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Retirement at the end of the season

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By the way, I'm not saying he shouldn't retire. He deserves it, and he will go with the best wishes of many.


(Yes, I know we're assuming alot here, if this is all nonsense I hope Alan will at least appreciate the sentiment!)


I also tend to agree with Lookers Carl - the club needs new blood. (Oops, bad analogy there... :unsure: )


It's just that I got the impression some on here will be glad to see the back of him, and I find that deeply unfair.

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On lunch today I have been told that there will be a shock retirement at the end of the season.


The Big Cheese is calling it a day and I dont mean Corney !


I know I dont post often I just read the board but this was way to juicey not to mention.


Life after Hardy ??? What will it be like?


Hardy retiring more chance of Fergie walking out on United. I would put me money on it being a steward or even chaddy or some long time staff member employed by the club. Proberly the tea lady to be replaced by a brand new hot drinks machine.

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Funnily enough, I think that is esactly what fergy will do at the end of the season.


It's coming home to roost at Yoonited. For the majority everything was rosy whilst they were winning trophies. Now there's a sudden realisation that their squad is ageing with a lot of average younger players coming through. Rooney was their one and only box-office draw, when he goes, he leaves behind an average team no longer able to compete. A bit like when a certain talisman left in 1974.


I think the penny is beginning to drop amongst the 'real' United fans. I can see them hanging onto their top four place by the skin of their teeth but then doing a Liverpool.

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It's coming home to roost at Yoonited. For the majority everything was rosy whilst they were winning trophies. Now there's a sudden realisation that their squad is ageing with a lot of average younger players coming through. Rooney was their one and only box-office draw, when he goes, he leaves behind an average team no longer able to compete. A bit like when a certain talisman left in 1974.


I think the penny is beginning to drop amongst the 'real' United fans. I can see them hanging onto their top four place by the skin of their teeth but then doing a Liverpool.


I think the s**t will hit the fan in 2013-2016, when I believe is the period the banks will be recalling their loans from the glaziers.

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:lol: It does appear to be going a bit pear shaped down at the theatre of :censored:houses, just watch the 'fans' start falling off the bandwagon left right and centre. :grin:


Was reading a couple of their message boards last night and so many are in denial it is untrue! Their support is fractured and that will be very damaging imo. I took great interest in the Liverpool situation and on the web at least it was a collective fight against Hicks and Gillett. The United fans certainly don't seem to have the stomach for the fight the Scousers had with many Man Yoo simply stating "What difference can we make?" Simply shows them up for the plastic, glory hunting toss-pots the majority of their fanbase are!

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