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Andy Holdsworth Contract Cancelled

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Holdsworth - Gaffer I have the chance to go to club X, can we cancel/terminate my contract.


PD - OK Andy no problem you wern't going to play here anyway between now and the end of the season.


Holdsworth/Agent - Great. Now about Andy's settelement!!


AH - Settlement? Don't be silly you know weve got no money and need to clear the decks. Lets be blunt here boys. Andy's contract here is £A basic per annum, £B appearance money per match and £C win/draw bonus. He aint going to play here so he aint getting B or C and he's out of contract at the end of the season so won't be in the shop window. If he goes to club X he's going to get those appearance and bonus monies that we aren't paying. Your choice boys - Oh and did I mention he hasn't got a contract from July 1st onwards yet??


Holdworth/Agent - Fair enough, were off. Need to go and make a phone call.


All very nice but I bet the club has had to pay something. As has been said already, hopefully not very much.

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It may be as simple as:


"If you stay you will earn £20,000 between now and June assuming you don't play. You tell us you have a club lined up that will pay you £15,000 for the same period of time. You are asking for the £5k difference, but we're offering you £2,500 because hopefully you'll get appearance fees elsewhere".


Followed by a punch up.


Or a mature negotiation.

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I'd hate to think we're paying for things we don't need. Therefore I'm happy to see him go. If Lee is injured or banned for a game I'd happily chuck Winchester in who will be on very small wages and has already had a few scouts looking at him. So playing the kids is money in the bank really be it via reduced wages, possible transfer fees or just improvements from game time.


Also lowers our average age a bit.

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Agreed, but I also dont think it is beyond the wit of even a footballer to know that we havent got any money.


Player - "I want to leave"

Latics - "OK then, good luck"

Player - "you need to pay up my contract (or at least 3 months, cos Singe said you have to)"

Latics - "Weve got no money to pay off players, sorry. You'll have to stay and fight for your place on the bench for the stiffs"

Player - "Sod this, I'm off. There's another club who actually wants me and I get chance to get goal/win/appearance money"

Latics - "OK, we'll agree to cancel (not terminate) your contract. Good Luck and make sure you score against us when you come back - everyone does"

Latics Player - beep beep beep "destination out of order."



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Agreed, but I also dont think it is beyond the wit of even a footballer to know that we havent got any money.


Player - "I want to leave"

Latics - "OK then, good luck"

Player - "you need to pay up my contract (or at least 3 months, cos Singe said you have to)"

Latics - "Weve got no money to pay off players, sorry. You'll have to stay and fight for your place on the bench for the stiffs"

Player - "Sod this, I'm off. There's another club who actually wants me and I get chance to get goal/win/appearance money"

Latics - "OK, we'll agree to cancel (not terminate) your contract. Good Luck and make sure you score against us when you come back - everyone does"

Player - "You've no worries there, me owd fruit. I'm going to Brizzle Rovers. I won't even get over the half way line, let alone score"




Reason for edit: Wish I'd seen the post above beforehand. I feel a bit daft now.

Edited by Bristolatic
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