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Time To Be Realistic

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Morning all,


I've been a Latics fan for the last 35 years, we've always been on the fringe of 'something good'. Only for us to throw it away when we get anywhere near. I think we should all look at exactly what is happening within the club and deal with it.


Oldham Athletic along with Boudary Park was purchased buy TTA not because they are hard core Oldham fans, but because they saw a real chance of making a decent return, plain and simple. We were advised of a '5 year plan' to get us into the Championship. This was only going to happen if two things happened at the same, decent coaching staff acquired + v good playing staff. We were only ever going to achieve this by spending hard capital via the owners, and they would have known this. We've had only x1 of the x2 at any one time, not both.


TTA were only ever going to make a return on their investment if they were to either, sell the ground, or develop it and slowly watch gates rise and then sell a more attractive realestate to a perspective interest.

Boundary Park redevelopment was quickly given a thums down after the economy crash, there should have been a back up plan to re-develop the site.

Why wasn't there?

Because they're NOT OLDHAM ATHLETIC FANS, they are businessmen. Boundary Park isn't in their hearts like it is ours.

Money was spent to aquire land at Failsworth but not enough effort was made to ensure plans were pushed through. Trust me, if they were really keen it would have happened. I firmly believe this to be true. It went on forever and a day with no real signs of strength from us. Merely propagander bull with no meat to the bone!

They have gone down the road which we all have to follow so they can move out and still sell BP for a profit and not have a few thousand fans screaming for their blood. Which I firmly believe will happen WHEN, not if we become the next Plymouth.

Don't forget we have worse gates than Plymouth which are on the decline. It's just a matter of time, trust me. WE WILL STRUGGLE CLOSE SEASON TO PAY WAGES WITH NO INCOME FROM GATES.

I'll still be at BP or where ever next season, so long there is a club to follow but things a pretty bad guys!! It's going to become a reality for some of us very soon.

SC pays v good lip service but scratch away underneath and you'll uncover a cold businessman with profit his priority not the club, just like the rest of TTA. Look at how they have just left us in the mire!! Shocking!! We were told they would only leave if / when new owners WITH THE CLUB AT HEART came in. Hasn't happened yet they still leave!!


I for one would like the current owners/owner to leave now, if that meant us going into administration then so be it but it. Puts us in with a real chance of finding a new owner for the club with dreams like ours (silent partner Scholes anyone??). I'm sick and tired of reading threads from the club and fans about the same thing over and over. Nothing is going to happen under the current regime, look at what they've done to BP. It's the worse stadium in the league.


We have cancer of the cash flow and it looks terminal!!

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Morning all,


I've been a Latics fan for the last 35 years, we've always been on the fringe of 'something good'. Only for us to throw it away when we get anywhere near. I think we should all look at exactly what is happening within the club and deal with it.


Oldham Athletic along with Boudary Park was purchased buy TTA not because they are hard core Oldham fans, but because they saw a real chance of making a decent return, plain and simple. We were advised of a '5 year plan' to get us into the Championship. This was only going to happen if two things happened at the same, decent coaching staff acquired + v good playing staff. We were only ever going to achieve this by spending hard capital via the owners, and they would have known this. We've had only x1 of the x2 at any one time, not both.


TTA were only ever going to make a return on their investment if they were to either, sell the ground, or develop it and slowly watch gates rise and then sell a more attractive realestate to a perspective interest.

Boundary Park redevelopment was quickly given a thums down after the economy crash, there should have been a back up plan to re-develop the site.

Why wasn't there?

Because they're NOT OLDHAM ATHLETIC FANS, they are businessmen. Boundary Park isn't in their hearts like it is ours.

Money was spent to aquire land at Failsworth but not enough effort was made to ensure plans were pushed through. Trust me, if they were really keen it would have happened. I firmly believe this to be true. It went on forever and a day with no real signs of strength from us. Merely propagander bull with no meat to the bone!

They have gone down the road which we all have to follow so they can move out and still sell BP for a profit and not have a few thousand fans screaming for their blood. Which I firmly believe will happen WHEN, not if we become the next Plymouth.

Don't forget we have worse gates than Plymouth which are on the decline. It's just a matter of time, trust me. WE WILL STRUGGLE CLOSE SEASON TO PAY WAGES WITH NO INCOME FROM GATES.

I'll still be at BP or where ever next season, so long there is a club to follow but things a pretty bad guys!! It's going to become a reality for some of us very soon.

SC pays v good lip service but scratch away underneath and you'll uncover a cold businessman with profit his priority not the club, just like the rest of TTA. Look at how they have just left us in the mire!! Shocking!! We were told they would only leave if / when new owners WITH THE CLUB AT HEART came in. Hasn't happened yet they still leave!!


I for one would like the current owners/owner to leave now, if that meant us going into administration then so be it but it. Puts us in with a real chance of finding a new owner for the club with dreams like ours (silent partner Scholes anyone??). I'm sick and tired of reading threads from the club and fans about the same thing over and over. Nothing is going to happen under the current regime, look at what they've done to BP. It's the worse stadium in the league.


We have cancer of the cash flow and it looks terminal!!


If they do leave we'll be back to 2003 with the owner holding all the cards BUT with one BIG difference, in 2003 the council owned the ground, now it's owned by a couple of men in New York. Personally I wouldn't shed a tear if people did leave, but who the hell would want to buy a club with no assets and very likely ground-sharing? Be careful what you wish for…we could end up with our very own version of Chris Hamilton at the healm, not that I think the Trust would be in any sort of position to run the club anyway, but such an event would pretty much kill the fanbase…*










*Purely hypothetical...

Edited by oafcprozac
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Morning all,


I've been a Latics fan for the last 35 years, we've always been on the fringe of 'something good'. Only for us to throw it away when we get anywhere near. I think we should all look at exactly what is happening within the club and deal with it.


Oldham Athletic along with Boudary Park was purchased buy TTA not because they are hard core Oldham fans, but because they saw a real chance of making a decent return, plain and simple. We were advised of a '5 year plan' to get us into the Championship. This was only going to happen if two things happened at the same, decent coaching staff acquired + v good playing staff. We were only ever going to achieve this by spending hard capital via the owners, and they would have known this. We've had only x1 of the x2 at any one time, not both.


TTA were only ever going to make a return on their investment if they were to either, sell the ground, or develop it and slowly watch gates rise and then sell a more attractive realestate to a perspective interest.

Boundary Park redevelopment was quickly given a thums down after the economy crash, there should have been a back up plan to re-develop the site.

Why wasn't there?

Because they're NOT OLDHAM ATHLETIC FANS, they are businessmen. Boundary Park isn't in their hearts like it is ours.

Money was spent to aquire land at Failsworth but not enough effort was made to ensure plans were pushed through. Trust me, if they were really keen it would have happened. I firmly believe this to be true. It went on forever and a day with no real signs of strength from us. Merely propagander bull with no meat to the bone!

They have gone down the road which we all have to follow so they can move out and still sell BP for a profit and not have a few thousand fans screaming for their blood. Which I firmly believe will happen WHEN, not if we become the next Plymouth.

Don't forget we have worse gates than Plymouth which are on the decline. It's just a matter of time, trust me. WE WILL STRUGGLE CLOSE SEASON TO PAY WAGES WITH NO INCOME FROM GATES.

I'll still be at BP or where ever next season, so long there is a club to follow but things a pretty bad guys!! It's going to become a reality for some of us very soon.

SC pays v good lip service but scratch away underneath and you'll uncover a cold businessman with profit his priority not the club, just like the rest of TTA. Look at how they have just left us in the mire!! Shocking!! We were told they would only leave if / when new owners WITH THE CLUB AT HEART came in. Hasn't happened yet they still leave!!


I for one would like the current owners/owner to leave now, if that meant us going into administration then so be it but it. Puts us in with a real chance of finding a new owner for the club with dreams like ours (silent partner Scholes anyone??). I'm sick and tired of reading threads from the club and fans about the same thing over and over. Nothing is going to happen under the current regime, look at what they've done to BP. It's the worse stadium in the league.


We have cancer of the cash flow and it looks terminal!!

So much of this annoys me. Yes TTA saw a possible property deal but remember what the property market was like at the time. There were far easier ways of making money from property than through a football club with all the emotion and grief that inevitably comes with it. Sure they're not dyed in the wool Latics fans but they are football fans and I don't rememeber too many true blues knocking on the administrator's door last time round.


And this assumption that it's just a case of go into admin and find a new owner - it ain't that simple. You can't just appoint an administrator. If a potential adminsitrator can't see a way through for the club as a going concern, and that has to be a very realistic scenario, then he is obliged to go straight to liquidation, Fancy that?


Why would a new owner come in? Few assets, no land, declining supporter base... The list goes on and quite why anyone as eminently sensible and conservative as Paul Scholes would wish to put significnat assets at risk defeats me.


Yes the owners have made mistakes which they have admitted but asking why they didn't have a development back up plan to cope with the aftermath of the biggest financial crash in 80 years is ridiculous.


Your post says be realistic but you need to heed your own words.

Edited by Dave_Og
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Morning all,


I've been a Latics fan for the last 35 years, we've always been on the fringe of 'something good'. Only for us to throw it away when we get anywhere near. I think we should all look at exactly what is happening within the club and deal with it.


Oldham Athletic along with Boudary Park was purchased buy TTA not because they are hard core Oldham fans, but because they saw a real chance of making a decent return, plain and simple. We were advised of a '5 year plan' to get us into the Championship. This was only going to happen if two things happened at the same, decent coaching staff acquired + v good playing staff. We were only ever going to achieve this by spending hard capital via the owners, and they would have known this. We've had only x1 of the x2 at any one time, not both.


TTA were only ever going to make a return on their investment if they were to either, sell the ground, or develop it and slowly watch gates rise and then sell a more attractive realestate to a perspective interest.

Boundary Park redevelopment was quickly given a thums down after the economy crash, there should have been a back up plan to re-develop the site.

Why wasn't there?

Because they're NOT OLDHAM ATHLETIC FANS, they are businessmen. Boundary Park isn't in their hearts like it is ours.

Money was spent to aquire land at Failsworth but not enough effort was made to ensure plans were pushed through. Trust me, if they were really keen it would have happened. I firmly believe this to be true. It went on forever and a day with no real signs of strength from us. Merely propagander bull with no meat to the bone!

They have gone down the road which we all have to follow so they can move out and still sell BP for a profit and not have a few thousand fans screaming for their blood. Which I firmly believe will happen WHEN, not if we become the next Plymouth.

Don't forget we have worse gates than Plymouth which are on the decline. It's just a matter of time, trust me. WE WILL STRUGGLE CLOSE SEASON TO PAY WAGES WITH NO INCOME FROM GATES.

I'll still be at BP or where ever next season, so long there is a club to follow but things a pretty bad guys!! It's going to become a reality for some of us very soon.

SC pays v good lip service but scratch away underneath and you'll uncover a cold businessman with profit his priority not the club, just like the rest of TTA. Look at how they have just left us in the mire!! Shocking!! We were told they would only leave if / when new owners WITH THE CLUB AT HEART came in. Hasn't happened yet they still leave!!


I for one would like the current owners/owner to leave now, if that meant us going into administration then so be it but it. Puts us in with a real chance of finding a new owner for the club with dreams like ours (silent partner Scholes anyone??). I'm sick and tired of reading threads from the club and fans about the same thing over and over. Nothing is going to happen under the current regime, look at what they've done to BP. It's the worse stadium in the league.


We have cancer of the cash flow and it looks terminal!!


Oh the irony.


We know the TTA (or TA, now) arn't Latics fans. Very few clubs are bought by people "who love the club and want to spend every spare penny to make them great". You'd have to be stupid to think they're not in it for themselves.


The fact is Corney doesn't want a wound-up football club on his CV.


If Corney leaves, who exactly is going to want to buy us? Corney leaves, then we go into administration and the chances are we'll not come out of it and will be wound up as it will be pretty much impossible to find anyone who will want to invest in us. Corney's already said he'll leave if the right people come in to take the club over, yet he's still here. No one's going to jump out from behind a bush with bags of money just because he's walked out.

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Morning all,


I've been a Latics fan for the last 35 years, we've always been on the fringe of 'something good'. Only for us to throw it away when we get anywhere near. I think we should all look at exactly what is happening within the club and deal with it.


Oldham Athletic along with Boudary Park was purchased buy TTA not because they are hard core Oldham fans, but because they saw a real chance of making a decent return, plain and simple. We were advised of a '5 year plan' to get us into the Championship. This was only going to happen if two things happened at the same, decent coaching staff acquired + v good playing staff. We were only ever going to achieve this by spending hard capital via the owners, and they would have known this. We've had only x1 of the x2 at any one time, not both.


TTA were only ever going to make a return on their investment if they were to either, sell the ground, or develop it and slowly watch gates rise and then sell a more attractive realestate to a perspective interest.

Boundary Park redevelopment was quickly given a thums down after the economy crash, there should have been a back up plan to re-develop the site.

Why wasn't there?

Because they're NOT OLDHAM ATHLETIC FANS, they are businessmen. Boundary Park isn't in their hearts like it is ours.

Money was spent to aquire land at Failsworth but not enough effort was made to ensure plans were pushed through. Trust me, if they were really keen it would have happened. I firmly believe this to be true. It went on forever and a day with no real signs of strength from us. Merely propagander bull with no meat to the bone!

They have gone down the road which we all have to follow so they can move out and still sell BP for a profit and not have a few thousand fans screaming for their blood. Which I firmly believe will happen WHEN, not if we become the next Plymouth.

Don't forget we have worse gates than Plymouth which are on the decline. It's just a matter of time, trust me. WE WILL STRUGGLE CLOSE SEASON TO PAY WAGES WITH NO INCOME FROM GATES.

I'll still be at BP or where ever next season, so long there is a club to follow but things a pretty bad guys!! It's going to become a reality for some of us very soon.

SC pays v good lip service but scratch away underneath and you'll uncover a cold businessman with profit his priority not the club, just like the rest of TTA. Look at how they have just left us in the mire!! Shocking!! We were told they would only leave if / when new owners WITH THE CLUB AT HEART came in. Hasn't happened yet they still leave!!


I for one would like the current owners/owner to leave now, if that meant us going into administration then so be it but it. Puts us in with a real chance of finding a new owner for the club with dreams like ours (silent partner Scholes anyone??). I'm sick and tired of reading threads from the club and fans about the same thing over and over. Nothing is going to happen under the current regime, look at what they've done to BP. It's the worse stadium in the league.


We have cancer of the cash flow and it looks terminal!!

There is no question that a lot of what you say is true, but some of the conlusions need looking it.

I have no doubt about he sincerity of the TTA, but they have had knockback after knockback.

They have never said they were fans.

We simply do not know what it is like dealing with the council, but it is on record as 70+ meetings, and no progress.

The TTA has a New York based mobile phone business, in this case, if someone complains, then you give them another one.

If we complain, and that is something deep in the psyche of Oldhamers, then we are stuck with it.

But as Prozac says, even in admin, there are no guarantees of a buyer in admin, the only guarantee is that TTA will have lost a lot of money. If they wanted admin they have had many, many opportunities to do so.

If they wanted to throw in the towl, again many, many opportunities to so , and obviosuly Simon Blitz has.

But they have always had the vision and honour to keep the self sustainablity as the most important.

What would be your suggestion of a back up plan for BP, no one has come with an alternative.

There is very little profit left at OAFC, it is dignity and honour left.


The players and managers have all been met with approval generally.


If we are completely terminal, why is Simon Corney even talking to the council about a new stadium?

We have an ace card, and in the midst of the bad news, the good news was missed, from the statement by Simon Corney spelling out the vision for the future :

.."We weren;t stupid buying the land without guarantees, and have deals with Oldham Council"

Edited by singe
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Morning all,


I've been a Latics fan for the last 35 years, we've always been on the fringe of 'something good'. Only for us to throw it away when we get anywhere near. I think we should all look at exactly what is happening within the club and deal with it.


Oldham Athletic along with Boudary Park was purchased buy TTA not because they are hard core Oldham fans, but because they saw a real chance of making a decent return, plain and simple. We were advised of a '5 year plan' to get us into the Championship. This was only going to happen if two things happened at the same, decent coaching staff acquired + v good playing staff. We were only ever going to achieve this by spending hard capital via the owners, and they would have known this. We've had only x1 of the x2 at any one time, not both.


TTA were only ever going to make a return on their investment if they were to either, sell the ground, or develop it and slowly watch gates rise and then sell a more attractive realestate to a perspective interest.

Boundary Park redevelopment was quickly given a thums down after the economy crash, there should have been a back up plan to re-develop the site.

Why wasn't there?

Because they're NOT OLDHAM ATHLETIC FANS, they are businessmen. Boundary Park isn't in their hearts like it is ours.

Money was spent to aquire land at Failsworth but not enough effort was made to ensure plans were pushed through. Trust me, if they were really keen it would have happened. I firmly believe this to be true. It went on forever and a day with no real signs of strength from us. Merely propagander bull with no meat to the bone!

They have gone down the road which we all have to follow so they can move out and still sell BP for a profit and not have a few thousand fans screaming for their blood. Which I firmly believe will happen WHEN, not if we become the next Plymouth.

Don't forget we have worse gates than Plymouth which are on the decline. It's just a matter of time, trust me. WE WILL STRUGGLE CLOSE SEASON TO PAY WAGES WITH NO INCOME FROM GATES.

I'll still be at BP or where ever next season, so long there is a club to follow but things a pretty bad guys!! It's going to become a reality for some of us very soon.

SC pays v good lip service but scratch away underneath and you'll uncover a cold businessman with profit his priority not the club, just like the rest of TTA. Look at how they have just left us in the mire!! Shocking!! We were told they would only leave if / when new owners WITH THE CLUB AT HEART came in. Hasn't happened yet they still leave!!


I for one would like the current owners/owner to leave now, if that meant us going into administration then so be it but it. Puts us in with a real chance of finding a new owner for the club with dreams like ours (silent partner Scholes anyone??). I'm sick and tired of reading threads from the club and fans about the same thing over and over. Nothing is going to happen under the current regime, look at what they've done to BP. It's the worse stadium in the league.


We have cancer of the cash flow and it looks terminal!!


I've quoted the following time and time and time again, but there's no harm in reminding anyone who has forgotten


The OS report on the second Radclyffe School Forum held in December 2009, quotes SC as saying:

…a financial genius could not get out of this level.


£5m on land


£6m on Club and interest


£3m on Lancaster Club land


Assume a new stadium costs £15m


Making around £30m – the latest offer for Boundary Park was a value of £18m two years ago [2007] about half that now at £9m.


I don’t ever see us taking money out of the Club. The Club doesn’t have a burden of debt, it’s all personal debt and that’s a pretty good safeguard to have.


Without making this appear a sob story – we are never going to get our money back. It’s bizarre how anyone can come up with figures to suggest we can make money.


The only way to break even would be to sell Boundary Park and go back to America. We stay because we like it.


If we wanted to we could walk away, sell Boundary Park and there’s nothing could be done to stop us, and if we’re supposedly trying to make money from this why would we not do that now and walk away?


OS report on Forum



Obviously, since then Blitz and Gazal have stopped stumping up money, and the Club is in an even worse financial state.


Latic76 says it's down to TTA not being OLDHAM ATHLETIC FANS. What he doesn't mention is that at the time of TTA's announcement of a five-year plan, Danny Gazal also called on the people who were OLDHAM ATHLETIC FANS to turn up in sufficient numbers to make the Club viable. No matter what criticism levelled at TTA is justified, the indisputable fact is that the supporters have not kept their part of the 'deal'.

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I've quoted the following time and time and time again, but there's no harm in reminding anyone who has forgotten


The OS report on the second Radclyffe School Forum held in December 2009, quotes SC as saying:

…a financial genius could not get out of this level.


£5m on land


£6m on Club and interest


£3m on Lancaster Club land


Assume a new stadium costs £15m


Making around £30m – the latest offer for Boundary Park was a value of £18m two years ago [2007] about half that now at £9m.


I don’t ever see us taking money out of the Club. The Club doesn’t have a burden of debt, it’s all personal debt and that’s a pretty good safeguard to have.


Without making this appear a sob story – we are never going to get our money back. It’s bizarre how anyone can come up with figures to suggest we can make money.


The only way to break even would be to sell Boundary Park and go back to America. We stay because we like it.


If we wanted to we could walk away, sell Boundary Park and there’s nothing could be done to stop us, and if we’re supposedly trying to make money from this why would we not do that now and walk away?


OS report on Forum



Obviously, since then Blitz and Gazal have stopped stumping up money, and the Club is in an even worse financial state.


Latic76 says it's down to TTA not being OLDHAM ATHLETIC FANS. What he doesn't mention is that at the time of TTA's announcement of a five-year plan, Danny Gazal also called on the people who were OLDHAM ATHLETIC FANS to turn up in sufficient numbers to make the Club viable. No matter what criticism levelled at TTA is justified, the indisputable fact is that the supporters have not kept their part of the 'deal'.

supporters will only keep there side of the bargain as long as there is something to look forward to..something to get excited about and something to brag about....

the owners have made mistakes along the way,not least last seasons debacle of a manager.....the sad sad part for paul dickov,is that he is now reaping the rewards a failed manager who didnt impress himself upon the fans,never wanted to be the fans friends...and 3 failed seasons flirting with the playoffs with shez....like everything else in life,its all if's n but's.....if paul dickov would have been appointed instead of penney,would we be in a better position???? thats why fans dont back whats going on....thats why any new stadium has to be right,because we need the other things to suppliment our income.

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I think our levels of support this season have been shameful.


There has been football worth watching, yet the people of Oldham have failed their football club.


The atmosphere at Boundary Park has been poor for many years now. I dragged my Man City supporting mate along to the Carlisle game - his comment on the crowd "I prefer the atmosphere at Edgeley Park". He's been to a couple of County games this season. Better atmosphere at a side who's relegation out of the football league is almost a foregone conclusion.

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I've quoted the following time and time and time again, but there's no harm in reminding anyone who has forgotten


The OS report on the second Radclyffe School Forum held in December 2009, quotes SC as saying:

…a financial genius could not get out of this level.


£5m on land


£6m on Club and interest


£3m on Lancaster Club land


Assume a new stadium costs £15m


Making around £30m – the latest offer for Boundary Park was a value of £18m two years ago [2007] about half that now at £9m.


I don’t ever see us taking money out of the Club. The Club doesn’t have a burden of debt, it’s all personal debt and that’s a pretty good safeguard to have.


Without making this appear a sob story – we are never going to get our money back. It’s bizarre how anyone can come up with figures to suggest we can make money.


The only way to break even would be to sell Boundary Park and go back to America. We stay because we like it.


If we wanted to we could walk away, sell Boundary Park and there’s nothing could be done to stop us, and if we’re supposedly trying to make money from this why would we not do that now and walk away?


OS report on Forum



Obviously, since then Blitz and Gazal have stopped stumping up money, and the Club is in an even worse financial state.


Latic76 says it's down to TTA not being OLDHAM ATHLETIC FANS. What he doesn't mention is that at the time of TTA's announcement of a five-year plan, Danny Gazal also called on the people who were OLDHAM ATHLETIC FANS to turn up in sufficient numbers to make the Club viable. No matter what criticism levelled at TTA is justified, the indisputable fact is that the supporters have not kept their part of the 'deal'.

Absolute bollocks. If I had the time to waste on this, which I don't, I could pick that statement from 2009 apart and reveal it as nothing more than telling us what we wanted to hear. Time after time we get the same tired old rhetoric. What you consistently fail to observe is that owners of a 3rd rate two-bob football club cannot afford to solely depend on regular attendances. It's the unknown factor, and if his business plan revolved around moving the onus on a dwindling set of hard-luck football fans, the he was seriously deluded.


It's got nothing to do with their allegiances, if they are Oldham fans or not. It's got everything to do with the club putting a little bit of success on the menu for a :censored:ing change. Something that we've seen neither hide nor hair of for well over 15 years.

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I've quoted the following time and time and time again, but there's no harm in reminding anyone who has forgotten


The OS report on the second Radclyffe School Forum held in December 2009, quotes SC as saying:

…a financial genius could not get out of this level.


£5m on land


£6m on Club and interest


£3m on Lancaster Club land


Assume a new stadium costs £15m


Making around £30m – the latest offer for Boundary Park was a value of £18m two years ago [2007] about half that now at £9m.


I don’t ever see us taking money out of the Club. The Club doesn’t have a burden of debt, it’s all personal debt and that’s a pretty good safeguard to have.


Without making this appear a sob story – we are never going to get our money back. It’s bizarre how anyone can come up with figures to suggest we can make money.


The only way to break even would be to sell Boundary Park and go back to America. We stay because we like it.


If we wanted to we could walk away, sell Boundary Park and there’s nothing could be done to stop us, and if we’re supposedly trying to make money from this why would we not do that now and walk away?


OS report on Forum



Obviously, since then Blitz and Gazal have stopped stumping up money, and the Club is in an even worse financial state.


Latic76 says it's down to TTA not being OLDHAM ATHLETIC FANS. What he doesn't mention is that at the time of TTA's announcement of a five-year plan, Danny Gazal also called on the people who were OLDHAM ATHLETIC FANS to turn up in sufficient numbers to make the Club viable. No matter what criticism levelled at TTA is justified, the indisputable fact is that the supporters have not kept their part of the 'deal'.


+ 1.


And a little quote from Danny Gazal who said in December 2003: "The attendances are key. We need to get to a position where 8 to 9,000 people are coming on a regular basis."

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Morning all,


I've been a Latics fan for the last 35 years, we've always been on the fringe of 'something good'. Only for us to throw it away when we get anywhere near. I think we should all look at exactly what is happening within the club and deal with it.


Oldham Athletic along with Boudary Park was purchased buy TTA not because they are hard core Oldham fans, but because they saw a real chance of making a decent return, plain and simple. We were advised of a '5 year plan' to get us into the Championship. This was only going to happen if two things happened at the same, decent coaching staff acquired + v good playing staff. We were only ever going to achieve this by spending hard capital via the owners, and they would have known this. We've had only x1 of the x2 at any one time, not both.


TTA were only ever going to make a return on their investment if they were to either, sell the ground, or develop it and slowly watch gates rise and then sell a more attractive realestate to a perspective interest.

Boundary Park redevelopment was quickly given a thums down after the economy crash, there should have been a back up plan to re-develop the site.

Why wasn't there?

Because they're NOT OLDHAM ATHLETIC FANS, they are businessmen. Boundary Park isn't in their hearts like it is ours.

Money was spent to aquire land at Failsworth but not enough effort was made to ensure plans were pushed through. Trust me, if they were really keen it would have happened. I firmly believe this to be true. It went on forever and a day with no real signs of strength from us. Merely propagander bull with no meat to the bone!

They have gone down the road which we all have to follow so they can move out and still sell BP for a profit and not have a few thousand fans screaming for their blood. Which I firmly believe will happen WHEN, not if we become the next Plymouth.

Don't forget we have worse gates than Plymouth which are on the decline. It's just a matter of time, trust me. WE WILL STRUGGLE CLOSE SEASON TO PAY WAGES WITH NO INCOME FROM GATES.

I'll still be at BP or where ever next season, so long there is a club to follow but things a pretty bad guys!! It's going to become a reality for some of us very soon.

SC pays v good lip service but scratch away underneath and you'll uncover a cold businessman with profit his priority not the club, just like the rest of TTA. Look at how they have just left us in the mire!! Shocking!! We were told they would only leave if / when new owners WITH THE CLUB AT HEART came in. Hasn't happened yet they still leave!!


I for one would like the current owners/owner to leave now, if that meant us going into administration then so be it but it. Puts us in with a real chance of finding a new owner for the club with dreams like ours (silent partner Scholes anyone??). I'm sick and tired of reading threads from the club and fans about the same thing over and over. Nothing is going to happen under the current regime, look at what they've done to BP. It's the worse stadium in the league.


We have cancer of the cash flow and it looks terminal!!

Maybe at the beginning they did aim to make some money, but I firmly believe that SC is now an Oldham fan. He would have to be to stick around forking out between £500,000 and £800,000 per season just to keep a handful of supporters happy. If he walks away no-one else will buy the club even for 1p unless they have at least £100m to throw away.

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In that case, Oldham Athletic isn't the Club for them.

quite evidently not....as the amount who have deserted over the past 18 months is plain to see...


i dont know what kind of cockeyed perspective you have..but this isnt the time for blue tinted glasses n all that....so you going to answer rummys reply then???

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Absolute bollocks. If I had the time to waste on this, which I don't, I could pick that statement from 2009 apart and reveal it as nothing more than telling us what we wanted to hear. Time after time we get the same tired old rhetoric. What you consistently fail to observe is that owners of a 3rd rate two-bob football club cannot afford to solely depend on regular attendances. It's the unknown factor, and if his business plan revolved around moving the onus on a dwindling set of hard-luck football fans, the he was seriously deluded.


It's got nothing to do with their allegiances, if they are Oldham fans or not. It's got everything to do with the club putting a little bit of success on the menu for a :censored:ing change. Something that we've seen neither hide nor hair of for well over 15 years.


Latics76 said it was down to the fact that TTA were not fans. I thought it went without saying that the Club cannot depend solely on regular attendances, even though they would have helped its finances. That's why the future of the club depends on development to produce non-football income all year round.


Experience has shown that those waiting for success on the field may never be satisfied.

Edited by Diego_Sideburns
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Absolute bollocks. If I had the time to waste on this, which I don't, I could pick that statement from 2009 apart and reveal it as nothing more than telling us what we wanted to hear. Time after time we get the same tired old rhetoric. What you consistently fail to observe is that owners of a 3rd rate two-bob football club cannot afford to solely depend on regular attendances. It's the unknown factor, and if his business plan revolved around moving the onus on a dwindling set of hard-luck football fans, the he was seriously deluded.


It's got nothing to do with their allegiances, if they are Oldham fans or not. It's got everything to do with the club putting a little bit of success on the menu for a :censored:ing change. Something that we've seen neither hide nor hair of for well over 15 years.

I ahve to say, I am quite confident that we won;t see success on the 90's scale again in my lifetime. It's not something I expect at all. Once in a a Millenium event.

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