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David Heyes MP

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His actual letter in full:_


Here's his actual letter. Think about what he is saying if you are going to write to anyone.


Charlie Parker

Chief Executive

Oldham MBC

Civic Centre

West Street





7 February 2011


Dear Charlie


I am in receipt of a copy of the judgement of the Charity Commission in respect of the Land at Lower Memorial Park. It is clearly a damning indictment of the handling of this matter by the Council, including Councillors having conflicts of interest, seriously flawed consultation processes, equally flawed decision making processes and the suggestion that the entire approach was based on a predetermined view that the land would definitely be sold.


When this matter first came to light I wrote to the Charity Commission to tell them how much the people of Failsworth value this piece of open space. Many constituents have told me that they see it as a testament to the bravery of members of their own families who died, not only in the First World War but in the Second World War and other more recent conflicts. I told the Charity Commission that when Failsworth Council accepted the gift of this land it was clear that it was understood this would be provided as recreational ground as an abiding memorial to people who gave their lives in World War One. I also said that “given the body of evidence it is my view that the land in question should be deemed to be held in trust. If the council are seeking to make a case that the land should not be considered as held in trust then, in my view, they are acting against the public interest”.


In my view, my constituents in Failsworth have been badly let down by Oldham Council and by you as its Chief Officer. The Charity Commission report refers to the consultation process and concludes that “the Commission cannot see how the Trustee has adequately informed itself of the views of the people of Failsworth”. The report suggests that the consultation was too narrow and started from the assumption that the land would be sold and states that “the consultees were provided with inadequate information about the duties of the Trustee”. There is also mention of one of two public meetings that were held about Oldham Athletic’s proposals being held outside of Failsworth. At the time that meeting took place I know that Failsworth Labour Councillors objected to the location of the meeting and also to the fact that it clashed with a local public meeting that has been in the diary since Annual Council and that all Councillors had to attend. Most damning of all is perhaps the suggestion that despite 58 of the 66 Failsworth people who responded to the online consultation rejecting the proposals the trustees were subsequently advised in a written report that “the result should be viewed as insignificant”.


I have never felt that the Failsworth site was suitable for Oldham Athletic to relocate to and have been clear on this point throughout. However, I do feel that in mishandling this situation the council has also treated Oldham Athletic Football Club and its fans disgracefully. For over a year now they have been led to believe that their acquisition of the land at Failsworth was a foregone conclusion. All of their plans for the future have revolved around this. It is clear that there was a political imperative within the Council’s administration to help solve Oldham Athletic’s site issues. However, it is surely your responsibility to ensure that decisions are based on accurate and comprehensive advice and information. It is obvious from the Charity Commission’s Judgement that this is not what has happened. As a result of this fiasco the press around this indicates that the situation could ultimately result in the end of Oldham Athletic playing in Oldham, which would clearly be a tragic outcome.


I will be watching carefully to see how Oldham MBC responds to the Charity Commission’s report. I understand that the council has the option of appealing the decision. In my opinion this would not be a reasonable use of council resources in what are already difficult times financially. I certainly do not believe that the majority of council tax payers in the Failsworth part of my constituency would be supportive of such a course of action. It is to be hoped that the council has learned some lessons from the Vance Miller case and that we will not see futile actions in an attempt to defend the indefensible. Nor should there be any scapegoating of relatively junior officers. In terms of accountability it is surely the Chief Officer of the council who should take responsibility for the systemic failure of processes, advice to members and governance in this matter.


I would appreciate it if you would respond to the points raised in this letter as soon as possible.


Yours sincerely,


Member of Parliament


Edited by oafcprozac
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This guy's whole approach is to make political capital ahead of the local elections.


He doesn't have Oldham Athletic's interests at heart.


He isn't representing his constituents in Failsworth (who's employment opportunities are lower without the development).


He is simply trying to earn Labour more votes.

Edited by opinions4u
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Maybe so opinions4u but it's quite a damning letter of the councils failure's. Heyes has no tie's to Latics and you cannot fault him for looking after his constituents who had expressed he do so.


thats how i read it...


he is very scathing of the council,which is to be expected in political willy waving....and also suggests its pointless appealing against the decision as he will fight tooth n nail to make sure it doesnt go through.....

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