutching at straws in order to attempt to discredit Newton, but there isn't one scrap of factual evidence as to why Newton would be bad for our club.

Edited by Memphis Mafia
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Interesting thoughts, and ones that almost exactly mirror what is being said on the Vale message boards.


I've nailed my colours to the mast in favour of Newton. With a Board that don't have pot to piss in, and who have openly said that they have taken us as far as they can, I feel that we don't have any other choice. Plus the fact that I don't see a queue of rich Vale fans lining up to invest.


The main gripes against him are:


a) he's a Stoke fan

B) he left Oldham - why?

c) he's a Hedge Fund Trader and

d) he's got bad hair and a dodgy suit.


He has given proof of funding, and whilst people feel that he's trying to take control on the cheap, the rules of our share issue prevent this as no single investor may purchase anymore than 24.9%. At present Robbie Williams is our largest shareholder with 24.9%.


People seem to be clutching at straws in order to attempt to discredit Newton, but there isn't one scrap of factual evidence as to why Newton would be bad for our club.


By the sounds of it though, those 'people' are the existing board members? At the end of the day I would imagine if they turn it down they will have the vale fans to answer to.


He may be a stoke fan but look at the flip side, local lad who knows the area well and the mentality of the people who live there?

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By the sounds of it though, those 'people' are the existing board members? At the end of the day I would imagine if they turn it down they will have the vale fans to answer to.


He may be a stoke fan but look at the flip side, local lad who knows the area well and the mentality of the people who live there?


At least an Oldham fan can see it. Some Vale fan's think the sun shines out of our Chairman/CEO's arse, depsite the fact the he has presided over the worst period on the pictch in recent history, has appointed 3 failed managers and is just about to post £500k losses despite breaking even on projected gates, and having some of the best cup runs for years.


I coudn't possibly comment on board members starting rumours in order to discredit Newton. I couldn't possibly comment on rumours that a 'senior club official' told anybody within ear shot that if Newton comes on, then Micky Adams will be off. Not my place to comment on said rumours! :wink:

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At least an Oldham fan can see it. Some Vale fan's think the sun shines out of our Chairman/CEO's arse, depsite the fact the he has presided over the worst period on the pictch in recent history, has appointed 3 failed managers and is just about to post £500k losses despite breaking even on projected gates, and having some of the best cup runs for years.


I coudn't possibly comment on board members starting rumours in order to discredit Newton. I couldn't possibly comment on rumours that a 'senior club official' told anybody within ear shot that if Newton comes on, then Micky Adams will be off. Not my place to comment on said rumours! :wink:

Would you like some back ground info on Martin Gray or Dave Penney now or wait until one of them is appointed?

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Here is my Vale fan mates brief synopsis of the latest Mike Newton Forum for the fans last week.




* Mike has upped his offer to 500k. 200k would come in now, 200k at the end of the season and 100k into an emergency transfer fund for Mickey Adams if needed.




* All of the 500k would be share purchases, none would be loans.




* He has guaranteed NEVER to take a penny out of the club in any way shape or form, not even in expenses.




* He has said on record that no-one will interfere with the playing side; training, team selection or signings or anything. Mickey has his full support.




* He would not give an exact figure but has said Graham Shaw would be paid LESS as CEO than Bill Bratt and that Graham Mudie as deputy CEO would be given a token wage.




* He was at the Barnsley game not at the Vale game because he was working. He thought that it would be a token gesture to go the game in London and thought working to try and get ideas on how to take the club forward from Barnsley and Rochdale.




* Someone called Deborah was at the meeting, she is New Business Manager at Leeds and has worked with Ken Bates for 14 years. He feels Leeds are a good example of what to aspire to as they have come out of administration and now make a profit.




* All directors that didn't stay on would be offered ambassadorial roles.




* All board meeting minutes would be made public as well as who voted for what.




* No directors will be allowed to take any expenses out of the club and would have to pay for match tickets for away games.




* He wants a female director on the board.




* He has rejected the boards offer of a directors role because he feels that the board as it is doesn't get anything done and is too political.




* He will take on all directors guarantees on the loans, thus increasing his ties to the club.




* He doesn't feel that there is any gain in property deals at the moment.




* He will evaluate where the club is in 3 years and stand down if he feels he has failed.




* The Directors Lounge would be opened up.




* He would do a full audit of all expenditure when he come in, and have third party experts to check for things like "golden shares".

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Would you like some back ground info on Martin Gray or Dave Penney now or wait until one of them is appointed?


The only way Micky Adams would leave Vale is if Sheffield Utd came in for him (he's a lifelong Blade) or if we got promoted and a bigger club came in. If he went after we were promoted, then it shows that he and the team have been a success.

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The only way Micky Adams would leave Vale is if Sheffield Utd came in for him (he's a lifelong Blade) or if we got promoted and a bigger club came in. If he went after we were promoted, then it shows that he and the team have been a success.

I assume you know there's a vacancy there!

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Some interesting stuff here. A mate of mine is involved at Vale and gets to see quite a bit from his seat in the box. He's certainly no fan of Bratt that's for sure, and I get the feeling there's more than a few people at the club using Newton as an opportunity to get rid of the current regime - something they've been trying to do for some considerable time.


As for Newton himself, he strikes me as being in a similar mould to the current owners at Latics. Self made men who are football fans and fancy a go at owning a club. Limited experience on the football side, which can lead to some expensive mistakes, particularly in management appointments.


On the face of it, I think the main reason Newton left Oldham was that he didn't manage to attract the level of new investment that was hoped for. I also suspect he may have trodden on the toes of the Managing Director a few times. Personally I think he was already on his way out by the time he was backing Martin Gray for the then vacant manager's post.


I'm certain his experience at Oldham whetted his appetite. And it may be that he's more effective when in complete control, which he wasn't at Oldham.

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I see Mike Newton's promised to steer clear of team matters which, I believe is a good thing for football club owners to do.


At Latics, following the 0-0 at Bury last pre-season, he stated to our other directors that Chris O'Grady was not the striker for us. COG was packed off to Rochdale and we brought Keigan Parker in. The rest, as they say, is history.


I personally wasn't bothered about COG leaving, plus I was reasonably pleased about signing Parker. Sigh, I obviously know as much about football as Mikey boy.

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I see Mike Newton's promised to steer clear of team matters which, I believe is a good thing for football club owners to do.


At Latics, following the 0-0 at Bury last pre-season, he stated to our other directors that Chris O'Grady was not the striker for us. COG was packed off to Rochdale and we brought Keigan Parker in. The rest, as they say, is history.


I personally wasn't bothered about COG leaving, plus I was reasonably pleased about signing Parker. Sigh, I obviously know as much about football as Mikey boy.


Kind of


Mentioned this in chat today but his investment bid has been rejected.


One of the things mike newton wanted to do was run the youth academy independently of the first team,whereas adams wanted control over all footballing matters and indicated he would walk if this was not the case.


Full reasons given by the board listed here



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