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Time for more honesty and realism

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With the match on/off prospect reporting. Whilst I can see leaning to the optimistic side may mean less people plan other things I am getting mighty fed up on a friday afternoon being told it looks likely to beat the cold snap only for what we knew deep down the match would be off the next day. Seems a bit pedantic on the face of it but like today I had to go to the train station to catch the booked train just in case on the strength of the false reporting yesterday.

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It's a difficult one, they could have called it off yesterday and saved everybody the bother of setting out, but they chose to give it every chance and inspect on the morning of the game.


Where as last week if we had waited until the morning of the game we would have played in 10 degree temperatures.

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It's a difficult one, they could have called it off yesterday and saved everybody the bother of setting out, but they chose to give it every chance and inspect on the morning of the game.


Where as last week if we had waited until the morning of the game we would have played in 10 degree temperatures.


Like I said, I can see they thinking. Those two instances everyone knew the forcasts and everyone knew which was gonna be playable and which one wasn't!

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Game would have taken place if it had been on friday. Game couldn't be played saturday. Right decision made.


How many times have there been severe weather warnings and all that has happened is a light sprinkling of snow?


It's harsh for people who booked trains etc but there's not much you can do when the weather decides to turns nasty. It's just bad luck.

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Q. Had the club coach set off?


A. Yes at 8:00am and the coach was well into its journey when the match was called off.



Q. Why so early when normally it only takes 3 hours to travel the 166 miles from BP to MK?

A. Presumably to allow for any unexpected hold-ups.....er..... and to go for a swim and some boxing.....er....and have breakfast....er.... plus an indoor training session....er... and then have a light lunch and still get there in plenty of time.


Q. OK, but why so early when the Club would have contacted MKD before setting off and it was reported on the OS that there was to be a pitch inspection at 9:30?



That’s a good question. :unsure:

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The rarely-wrong Chron reports that the team coach, which set off at 8am in poor weather, had reached the Midlands by the time the game was postponed following a 9.30am pitch inspection on the morning of the game.


“It puts the safety of the players at risk when driving down in those conditions, along with anyone else who had set off,” said Alan Hardy, who felt that an earlier inspection would have been more appropriate given the minimal chances of the pitch at stadium:mk being fit for play.


The rarely-cynical Chron says that the MK Dons postponement gave a team with only one fit forward — Jabo Ibehre, a target man with no goals to his name in 17 league appearances this season — a chance to regroup, after three losses in a row plus an FA Cup exit to League Two club Stevenage. :shock:

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