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Letters/emails to Councillors/MPS?

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Is there any actual plan here or are we just randomly going to send stuff to everyone and anyone who we might think matters? I think there needs to be a bit more structure to it.


This issue is a local one, not national. So I think we should keep it to that. Let the council and the local MP's know your feelings.


Be assured though the council do want professional football in the borough despite all the problems we've faced to date.

I do agree we need a plan, but one thing I know is if the councillors smell a copy and paste job they naturally ignore them

SO the fact it is indivual people writing is far more powerful.

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How about a petition,using the template letter?

Template letters are very much ignored, if it's you in your writig it will be powerful


It would be good to get a petition in time for Monday, but I fear time is short

Anyone know an online version, questions and we cn viral link.


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Template letters are very much ignored, if it's you in your writig it will be powerful


It would be good to get a petition in time for Monday, but I fear time is short

Anyone know an online version, questions and we cn viral link.


If we're going to do a petition then I think perhaps after our next home game against Carlisle? Should be able to get a fair few numbers on a petition then.


What are we petitioning about?

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I'm clinically cutting out individual letters from assorted newspapers and magazines as to send one of those letters that show them that I mean business... I thought writing it in my own blood was probably a step too far.

To save getting arrested, by showing your true feelings, why not just send them a pic of your avatar!

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If we're going to do a petition then I think perhaps after our next home game against Carlisle? Should be able to get a fair few numbers on a petition then.


What are we petitioning about?

given the liekly attendance, the Carlisle would have been a good game to do it. Not that I would be able to help in that.

I am happy to help in the online side of things.

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Here's my email to Michael Meacher:


Dear Sir,


As my local MP please could you advise me of the best way to put pressure on Oldham M.B.C. to ensure that they answer publicly the criticisms laid out within the Charity Commission report (see attached) on the proposed Failsworth Land Swap.


This is one of a series of serious errors that council officers representing my tax money at work have made which will or may at least result in a lawsuit which will cost who knows what amount of money. The Vance Miller case being another recent example. The pounds I pay in tax I pay willingly to share in the long term prosperity of Oldham and its population; however I feel that my money is being wasted at an extraordinarily level by O.M.B.C.


Can I refuse to pay a percentage of my Council Tax in a legal manner until they get their house in order?

I suspect that the answer is no.


The council argue that there is no other plots of land fit for leisure purposes within the Oldham boundaries; I disagree. There is a huge area of land which is currently ear marked for a championship quality golf course by the council. Surely with at least 4 private golf courses within the borough on which golf enthusiasts (of which I am one) can arrange a game of golf for relatively cheap sum of money, there is no need for a council owned golf course.


Oldham Athletic is a key PR feature for the town of Oldham. Wherever I go travelling with work you can guarantee that people will have heard of 2 things Oldham Athletic and the Oldham riots. Are there any other towns who are willing to put their flagship businesses at risk. Bury, Huddersfield and Rochdale have all received significant and telling support from their borough council in achieving their best potential; Oldham however would let OAFC rot and die.


I live in a town sir which boasts none of the following amenities for its town folk:


A cinema

A bowling alley

An Ice skating rink

A roller skating rink

or any other such leisure centric facilities.


It’s a disgrace and I would very much like your help in taking O.M.B.C. to task for its failings.


Yours Sincerely


Graham Turner


As yet I have had an acknowledgement from his PA, but no response. I only sent it yesterday to be fair!!


his email address is: meacherm@parliament.uk


I would suggest that the same format using surname and first initial would work for any other MP that you might wish to contact.

Just one thing. I don't think it's the Council that have been saying there are no other plots of land for us to develop. As far as I'm aware I've only ever heard the club say that.

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Just one thing. I don't think it's the Council that have been saying there are no other plots of land for us to develop. As far as I'm aware I've only ever heard the club say that.


Correct, there are other plots of land in Oldham available for development as was said in the Council meeting on Monday.

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Yes lets its a good start and of course with the protest march too.


It has just take me all of 2 mins to find my local councillors email, used the template kindly done above with minor adjustments to it and sent it.


Say 3,000 emails from fans hitting their inbox and they are going to take note. I will have a dabble at getting this on Facebook

i said this last week.everybody should get in touch with there mp and also send a letter of compaint to the head of oldham council,he wont like having lots of emails and letters sent interupting his workshy days...


also go one further and send them to the sports minister as well.....im sure if enough people send letters something will happen...

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Reply from Michael Meacher


"Thanks for your email.


I am currently in discussions with the Labour Group on the Council about this issue who appear to be looking for an alternative site. I will get back to you as soon as there is any news.


Best regards,





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Bashforth & Harrison for me :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Everyone in Oldham has three councillors. Unfortunately, I don't rate your chances of a decent reply from your third councillor either... and she'll be gone in May.



John McCann is the cabinet member for redevelopment, and as such will be on the Failsworth sub-committee. He's a Lib Dem, but try not to hold that against him - he's a decent bloke who actually seems to have a foot in the real world.

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Get him to promise he won't help, then we will actually see some help from him.




I think this might of come a few months too late I could of reminded him how his party let people of the town down in the past and how it could of been a factor in lost votes

Edited by Tommy_Fent
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Before the election, I emailed Debbie Abrahams on various issues including asking if she had plans to bring investment into Oldham, her thoughts on the town's negative image and if she had any views on how she could benefit Oldham's professional sports team. I received a bland stock reply thanking me for my support, without a specific response to the issues I raised. I put that down to her being busy with campaigning etc.


I sent another email last week suggesting that she gets involved with our plight and am yet to receive a response.


Think of that what you will.

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If we're going to do a petition then I think perhaps after our next home game against Carlisle? Should be able to get a fair few numbers on a petition then.


What are we petitioning about?

Macca, sorry been in meetings.

THere are two online petitions that look reasonable

1. Seems to be about National issues nd looks quite professional, other non football fans may see it

2. Seems to ahve been used for quite a few football petitions so might have a few footballs fans looking in

Which looks best?


1. Go Petition

2. Petition On lone

You are right about what we are petitioning about, it's a bit tricky

What about?


We, the undersigned call, on Oldham Council to deveote proper resources to help Oldham Athletic build a new stadium in the borough of Oldham?

Seems abit wordy, but its not a simple request.

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if people are making a petition, shouldn't we ask the club what they think the best thing to petition for is because it should help the club as much as possible

In view of the statemetns from both the club and Oldham Council I thinka neutral standpoit might be best.


We the undersigned implore Oldham Athletic and Oldham Council to work together to keep League football in the borough of Oldham, and work tfor a modern self sustaining stadium.


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My Letter to my local MP (roger hindle) for st james area please feel free to use as a template;


Hello Mr Hindle,


I am a local resident from the St. James district of Oldham, I have been advised to contact you with my complaint against Oldham council.

I am a big Oldham athletic fan who has followed the club since I was old enough to understand the concept of football and at this moment in time I feel very let down by my local council.

Oldham Athletic's recent proposal to move to a new ground in Failsworth has fallen through because of errors made by the Oldham Council in requesting a land swap through the charity commission.


For Years I have supported my team through thick and thin, albeit in a stadium not fit for our current position. A new stadium would have brought Oldham Athletic into the 21st century, with state of the art facilities and a pleasant enjoyable experience for young and old alike. Oldham Athletic are great ambassadors for our town and also get involved with the local community through education and sport and have given many children opportunities that they otherwise would not have been given.


A new stadium would have propelled us forward, not just as a football club, but also as a community. Currently, if I want to get involved with any leisure activity I either have to travel to Ashton or Rochdale to get a satisfactory experience, the only thing Oldham has to offer is Yorkshire street and its nightclubs, a place that is so dangerous it has been the subject of many TV documentaries over the years.


The new stadium could have offered more than just a place to watch football, we could have our own facilities; bowling alleys, arcades, cinemas, roller skating, there were so many possibilities for the people of Oldham with this proposal and it could have also attracted more people into the town.


If the Oldham council is not here to protect the interests of the people of Oldham then what exactly is it here for? For too long have we seen politician after politician come and go without leaving any positive legacy in the town.


I want to know what the council plan on doing to rectify this error, I don’t want another long-winded answer, which basically means they are going to do nothing, it seems that we only really hear anything from our council when they are not in power or it is near election time, and even then its just 10% half promises and 90% printing leaflets about how bad the other parties are.


Oldham Athletic is a way forward for the town and I ask you, as my local representative to stand up for us, show us that you fight for us, stop all this madness of overpriced marketing gimmicks and make the council show the people why we should have faith in them.


Thank you for your time,

Sean Elliott


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