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Salary cap

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His last contract was 2 years ago wasn't it? Do footballers get cost of living increases? If not come the end of his second year his extra £200/week probably gets him back to on line with cost of living increases: one year of being below (the year just gone), one year being above (the next year) and two years equal (first and last seasons).


Plus what about extra duties as captain as he's been captain for the last year and would have remained so- did his last contract include extra for the extra work he would have to do as captain.


Yes he could have phrased it differently but he was probably put under pressure and didn't think about what he was saying enough.


Footballers get paid more than enough money (but the same could be said for a lot of professions), and once he stops playing there is nothing to stop him from doing something else and making more money (without the burden of a load of debt- unlike a lot of others). He could have made a bigger howler- ala Ashley Cole, Wayne Rooney and basically anyone for whom an extra £200 a week is not that much of a pay rise.

a cost of living rise is normally between 2-5% not 20%. Alot of footballers are going to find them selves out of work come august with only their greedy selves to blame

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the demand clearly isn't there though clearly (or if it is it is rapidly declining) just look at our crowds over the last few years

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people are being priced out of the game all the time. just because I haven't personally YETT, doesn't mean I won't. Yes the premier league is mainly to blame, footbaLL league clubs need to wake up. premier league clubs like Wigan offer football for £15 because of all the tv money they get and even that has started to decline. within the next 5 years the footbaall bubble WILL burst.


No, the demand is still there, however the finance isn't, not because of the cost of attending, but because they are out of work due to the recession and the spending cuts and businesses not taking much risk. No, the bubble won't burst, if the UK's economy continues to grow (even if only at a slow rate) then their will be a rise (probably a slow and minor one) in attendances in my opinion, especially with the rate of inflation expected to rise more slowly within a few years.. Sport such as a boxing is at more risk than football at the top level, especially since more and more rich people are becoming interested in owning a football club..


a cost of living rise is normally between 2-5% not 20%. Alot of footballers are going to find them selves out of work come august with only their greedy selves to blame


I'll base this on the season 2011-2012.. Use your example of 52k a year, you would pay initially £5400 in income tax, and then additionally you would pay 6800, so thats 12200 paid in income tax. So your wage has been knocked down to 39800.. Then you have all your NI contributions etc.. Football is a short career, and at the start you won't earn that much.. so realistically for average league one defender such as rubes it may be 10 years on the £52k a year wage.. So if they lived on 32k a year which you mentioned as an example then they would have realistically around 3000 spare (not calculated that bit but it won't be far off) not 20k as you first said.. That isn't that much more for having a natural talent thats others dont have.. Especially when football is a short career.. Yes they are slightly more better off for a while, but quite a few footballers are not that clever so really, an average job equals out to a short career in football on £52k a year..

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a cost of living rise is normally between 2-5% not 20%. Alot of footballers are going to find them selves out of work come august with only their greedy selves to blame


Last time I looked cost of living was supposed to be applied every year. My point was that if he gets a big pay rise this year but nothing next year its not too much different to getting cost of living rises over 2 years, even more so if you factor in he didn't get a cost of living increase in the year just gone.


But he's a footballer so by definition over paid. However, what would the standard of football be if we paid less at our level- it would reduce as some good players who have other career options don't play as they'll make more money doing other stuff. The problem with players wages is not at our level or below its higher up.

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the demand clearly isn't there though clearly (or if it is it is rapidly declining) just look at our crowds over the last few years

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people are being priced out of the game all the time. just because I haven't personally YETT, doesn't mean I won't. Yes the premier league is mainly to blame, footbaLL league clubs need to wake up. premier league clubs like Wigan offer football for £15 because of all the tv money they get and even that has started to decline. within the next 5 years the footbaall bubble WILL burst.


Aren't FL crowds going up overall. Our main problem is to do with the fact we are within 10 miles of perhaps the two biggest clubs in the country. I agree that the football bubble will burst, but at the bottom where it isn't much of a bubble.

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I wouldnt describe spending money on birds and booze as wasting it, but remember these lads have older pros around them, and doesnt each club have a rep from uber-:censored: organisation the PFA to advise them on putting money aside and planning for their future? More than most young lads have. Fair play to them if they want to live the high life, its their money, but i wont cry for them if they have to do a 9 to 5 in something less sexy for the next 40 years.

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Let's have a pop at lower league players asking for a mere £200 a week more, yet some of you contintue to pay £50-£60 month for your sky subscription, so you can watch our 'fantastic' premier league players on £50'000wk plus!

So whilst their debts spiral completely out of control, they continue hoping, that because of their global marketing capacity, some rich Arab will pull them out of the :censored:.

Fickle and missing the wider issue of why footballs out of control - nowt to do with an average 3rd division player asking for a bit more in his wage packet.

Eeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmm I pay £60 a month to sky for Jersey Shore and Runs House ACTUALLY!

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