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Woolas Election Declared Void


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Thanks for the offer but, respectfully and regrettably, I must decline. I didn't say I was sharing anything with the group anyway, least of all you. I said I'd tell Leeslover tomorrow when we're out boozing to mark his birthday. He'll be whistling a different tune then, just as you will soon enough.


Signing off.


Must be a load of Ed Balls then.

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Well I'm sure Leeslover will be happy to pass it on.


Woolas has been shown in court to be a self-serving, arrogant, lying, filthy little weasel willing to stop at nothing to cling on to the pathetic remains of his political career.


Whereas you, Mr Tulsehill, are merely full of :censored:.

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You should have told them then. Watkins would have been stuck then. I don't think there'll be any personal attacks in the by-election. All parties will be scared off with this verdict.


I didn't know then what I know now. You're right that the parties will be on their very best behaviour publicly, but the scrutiny applied by journos and voters will be just that wee bit more fierce than usual. I do not expect the rerun suddenly to herald a new era of after you Claude politics. The lesson learned will be to do your character assassination via the good old fourth estate rather than your own literature.

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Well I'm sure Leeslover will be happy to pass it on.


Woolas has been shown in court to be a self-serving, arrogant, lying, filthy little weasel willing to stop at nothing to cling on to the pathetic remains of his political career.


Whereas you, Mr Tulsehill, are merely full of :censored:.


That's very nice of you to say so.

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but the Lib Dems, for certain and Conservatives, in all probability, have now been proven to lie on a policy level.


Well, no. It's a coalition government. No policy promises for the Tories or Liberals from before the government are valid. Although one could argue that if they both had the same policy which is reversed - then that could count.

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Must be a load of Ed Balls then.


Fair enough. It was stupid of me to claim special knowledge of something and then decline to share it. It's a bit like those kids who wind other kids up by saying they've got a secret when they haven't.


Apologies all round. Tonight for tea I'll be having a massive fish pie.

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The doctor nearly had a point but didn't quite get over the line. Section 106 relates specifically to false statements about an opponent's character, meaning it's okay to make and break promises. You can also legitimately make false or misleading statements about your own character. The candidate who present himself or herself as the good Christian to harvest votes, and who then achieves Internet porn stardom, does not fall foul of the law. You only have to answer for false or misleading statements you make about someone else.

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Woolas is a total arsehole... Something of the stuff appearing in election leaflets is pretty bad these days and I am very surprised this is the only case which has been brought forward. Some of the lies and bollocks from a certain MP from this area got right on my tits. Lucky for her she did the right thing and quit recently after her drubbing in the election.

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Woolas is a total arsehole... Something of the stuff appearing in election leaflets is pretty bad these days and I am very surprised this is the only case which has been brought forward. Some of the lies and bollocks from a certain MP from this area got right on my tits. Lucky for her she did the right thing and quit recently after her drubbing in the election.


Whose side are you on? What makes you think Watkins and the law and the court aren't the arseholes in this case?

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+1 the biggest camera chasing, short legged, two faced little weasel I have ever met, chameleon tendancies and deserves all the stick he will get. :bobby::behead::hanged:


If you knew anything at all about politics and politicians you would know that most politicians are a great deal worse in all kinds of ways than Woolas.

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Whose side are you on?


The side of decency ? I don't see why just because I am a Labour member I have to automatically come out in support of this turd.


What makes you think Watkins and the law and the court aren't the arseholes in this case?


I have read the election leaflet and it was pretty rough stuff... I have no reason to distrust the "law" on it outcome... I have no opinion on Watkins to be frank...

Edited by oafc0000
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I'm not by any extent a Labour man, but Woolas stood up for Latics in our time of need, something (although unsuccessful) I won't forget.


He also claimed tampons on expenses which wasn't great.


A great many latics fans decided their votes regarding Latics. Well, I for one saw this guy at the PV game working to get our future built. Each to their area, but lets not forget who was working for us at our time in need.

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Not being funny here, OS, but the support of Latics is nothing more than "lifebelt to a drowning man" to Woolyarse. Give the guy a populist, vote-creating bandwagon and he's there.


I still visit old friends and ex-colleagues in Lees/Springhead/Saddleworth and regularly chat to them on the phone and the concensus is that Woollyarse makes all the right noises when media turn up but doesn't answer letters and e-mails from the little man on local issues which still (until today) form part of a constituency m.p.'s duties.


I really don't care who gets elected just so long as he/she fights for the people who elected him/her.

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Whatever opinions we may or may not have received about Mr Woolas from time to time from people who have had experience of him, let's focus for a moment on the matter in hand:


Declaring the May poll result void, Mr Justice Nigel Teare and Mr Justice Griffith Williams said Mr Woolas knew all three statements were untrue, and was therefore guilty of illegal practices under election law.


They said: "In our judgment to say that a person has sought the electoral support of persons who advocate extreme violence, in particular to his personal opponent, clearly attacks his personal character or conduct.


"It suggests that he is willing to condone threats of violence in pursuit of personal advantage.



"Having considered the evidence which was adduced in court we are sure that these statements were untrue. We are also sure that the respondent had no reasonable grounds for believing them to be true and did not believe them to be true."


I am amazed that anyone can be so shameless as to condone this behaviour. If the other bloke has been buggering cats or whatever, then I hope that comes out as well and he also slides into political oblivion, as place where Woolas should never have risen from. One does not excuse the other.

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Interesting one this. First test of the grass roots Lib Dem support. I suspect, but may well be wrong that entering into a coalition with the Tories is tantamount to political suicide nationally but in OE & S I also suspect that many people who have voted LD are closet Tories voting to keep Labour out. On balance though I predict another narrow Lab victory.

Edited by Wozzer
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