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Ritchie Jones

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I for one am very pleased about Sat and overall this season,


but I have 1 major gripe with Dickov


Jones isn't a wide player! The last 3/4 games ive seen him he has been dire (apart from 45 minutes against Colchester on the left)


Why is Dickov insisting on playing him there ? Is it because he feels we have no one else or does he feel he will come good ?


From my understanding Jones was midfield Wellens esc player at Hartlepool but here he is looking like a poor footballer out on the left.


I suppose then you say what options do we have ?


Put Taylor back there?

Play Holdsworth and play Lee pushed up ?

Dare I say give Smalley a chance?

Millar ?

Play Black and Evina and play Lewis on the Right ?



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I for one am very pleased about Sat and overall this season,


but I have 1 major gripe with Dickov


Jones isn't a wide player! The last 3/4 games ive seen him he has been dire (apart from 45 minutes against Colchester on the left)


Why is Dickov insisting on playing him there ? Is it because he feels we have no one else or does he feel he will come good ?


From my understanding Jones was midfield Wellens esc player at Hartlepool but here he is looking like a poor footballer out on the left.


I suppose then you say what options do we have ?


Put Taylor back there?

Play Holdsworth and play Lee pushed up ?

Dare I say give Smalley a chance?

Millar ?

Play Black and Evina and play Lewis on the Right ?



thats sounds best option, evina was showing midfielder quailties running at defenders taking them on swinging the ball in.

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I for one am very pleased about Sat and overall this season,


but I have 1 major gripe with Dickov


Jones isn't a wide player! The last 3/4 games ive seen him he has been dire (apart from 45 minutes against Colchester on the left)


Why is Dickov insisting on playing him there ? Is it because he feels we have no one else or does he feel he will come good ?


From my understanding Jones was midfield Wellens esc player at Hartlepool but here he is looking like a poor footballer out on the left.


I suppose then you say what options do we have ?


Put Taylor back there?

Play Holdsworth and play Lee pushed up ?

Dare I say give Smalley a chance?

Millar ?

Play Black and Evina and play Lewis on the Right ?




Agree , but would play Black (when fit ) with Evina on left and Taylor right , bring Kelly or Feeney in to play upfront with Tounkare.

One of the things i don't understand is that Jones publicly said one of the main reasons for leaving H/pool was because they played him on the wing and he didn't like it.He wants to play central midfield , yet we are doing exactly the same !!!!!!!!!!!

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Agree , but would play Black (when fit ) with Evina on left and Taylor right , bring Kelly or Feeney in to play upfront with Tounkare.

One of the things i don't understand is that Jones publicly said one of the main reasons for leaving H/pool was because they played him on the wing and he didn't like it.He wants to play central midfield , yet we are doing exactly the same !!!!!!!!!!!

Jesus he was once worth £750,000 :shock:



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Disagree, calling his performances dire is a tad harsh.


I think him (Jones)and Lee work well and he puts a lot of balls into the box. However, as you quite rightly point out he is no winger. Neither's Lewi in all honesty. BUT we've tried playing two out and out wingers before and paid the price. We all called for Smalley and Taylor to be played as out and out wingers two years ago. Shez relented and the season fell apart and we never regained any momentum after being hammered at Hereford. PD is aware of the limitations in our squad and Peterborough apart no-one's made a mug of this season.


Jones for me is a very good footballer, who looks distraught every time he is subbed. I'd like to see him play inside BUT despite his poor run Stephens was the man who scored the penalty on Saturday and it was his assist that won us the game, so like it or not it or not it was job done and he's joint top-scorer.


As for Evina, yes he looks good going forward but can't defend for toffee, I would much rather have Black at LB. It seems we've signed Morais to play wide, PD doesn't rate Smalley and obviously deems Millar not be ready. I think we do benefit from playing Lewi and Jones out of position as it tightens the midfield unit, if we had wingers bombing on we'd be very exposed and despite our lack of width at times this season goals have not been a problem. The only reason we saw the amount of width we did on Saturday was that Plymouth were willing to conceded the flanks in favour of bodies in the middle.


Back to Jones and Lee - both stand out like sore thumbs and rarely give the ball away. You simply can't whack an Old Trafford education - if only our centre-mids we're so good on the ball. Hang on, I may be onto something there....

Edited by oafcprozac
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I actually think we work well with Jones and Alessandra playing wide - especially when they interchange with the fullbacks.


Occasionally a little bit more urgency from these two. Fewer kicks from Brill to Jones please (Alessandra doesn't win headers when it's kicked his way, but he does something clever to win a throw-in more often than not that allows us to build an attack).


As for Alessandra, I'd like to see him get to the line more and cross, and when he cuts inside to shoot I'd like him to try getting it on target - this season is set up for him to make double figures! He does, however, still have this ability to make it awkward for opponents to win possession.


But I'd be reluctant to change the shape of the team as, despite it not being perfect, it's doing ok.


(How many goals have been created down the right with Jones and Lee interchanges? ... it's a fair few).

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drop Stephens, Jones to partner Furman in centre midTaylor back to the wing with Kelly, (for whom the floodgates will now open), up front with The Chin.

Whilst I take a lot of what Prozac says; I too agree with you Harry that Stephens is due a ‘rest’ (or dropped as they used to call it!). Whilst he did indeed score the penalty; he frustrated the hell out of me on Sat with his lack of intelligence in possession of the ball. When a team has 9 men; you don’t need to force it; space is readily available if you use your noggin – too many times Stephens tried to play a Hollywood ball; and only succeeded in surrendering possession. I lost count of the times he tried to dink / float a ball out to Evina / Mr Morris (!) for it to fall short & Drugid pick it off. Short 5 / 10 yard passes were the order of the day; he didn’t need to play the way he did. Whilst he may now be joint top scorer; his form has been very hit & miss (more miss really) and I think PD should be looking to freshen up in the centre............and for me I’d have a look at a Furman / Jones partnership for a few games.


As for the OP; IMO Jones has been far from dire – he’s done a pretty good job on the right; and when coupled with the great right hand side partnership that he has formed with Lee; I think it’s a bit harsh on him tbh.


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I think he works hard he just looks massively out of position IMO



i dont think he does.

he has a bit of ability on the ball a, burst of pace when he needs can win the ball in the air and links well with Lee and he Jones will tackle - at this level hes a decent player - does no one remember having smally on the pitch!

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i dont think he does.

he has a bit of ability on the ball a, burst of pace when he needs can win the ball in the air and links well with Lee and he Jones will tackle - at this level hes a decent player - does no one remember having smally on the pitch!

Ive not said he isnt a decent player , I just dont think RW is complimenting him or the team !

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dont forget Stephens got the assist for the winner!


Yes Stephens has not been as good as he was at the start of the season but he is a quality player and always gets involved, you notice his mistakes because of the high standards he has set himself. Give me him over someone like Whitaker who the game just passes by any day of the week.

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