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Latics out of the FA Cup

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Its a good job i was driving today as if i'd had a drink i would have probably cracked a few today. One tit in particular was roaring at Brill for the first goal, real loud offensive drivel as he came over for a ball and he would have def heard it. It was just disgraceful. Yes, i think he was at fault for the second but he made about 10 saves that kept it from being a Celticesque scoreline. Some of the fans really need to get a grip. Yes we were unbelievably crap in the first half but for Gods sake, screaming at the players like that will do no help at all.....


Second half, i thought we were much better. Taylor showed a lot of passion, Evina looked good, Winchester looked comfortable going forward but a bit shaky for the first 5 mins of the first half. Hazell...... hmmmmmm...... Mvoto is tasty upfront but isnt a striker.....


Yeah im really disappointed but with a bit of luck it will be a big kick up the arse for them and they can thrash Udders next week.


Onwards and upwards.

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The first hour was shambolic, the defending was non existant and accrington could have easily been 4 or 5 up!

It was embarrassing to watch, they wanted it far more than us and that is just not acceptable to me.

Whether the players thought we could just cruise through i don't know but the attitude was all wrong.

Credit to accrington though, they applied themselves superbly.

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It really was a shocking first hour or so.


The pitch was a bit of a shocker, and the ball didn't bounce true, but some of the tackles where we our lads were turning their backs and being waltzed around were embarrassing.


They did apply themselves after going 3-0 down and played some good football from that moment onwards, and I'll take some plus points from Winchester and Feeney for their contributions.


I thought Black had a mare, Hazell was poor and M'Voto the defender awful (although M'Voto the striker was superb winning nearly everything in the air). Jarrett had one of the worst 45 minutes that I've ever seen from a Latics player. Stephens really does need to invite others to take the occasional free kick. Evina's first half was poor, the second signficantly improved. Taylor and Tonk worked hard enough and Tonk deserved a goal with his effort. Jones? I don't think I quite get what he's about.


What about the manager? I think he got it wrong on Furman and Lee, but I understand why he did it. Many on here have asked the question about playing Jarrett or Jones in centre midfield. They both got a chance to do that today and both got the hook. Dickov obviously has something that motivates the players, but it shouldn't need a half time fire-up talk or a throw the centre half forward in the last 20 minutes decision to make it happen.


Not impressed, although I suppose if Feeney's goal had counted or Black's (?) chip had hit the net instead of the post we'd be hailing the magic of the manager.


In the end it wasn't good enough and Latics fans deserve better. The orange ball was hard to see, their floodlights were crap and the pitch was a shocker. Oh, and their number 4 and goalkeeper a complete pair of tossers.

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It really was a shocking first hour or so.


The pitch was a bit of a shocker, and the ball didn't bounce true, but some of the tackles where we our lads were turning their backs and being waltzed around were embarrassing.


They did apply themselves after going 3-0 down and played some good football from that moment onwards, and I'll take some plus points from Winchester and Feeney for their contributions.


I thought Black had a mare, Hazell was poor and M'Voto the defender awful (although M'Voto the striker was superb winning nearly everything in the air). Jarrett had one of the worst 45 minutes that I've ever seen from a Latics player. Stephens really does need to invite others to take the occasional free kick. Evina's first half was poor, the second signficantly improved. Taylor and Tonk worked hard enough and Tonk deserved a goal with his effort. Jones? I don't think I quite get what he's about.


What about the manager? I think he got it wrong on Furman and Lee, but I understand why he did it. Many on here have asked the question about playing Jarrett or Jones in centre midfield. They both got a chance to do that today and both got the hook. Dickov obviously has something that motivates the players, but it shouldn't need a half time fire-up talk or a throw the centre half forward in the last 20 minutes decision to make it happen.


Not impressed, although I suppose if Feeney's goal had counted or Black's (?) chip had hit the net instead of the post we'd be hailing the magic of the manager.


In the end it wasn't good enough and Latics fans deserve better. The orange ball was hard to see, their floodlights were crap and the pitch was a shocker. Oh, and their number 4 and goalkeeper a complete pair of tossers.


I 100% agree with all of that. Evina and Black don't like being attacked by a winger. Shame really as they are fullbacks. Evina is a class act going forward.

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When are managers going to realise that us fans LOVE the FAcup, we live for days like Everton , Man city and trips to Wembley, its those sort of days that keep us supporting teams like latics, hoping and hoping for some good times and for yet again the prospect of another one of "those days" being given away so cheaply is nearly unforgivable. Anything less than a win next week wont be accepted by me as an excuse for not playing our best team today. I hope PD learns his lesson

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Absolutely not, they were simply left out because of the yellow card situation and it being Huddersfield on Saturday. I guarantee this was the case!!



Unless you have a position in the club that non of us are aware of you absolutely CANNOT guarantee this was the case. I admit i do love a good conspiracy theory but you have to admit something smells fishy here.


The best two players of the season

The best two chances of getting any money from players come January

Both are dropped - and not brought on when we were fighting back and really could have done with them


Think it smacks of naivety if you cant admit that there is something behind it.

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Unless you have a position in the club that non of us are aware of you absolutely CANNOT guarantee this was the case. I admit i do love a good conspiracy theory but you have to admit something smells fishy here.


The best two players of the season

The best two chances of getting any money from players come January

Both are dropped - and not brought on when we were fighting back and really could have done with them


Think it smacks of naivety if you cant admit that there is something behind it.


The manager has to take the blame for disrupting the team, this 'resting' of perfectly fit players players or those near suspension has crept in over the last few years and many clubs have paid the price for followng this trendy tosh, Latics are just the latest.

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