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............... Lee and Jones asking the other scum to adopt us!!! Yeah, i know they're not 'legends' from their time at OT but Jesus H Christ, enough is enough!!!


This is getting bleeding embarrassing now :ranting:





Your an idiot, why not try and get some help.

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we might as well fold the club now. Whoring yourselves. To them. And people think it's a good idea. For shame! Where were you in '84? Never forget, never forgive. What about the children? "oh Daddy, thanks for taking me to Manchester City Day, thanks for showing me it's ok to like the richest club in the world who just happen to play down the road (and would be a lot closer soon if some of you crazy fools had your wishes fulfilled - dont worry though, your wishes wont be fulfilled because you're following false prophets).

as the Chaddy used to sing every single home game.........




AND S*** ON THE B******* BELOW

Football has in some ways changed for the better since the 70's and 80's but by God I dont care much for the 'new' fan. Servile wretches.

Right, off to bed now - try and beat that for rant of the day (and I havent even been drinking).


For those who weren't born (or alternatively too young to remember) care to explain what happened in 84 then?

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Ha ha, not quite sure what you were trying to say but I'm sure you got it!!!


It doesn't openly invite them to wear their colours, if any bother coming on Saturday, I'm sure they won't need pointing out!!


Getting at that we need the money..

also you said 'but this is an open invitation to turn up in their team colours and lord it up in our back yard.' so your implying that they are going to turn up in their team colours when it aint been mentioned they will/should..



you might need a 3rd one... :wink:

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we might as well fold the club now. Whoring yourselves. To them. And people think it's a good idea. For shame! Where were you in '84? Never forget, never forgive. What about the children? "oh Daddy, thanks for taking me to Manchester City Day, thanks for showing me it's ok to like the richest club in the world who just happen to play down the road (and would be a lot closer soon if some of you crazy fools had your wishes fulfilled - dont worry though, your wishes wont be fulfilled because you're following false prophets).

as the Chaddy used to sing every single home game.........




AND S*** ON THE B******* BELOW

Football has in some ways changed for the better since the 70's and 80's but by God I dont care much for the 'new' fan. Servile wretches.

Right, off to bed now - try and beat that for rant of the day (and I havent even been drinking).

Now I hate them tossers more than the next man, except maybe when you are the next man, but I still don't mind trying to get them through the gate. There were always a fair number that went to us and either of the :censored: down the road even back in the day when the Chaddy could get a lickle lively. I share wouldn't not sing songs abusing them though, part and parcel of going to any home stand is that you like or lump what the regulars think.

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............... Lee and Jones asking the other scum to adopt us!!! Yeah, i know they're not 'legends' from their time at OT but Jesus H Christ, enough is enough!!!


This is getting bleeding embarrassing now :ranting:




Always one that bloody moans, club can't do anything right! no wonder they want out!

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so the club are trying to get new fans through the gates and there are still people complaining.


i seriously hope the #we hate man u and city too' chant is not sung on saturday, it'll only send the city fans away

Lets go a step further and sing some citeh songs too eh? I'm all for the club taking money off anyone's hands, but stopping singing chants that are sung week in week out at Boundary Park just so as not to offend a few Citeh fans is ridiculous. As if the few who turn up on Saturday are likely to return anyway...

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The argument that we need the extra few quid City season ticket holders will contribute is bollocks.


Firstly, we're talking miniscule sums in football terms.


Secondly, the revenue generated by the 50 or so City fans that turn up will be offset by the 50 or so Latics regulars who borrow a City mates season ticket to save a tenner (which is what exactly I'd do if I could face the shame of unveiling the thing at Boundary Park).


Thirdly, I'm firmly in help shiny's camp. If the mancs want to come and watch us off their own accord that's fine, but actively pleading and incentivising them to come is plain cringeworthy.

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I thinks it's called a special relationship:

Bill Spurdle

Bobby Johnstone

Ken Branagan

Harry Dowd

Bert Lister

Tony Henry

Kenny Clements

Paul Heaton

Roger Palmer

Willie Donachie

Earl Barrett

Rick Holden

Paul Warhurst

Paul Moulden

Steve Redmond

Jimmy Frizzell

Joe Royle

Paul Dickov

Gerry Taggart.............


to name but a few.


When the people of Oldham have turned their backs on the Club, we have to be glad of anyone's money. :disappointed:


Bernard Halford

Jim Cassell

Frank Bunn

Ian Thompstone

Chris Killen

Futcher twins

Edited by oafcprozac
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Always one that bloody moans, club can't do anything right! no wonder they want out!


....... by getting another teams fans to adopt poor old us???? If they leave because fans don't like this idea, I'll help them pack.



P.S it was the cites that destroyed the big flag in the Chaddy at a pre-season friendly.... so much for brotherly love!

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What is wrong with trying to bolster support? Why can't people see the positive in this. Not only is PD the best manager for ages, but he really seems to care about the club. If the idea works great, if not so what? The negativity on here at times is pathetic. Oh and as for

"some of my mates who pay £20 to get in BP have simply borrowed mates citycards, and will be paying £10 less this weekend" that will really help Latics I don't think


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some of my mates who pay £20 to get in BP have simply borrowed mates citycards, and will be paying £10 less this weekend.


I'm so pleased that my £10 per month PlayerShare donation is being negated by fans who cannot, or will not look at the bigger picture.


As much as the club needs a wealthy benefactor to fill the TTA void, without the fans contributing financially too, we may as well give up now.

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I'm so pleased that my £10 per month PlayerShare donation is being negated by fans who cannot, or will not look at the bigger picture.


As much as the club needs a wealthy benefactor to fill the TTA void, without the fans contributing financially too, we may as well give up now.


/\ This.


Using the city cards or season tickets if you're a regular Latics fan negates the whole idea of the club trying something different to bring in a fresh revenue stream.


Whilst it doesn’t quite feel ‘right’ – I applaud the club for at least trying something to bring in some more money. The Dickov Vs Reid match-up may just bring 100 or so city fans in at £10 a head; but that will be totally wasted by the fans like my best friend daztwonk mates who use the offer to save some cash for themselves.


In instances like this; the club is dammed if they do; dammed if they don’t.

Edited by slystallone
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For those who weren't born (or alternatively too young to remember) care to explain what happened in 84 then?

I could write several hundred words on what I remember from the home game in 1984 but I'll condense it into this - there was an extremely vicious outbreak of football violence, many many people were beaten up by our City 'brothers', if it happened today it would be international news and if modern day standards were applied hundreds of people could have been imprisoned for what they did that day (before anyone scoffs at that - I was at Watford-Luton a few years ago and was 5 rows fom the fighting which was less than 5% of the ferocity of what went on at Boundary Park and 14 people got prison sentences for it).

Then there's all the other 'fond' memories of City fans in the years following that.





edit - and if anyone of you bemoaning people's reactions to it werent there in 1984 then I ask you this....if it had happened in the past few years and you had been caught up in it and then they had a drive to get City fans to come to watch us what would you say? If you would still say "ooooh, yes take their tenner, it's all money in the bank" then there's no convincing you but if you think you might bear some kind of grudge then I say to you this - understand where us recalcitrant ones are coming from on this.

AND YOU HARDY - you were there that day in 84. I remember because I was a programme seller who got mugged - I still have a warm glow from the concern I received. Honk!

Edited by help_shiny
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