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Not a chance.

why not?


Fergie has targetted a new number 1 , then there will be Lindegaard and then Kusack , I dont think Amos has a future at United , he isnt Prem league standard but will imagine he will do a job Championship level

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why not?


Fergie has targetted a new number 1 , then there will be Lindegaard and then Kusack , I dont think Amos has a future at United , he isnt Prem league standard but will imagine he will do a job Championship level


Do we need a loanee goalkeeper ?


He didnt massivly impress when he was first here did he ?

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Paul Jones from exeter just been released. Could be worth a trial ?


Jonesey! My favourite League One keeper. Leeslover will argue that Lewis Price is the main man, but Jonesey is just so... buff.

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Do we need a loanee goalkeeper ?


He didnt massivly impress when he was first here did he ?

you said Not a chance we could get him . Whether we need him or nots a different arguement all together

Edited by razza699
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I seem to remember fon Williams having an absolute blinder against us for Stockport, but they let him go and now Dale don't want him. Could be a money thing, I suppose, but if they genuinely don't want him, do we?


Shane Higgs would be a good shout. I was a bit surprised when Leeds went for him; I think he was at Cheltenham at the time (or did he go to Norfampton first, I get confused easily) and didn't look that brill (sorry, couldn't resist it), but he's become a very good keeper at Champ level. I'd have him at BP.

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Amos made some decent saves as brill did but still made the odd mistake and probly let more goals in then brill if not the same.


so Amos Brill White and soon to be hazzel will all be working at McDonalds soon

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Amos made some decent saves as brill did but still made the odd mistake and probly let more goals in then brill if not the same.


so Amos Brill White and soon to be hazzel will all be working at McDonalds soon

PD wants him to stay

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yes it will be interesting to see who his replacement is...i have heard were looking at a keeper from liverpool,but only a kid,so would have to be back up.....he must have someone in mind letting 2 keepers go....



I'd be amazed if we are looking at any of the young goalkeepers currently at Liverpool as they are apparently gash and that comes from the lips of someone who knows the keepers at their Academy very well. I asked him about them when i saw your post.


The Youth Team keepers are Belford at Bury's brother who was released from Coventry and someone else they brought in from Swindon. He reckons neither of them will play League football never mind for Liverpool. Slightly older than them is a lad called Chamberlain that was released from Villa who hasnt hardly had a game for the last couple of years as he is worse than the Youth Team keepers and not as good as a couple of poor keepers who share the reserve games. Ones an Australian who came across to Liverpool under Benitez and was sent back when loaned out to I think it was Wrexham.The other is a Scandanavian who is currently holding down the more regular reserve slot and is okay but has a contract there. Not likely he will be coming here.

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although im not too sure about releasing Alessandra, most of the dead weights are gone now which is good.


Just need Feeney out and its all Gravy :grin:


Ok seriously really alessandra not too sure ?


What is he actually doing apart from keeping the bench warm and collecting a wage.


It's best for both parties to go there separate ways.

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Ok seriously really alessandra not too sure ?


What is he actually doing apart from keeping the bench warm and collecting a wage.


It's best for both parties to go there separate ways.


I know, but we said that about O'Grady. He played well under Shezza but not been as good this season. I think its just cos ive always liked him. Good luck to the lot of them anyway on finding new clubs.

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I know, but we said that about O'Grady. He played well under Shezza but not been as good this season. I think its just cos ive always liked him. Good luck to the lot of them anyway on finding new clubs.


But it's the third time he got dropped by his manager. Like you said good luck to the lads

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Ok seriously really alessandra not too sure ?


What is he actually doing apart from keeping the bench warm and collecting a wage.


It's best for both parties to go there separate ways.


Problem is if u get rid of everyone there are no subs, no reserves, no backup for injuries and suspensions....... Every club needs its extras, why keep releasing players that can do a job off the bench just to replace them with unkown entities that turn out to be :censored:e?

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Meh. I rate Brill far higher than quite a few on here (but then that isn't hard as some think he would be lucky to play in goal at FCSCUM level). But if the rumours are true about him being on a good wage then I think we can find better value goalies around. I don't think he will have to worry about finding a new club, after all he's only about 23 and if he comes back to BP next season you can see him having a blinder.


As for who was at fault for MK Don's first I would be placing more blame on the defender, who I think was Winchester, he stopped running far too early IMHO.


Cheers Deano, you got far more abuse than you deserved at BP and had good character to come back after being dropped a better player than when you were dropped.

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Duke is a very good 'Keeper; but I'll wager he'll stay in the Championship - someone will snap him up.

Surprised Pearson dropped him for 2 loan 'Keepers - Guzman & Manonne IMO aren't any better than Matt Duke.


Murphy - ex Ipswich is another decent 'Keeper available on a free; though again I'd guess he'd be out of reach wages wise

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