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Salary cap

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The salary cap agreed at the league AGM last week was long overdue and it's about time football clubs started to live within their budget.........players in the lower leagues have been living in cloud cuckoo land for far too long.


Regarding Hazell....I just read this from the M.E.N.


“I wasn't asking for much, a couple of hundred quid a week extra and a two-year contract. At this stage of my career I have to look out for myself and I have a family to think about.


We actually offered him £100 a week extra and 1 year but he wanted £200 amd 2 years!!


Jeez, just a couple of hundred quid a week!!!!! If you or I got a £20 a week rise for next year as a reward for doing your job to a reasonable standard you'd be bloody well ecstatic.


It's about time players had a reality check......... Yes, it's a relatively short career but he's had a great lifestyle from something he really enjoys doing... playing football. If he's been sensible and paid a fair whack into his pension he'll be quite comfortable.


Ok he may have to cut his cloth accordingly when he retires but he'll be a damn site better off than your average fan!!!

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The salary cap agreed at the league AGM last week was long overdue and it's about time football clubs started to live within their budget.........players in the lower leagues have been living in cloud cuckoo land for far too long.


Regarding Hazell....I just read this from the M.E.N.


“I wasn't asking for much, a couple of hundred quid a week extra and a two-year contract. At this stage of my career I have to look out for myself and I have a family to think about.


We actually offered him £100 a week extra and 1 year but he wanted £200 amd 2 years!!


Jeez, just a couple of hundred quid a week!!!!! If you or I got a £20 a week rise for next year as a reward for doing your job to a reasonable standard you'd be bloody well ecstatic.


It's about time players had a reality check......... Yes, it's a relatively short career but he's had a great lifestyle from something he really enjoys doing... playing football. If he's been sensible and paid a fair whack into his pension he'll be quite comfortable.


Ok he may have to cut his cloth accordingly when he retires but he'll be a damn site better off than your average fan!!!

It's only £10,000 per year.

How unreasonable of Latics....

I am trying to think of a salary, where 10,000 per year is an only.

You'd be starting at £50-£60k surely.

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It's only £10,000 per year.

How unreasonable of Latics....

I am trying to think of a salary, where 10,000 per year is an only.

You'd be starting at £50-£60k surely.


for him to release these figures could be a huge mistake for him. He could of left the club with the mutual respect of most of the fans. Chances are now he'll get slated for this

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for him to release these figures could be a huge mistake for him. He could of left the club with the mutual respect of most of the fans. Chances are now he'll get slated for this


Dickov was trying to be respectful but if you read enough into it…



“We made him an offer and it came to a point where we felt he had to make a decision.




We can’t have players dictating to us — but that is no sleight on Reuben, as he is entitled to try to get the best deal that he can.”


Always thought he was better than he was….thought he was The lower league Rio Ferdinand when in reality he was the lower league Wes Brown...

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The short career thing is nonsense anyway. 'Retiring' from football isn't the same as actually retiring.

if youre a player like rubes at latics on say £1000 a week (rough guess and maybe miles out) and play for 16 years you should have more than enough saved up to set yourself up if you don't want to go into coaching etc.

52k a year and lets say you live off 32k of that (still more than most of us earn and enough for certain luxuries)

leaves 20k

multiply that by the 16 years =320k

footballers should know it's a short career when they get into the game and plan accordingly instead of holding clubs (and us fans) to ransom. they need to realise it's average joe like us who earn normal wages and graft to earn a living and some people have to work 45+ hours a week to be able to go to football AND PAY THEIR WAGES!.

I hope this salary cap cuts footballers wages in half in time and brings the power back to the clubs rather than agents

Edited by c.hill12
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Yes, it's a relatively short career


winds me up no end that old chestnut :ranting:


it's relatively short career at the end of which (if you ever need to work again) you have the time & money to train/learn to do whatever you want, within reason


how many non-footballers get that opportunity at any point in their life?

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Always thought he was better than he was….thought he was The lower league Rio Ferdinand when in reality he was the lower league Wes Brown...



Not wanting to dig for an argument with you here – at all; but where has that come from exactly?

I've met & spoken with Reuben on a number of occasions; and he has never, not once, struck me as arrogant; or had ideas above his station.

where is that from or is it purely conjecture on your part?


as i say; not trolling for a scrap; just genuinely interested to know.......

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winds me up no end that old chestnut :ranting:


it's relatively short career at the end of which (if you ever need to work again) you have the time & money to train/learn to do whatever you want, within reason


how many non-footballers get that opportunity at any point in their life?

Indeed Mr Bosch,


If you finish training at 2pm.......you have 4 hours there to utilise; plus evenings after 6pm to undergo training courses, take Open University degrees......all while you are actually earning a very good living.

You don’t have to sod off down the Golf Course; or play your mates on the Xbox 360 with you ‘free’ time that ‘normal’ 9-5’ers don’t get.


We shouldn’t tar all footballers with the same brush; as like anything there are exceptions of course. I know Nedum Onuha has been (might have graduated by now; but may still be) studying for a Law Degree, own own Ex-Player Josh Low has been doing the same. The Tragic Richard Butcher was studying for Physio degree...........they are out there.

It’s just they seem to be the anomalies not the norm.

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if youre a player like rubes at latics on say £1000 a week (rough guess and maybe miles out) and play for 16 years you should have more than enough saved up to set yourself up if you don't want to go into coaching etc.

52k a year and lets say you live off 32k of that (still more than most of us earn and enough for certain luxuries)

leaves 20k

multiply that by the 16 years =320k

footballers should know it's a short career when they get into the game and plan accordingly instead of holding clubs (and us fans) to ransom. they need to realise it's average joe like us who earn normal wages and graft to earn a living and some people have to work 45+ hours a week to be able to go to football AND PAY THEIR WAGES!.

I hope this salary cap cuts footballers wages in half in time and brings the power back to the clubs rather than agents


you might want to minus tax from that...

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I'd be pretty sure Reuben was on more than 1k basic, plus various bonuses and the signing on fees he will have received over the years. The biggest thing for footballers finances IMO are that they are front ended in their career, so for example they should never need to take out a mortgage, saving themselves an absolute fortune compared to someone paying interest for 25 years and they should be able able to invest years before most people are secure enough to do so. I think anyone who had a reasonable 3rd division career should be able to set themselves up to be comfortable for life.

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I'd be pretty sure Reuben was on more than 1k basic, plus various bonuses and the signing on fees he will have received over the years. The biggest thing for footballers finances IMO are that they are front ended in their career, so for example they should never need to take out a mortgage, saving themselves an absolute fortune compared to someone paying interest for 25 years and they should be able able to invest years before most people are secure enough to do so. I think anyone who had a reasonable 3rd division career should be able to set themselves up to be comfortable for life.

part of my point. the working class are paying for footballers' 'lavish' lifestyle even at our level. yes the premier league is to blame as the wages filter down but it has to stop. it can't be maintained. I also believe the quality of the football on offer would be better if they were on more 'normal' wages. I can't afford a brand new bmw but i am financing somebody elses.(hyperthetically) how is that right?

pay them 25k a year flat then top up with bonuses if needed and watch the football improve. problem is, it would have to be done right across the league.

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Not wanting to dig for an argument with you here – at all; but where has that come from exactly?

I've met & spoken with Reuben on a number of occasions; and he has never, not once, struck me as arrogant; or had ideas above his station.

where is that from or is it purely conjecture on your part?


as i say; not trolling for a scrap; just genuinely interested to know.......


Not having a dig over Roobs' persona, more his 'swagger' on the pitch that has got him into deep doggy doo time and time again, given his penchant to be too casual and to switch off at vital times…i'm sure he's a throughly nice chap, just one that wants a £10k a year pay-rise when reaching the veteran stage…hope he gets it….

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I went to Ibiza just 3 weeks ago and met a few players, Steven Fletcher from Wolves and Leon Legge from Brentford, it was like chalk and cheese its a bit of the topic but Leon Legge was one most geunine people i have met had time for everyone and apprecaited his job, he is a big Chelsea fan so what he does is set up a care home as this is the back ground he used to work in and treat his own residents to watching games he was so humble in his speech and says he does what he loves but he did speak of injury ruining his carear but even if that happened he did what million of lads want to do, Fletcher on the other hand was a dick jumping on bars being the typical cocky footballer that gives people a bad name, money i expect had gone to his head


Back on topic, i agree 100% with a lot of guys, i was a YTS at Cheltenham Town and spent some my youth at Coventry City and trust me those players dont work 7 days a week, 1st team squad used to train monday morn and anylisis of game in afternoon, tuesday big session, wednesday was gym, thursday day off, friday set peices and tatics and anylsis of oppostion and travel up to game mid afternoon, sat light session and team meeting Sunday off, unless they were shocking and Stracts used to have them in, dont ever tell me that a football cant learn a trade, i work 40 hours a week and im training in my spare time to be a Personal Trainer, there are actually career advisors who go into the club and then if u get injured u do tv work and work with sponsers, there is signing on, win bonuses etc

I would say Hazell basic was around 1,200 a week appox so he was doing alright for himself

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Let's have a pop at lower league players asking for a mere £200 a week more, yet some of you contintue to pay £50-£60 month for your sky subscription, so you can watch our 'fantastic' premier league players on £50'000wk plus!

So whilst their debts spiral completely out of control, they continue hoping, that because of their global marketing capacity, some rich Arab will pull them out of the :censored:.

Fickle and missing the wider issue of why footballs out of control - nowt to do with an average 3rd division player asking for a bit more in his wage packet.

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I live with the tax taken off my wage too so i'm sure footballers can

It's quite well documented that quite a few of the 'top earners' don't even pay tax, with bank accounts set up elsewhere away from this green and pleasant land etc.

So whilst football fans of this country continue to pay towards the running of this country and towards their wages, some of these guys put very little back into the system - fook 'em!!

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£200 per week. £10k a year. Another 50 or so full paying adults through the turnstile each game.


It's not a lot in the great scheme of things and certainly not the same as Ashley Cole's "only £5k" that Arsenal refused him. But is Reuben the kind of player who will bring 1 or 2 extra fans through the turnstile? Probably not.


My only concern is that replacing him doesn't mean we will necessarily get better. Although perhaps it will free up a chunk of wage for M'Voto.


Best of luck wherever you end up. I hope you get what you want. And while "legend" would be overdoing it, memories of Everton ... you were a massive part of that!


http://www.skysports.com/football/match_commentary/0,19764,11065_2925843,00.html (just reads so well 3 and a half years on)

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I live with the tax taken off my wage too so i'm sure footballers can


Just saying your figures won't be right as tax needs to be taken into account, especially as footballers in addition to the income tax the majority of UK play, they pay the additional (40%?) aswell of whatever they earn if over £35001 next year.. They can easily afford a comfortable lifestyle, just your figures will give a slightly inaccurate picture..


part of my point. the working class are paying for footballers' 'lavish' lifestyle even at our level. yes the premier league is to blame as the wages filter down but it has to stop. it can't be maintained. I also believe the quality of the football on offer would be better if they were on more 'normal' wages. I can't afford a brand new bmw but i am financing somebody elses.(hyperthetically) how is that right?

pay them 25k a year flat then top up with bonuses if needed and watch the football improve. problem is, it would have to be done right across the league.

Well, you choose to finance it dont you? You pay them for a service, which they provide (although can be rather sheeeete). Basic really, you pay them for a service (entertainment, and we all know how entertaining rubes is... for opposite fans!) and they spend their money as fit, your employer pays you for a service, and you spend your money as fit. No difference apart from the job and amount earned.

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Just saying your figures won't be right as tax needs to be taken into account, especially as footballers in addition to the income tax the majority of UK play, they pay the additional (40%?) aswell of whatever they earn if over £35001 next year.. They can easily afford a comfortable lifestyle, just your figures will give a slightly inaccurate picture..



Well, you choose to finance it dont you? You pay them for a service, which they provide (although can be rather sheeeete). Basic really, you pay them for a service (entertainment, and we all know how entertaining rubes is... for opposite fans!) and they spend their money as fit, your employer pays you for a service, and you spend your money as fit. No difference apart from the job and amount earned.


yes i choose to go like i have done for 22 years now. still doesn't mean i think the wage structure is right. to put this into context, i work for the nhs steralizing surgical equiptment. if i sent a set to theatre unsterile would you be happy to see me get a £100 per week pay rise even though you are paying my wages? not saying rubes has done anything quite that drastic but you get the jist?

footballers need to come back to the real world or it's the working class people like us who will be priced out of the game and then who's going to pay their wages?

and to answer the point about the premier league we are aware how ridiculus it is up there but we are just concentrating on what is relevant to us and that is the football league.

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The short career thing is nonsense anyway. 'Retiring' from football isn't the same as actually retiring.


With the sort of money these (crap) players earn, they can easily invest into something or other to provide them with a future much better than the average bloke.


For example, I graduated from UCLAN in 2002 with a certain Mr Disco Pants who was doing the part time equivalent of my degree.

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With the sort of money these (crap) players earn, they can easily invest into something or other to provide them with a future much better than the average bloke.


For example, I graduated from UCLAN in 2002 with a certain Mr Disco Pants who was doing the part time equivalent of my degree.


Thats assuming most footballers in their early 20's have any sense whatsoever. You give a 20 year old £1200 a week most of them will just blow it on stuff like clothes booze birds and flash cars. They don't think about what will happen in their mid 30's alot of footballer aren't that bright and thats why some struggle to retrain into other proffesions ,some have even gone the way of mark ward. A player like Hazel who has had a fairly steady career is still likely to need to get another job once his career finnishes if he intends to give himself and his family a steady living.

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yes i choose to go like i have done for 22 years now. still doesn't mean i think the wage structure is right. to put this into context, i work for the nhs steralizing surgical equiptment. if i sent a set to theatre unsterile would you be happy to see me get a £100 per week pay rise even though you are paying my wages? not saying rubes has done anything quite that drastic but you get the jist?

footballers need to come back to the real world or it's the working class people like us who will be priced out of the game and then who's going to pay their wages?

and to answer the point about the premier league we are aware how ridiculus it is up there but we are just concentrating on what is relevant to us and that is the football league.


Thats not into context though, your jobs are completely different. Your job is talking about people's lives whereas Rubes is to get results on a field for a minimum of 46 games a season. No, i wouldn't be happy if you got a £100 per week wage rise for endangering lives, but footballers job is different. Actually, you won't be priced out of the game, because its you who pay the money and create the demand. Remove that and their is no game to be priced out of, so they won't price you out of it. Actually the premier league is relevant to us, as it is them who created the major high wages in this country.

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Thats not into context though, your jobs are completely different. Your job is talking about people's lives whereas Rubes is to get results on a field for a minimum of 46 games a season. No, i wouldn't be happy if you got a £100 per week wage rise for endangering lives, but footballers job is different. Actually, you won't be priced out of the game, because its you who pay the money and create the demand. Remove that and their is no game to be priced out of, so they won't price you out of it. Actually the premier league is relevant to us, as it is them who created the major high wages in this country.

the demand clearly isn't there though clearly (or if it is it is rapidly declining) just look at our crowds over the last few years

attendence link

people are being priced out of the game all the time. just because I haven't personally YETT, doesn't mean I won't. Yes the premier league is mainly to blame, footbaLL league clubs need to wake up. premier league clubs like Wigan offer football for £15 because of all the tv money they get and even that has started to decline. within the next 5 years the footbaall bubble WILL burst.

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The salary cap agreed at the league AGM last week was long overdue and it's about time football clubs started to live within their budget.........players in the lower leagues have been living in cloud cuckoo land for far too long.


Regarding Hazell....I just read this from the M.E.N.


I wasn't asking for much, a couple of hundred quid a week extra and a two-year contract. At this stage of my career I have to look out for myself and I have a family to think about.


We actually offered him £100 a week extra and 1 year but he wanted £200 amd 2 years!!


Jeez, just a couple of hundred quid a week!!!!! If you or I got a £20 a week rise for next year as a reward for doing your job to a reasonable standard you'd be bloody well ecstatic.


It's about time players had a reality check......... Yes, it's a relatively short career but he's had a great lifestyle from something he really enjoys doing... playing football. If he's been sensible and paid a fair whack into his pension he'll be quite comfortable.


Ok he may have to cut his cloth accordingly when he retires but he'll be a damn site better off than your average fan!!!


His last contract was 2 years ago wasn't it? Do footballers get cost of living increases? If not come the end of his second year his extra £200/week probably gets him back to on line with cost of living increases: one year of being below (the year just gone), one year being above (the next year) and two years equal (first and last seasons).


Plus what about extra duties as captain as he's been captain for the last year and would have remained so- did his last contract include extra for the extra work he would have to do as captain.


Yes he could have phrased it differently but he was probably put under pressure and didn't think about what he was saying enough.


Footballers get paid more than enough money (but the same could be said for a lot of professions), and once he stops playing there is nothing to stop him from doing something else and making more money (without the burden of a load of debt- unlike a lot of others). He could have made a bigger howler- ala Ashley Cole, Wayne Rooney and basically anyone for whom an extra £200 a week is not that much of a pay rise.

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