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Dale Stephens Gone?

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That is what Hardy said two days ago, Now it is a percentage of the undisclosed fee that will be ploughed back into the squad. The bull that comes out of this club is getting riduculous. All we here season after season is we need to raise funds, Join Player Share and give us more of your money, We need bigger gates etc. etc. Heres an idea, Stop selling our assets for next to nothing and the club might not be stuggling the way that it is. Stop making statements like any money raised by selling stephens will be ploughed back into the squad and two days later when you have sold him for a pittance say a percentage of that pittance will be invested into the squad. People might show more interest if they didn't feel like the club were shafting them at every oppurtunity.

Oldham Athletic had a golden oppertunity to raise a decent amount of capital by selling a very talented youngster for what he was really worth but again made a right royal mess of it. Get your own ship in order before you start asking everyone else to cough up more money!


If players wages are to be regularly paid on time this season it's realistic some of the fee would go toward running the club.

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That is what Hardy said two days ago, Now it is a percentage of the undisclosed fee that will be ploughed back into the squad. The bull that comes out of this club is getting riduculous. All we here season after season is we need to raise funds, Join Player Share and give us more of your money, We need bigger gates etc. etc. Heres an idea, Stop selling our assets for next to nothing and the club might not be stuggling the way that it is. Stop making statements like any money raised by selling stephens will be ploughed back into the squad and two days later when you have sold him for a pittance say a percentage of that pittance will be invested into the squad. People might show more interest if they didn't feel like the club were shafting them at every oppurtunity.

Oldham Athletic had a golden oppertunity to raise a decent amount of capital by selling a very talented youngster for what he was really worth but again made a right royal mess of it. Get your own ship in order before you start asking everyone else to cough up more money!

Playershare has nothing to do with the club pal, its for those of us who have chose to pay extra to help PD fund extra dosh for players............. if you are really concerned and you are not already a member I would ask you to join (thats not a dig by the way but the more the merrier)!


Secondly when has AH said its now only a percentage? Is it something I have missed because I didn't see anything like the on the official website or The Chron?


Last of all you are asking that we should have held out for what Stephens is worth??? He is only worth what people are willing to pay for him and thats what we held out for I reckon as we apparently turned other bids down..... Put it this way I thought he was okay but if we had £375k to spend on 1 player and spent it on him I wouldn't be overly impressed!


Chill out fella, lets see what happens in the next couple of weeks!


In Dickov we trust!

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