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Student Discount

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I have been informed that the discount only applies if you are a student that is 21 or under.


Anyone else think this is a bit harsh? I'm 28 and going back to Uni in September. Money is going to be tighter than when i was a student aged 18-21 because of various commitments. I want to get to as many games a possible next season but Latics will be a luxury for me...esp at full price.


Reckon it's worth an email to Mr Hardy?

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I have been informed that the discount only applies if you are a student that is 21 or under.


Anyone else think this is a bit harsh? I'm 28 and going back to Uni in September. Money is going to be tighter than when i was a student aged 18-21 because of various commitments. I want to get to as many games a possible next season but Latics will be a luxury for me...esp at full price.


Reckon it's worth an email to Mr Hardy?


There's an old saying, 'if you dont ask, you don't get'


Worth a punt

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I have been informed that the discount only applies if you are a student that is 21 or under.


Anyone else think this is a bit harsh? I'm 28 and going back to Uni in September. Money is going to be tighter than when i was a student aged 18-21 because of various commitments. I want to get to as many games a possible next season but Latics will be a luxury for me...esp at full price.


Reckon it's worth an email to Mr Hardy?


Yes it is, I was 28 when I started at Uni and had the Student Membership for the 05-06. I emailed Alan and he rang me personally to say he would Ok the scheme for me. So Alan is not all bad, you can feel the conflict within him…... :wink:

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In all honesty I think its fair enough that it only applies to those 21 and under. The idea of that is that they are still financially dependent upon their parents; a 28 year old shouldnt be. Th fact that thy are still in education is irrelevent, money will b tight for lots of people in Oldham, but regardless, still worth a punt

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Best of luck I know anorther Owtb poster who was told he was to old to get one being over 21, he his now 25 still not able to get one.


Hmmm student membership should be student membership, bit of age discrimination chucked in by OAFC. What about people who take gap years, or like myself are studying a 5 year course (albeit part-time) or people who like the original poster have gone back to study and wont get the grants/funding that the 18-21 yo students will?


I wasnt really considering going this year to BP anyway due to the fact Im in my final year and have a lot of work on, but I could have been convinced to go to 5 or 6 more games than I will go to if the student membership was available to me. I was 22 in September and no way am I paying the full price when people who are in my year but born at the opposite end of the year are able to get it at student rates. Whats the point in Alan Hardy if when fans go to him for help he says " directors decision, nothing I can do", as ever OAFC moan about the stay aways and treat the hardcore like :censored:.

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I've got in touch with the club about switching to NUS but the reply I got back was some cock and bull about how NUS cards are easily forged (you only get them when you officially enroll at a University and they have an expiry date when your course ends). The thing I've noticed is that those grounds who do accept NUS are the ones in University towns like Huddersfield, Norwich and Notts County etc. But if the club want me to attend more games then they should change their policy to NUS but it's up to them

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I've got in touch with the club about switching to NUS but the reply I got back was some cock and bull about how NUS cards are easily forged (you only get them when you officially enroll at a University and they have an expiry date when your course ends). The thing I've noticed is that those grounds who do accept NUS are the ones in University towns like Huddersfield, Norwich and Notts County etc. But if the club want me to attend more games then they should change their policy to NUS but it's up to them



You can get an Intermediate Season Ticket if you produce a letter from your university confirming you are a student for the coming year.

My son did this a couple of months ago.

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I started my degree at 26 and 5 years later I am just finishing my MA and I must admit the student ticketing policy has really put me off attending home games. I have been to loads of grounds during my studies where I have just flashed my Uni library card and got a discount and I don't see why it's that difficult for Latics.

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In all honesty I think its fair enough that it only applies to those 21 and under. The idea of that is that they are still financially dependent upon their parents; a 28 year old shouldnt be. Th fact that thy are still in education is irrelevent, money will b tight for lots of people in Oldham, but regardless, still worth a punt



I disagree. It's about what you can afford. How many students under 21 do you know pay rent, fund a car, general living costs, etc just from a student loan? None. Being a mature student i have to pay for all these things, plus my tuition fees without the aid of a student loan. Instead i have to get a graduate loan (on top of the student loan i am already paying off seeing as im doing a masters) which i have to pay off as soon as i qualify (regardless of me having a job or not). When i was a student first time around i had plenty of money. I even had a latics season ticket. Come september i will be skint and will be using every advantage the student life can offer me. I really thought Latics would be able to knock of a few quid each time i go to watch. It does make a difference but i think it's more about the principle. We live in a society were more people are re-training or going back to study. I do think it is a form of discrimination and i will be seeing if i can get in touch with the directors about their decision.

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I disagree. It's about what you can afford. How many students under 21 do you know pay rent, fund a car, general living costs, etc just from a student loan? None. Being a mature student i have to pay for all these things, plus my tuition fees without the aid of a student loan. Instead i have to get a graduate loan (on top of the student loan i am already paying off seeing as im doing a masters) which i have to pay off as soon as i qualify (regardless of me having a job or not). When i was a student first time around i had plenty of money. I even had a latics season ticket. Come september i will be skint and will be using every advantage the student life can offer me. I really thought Latics would be able to knock of a few quid each time i go to watch. It does make a difference but i think it's more about the principle. We live in a society were more people are re-training or going back to study. I do think it is a form of discrimination and i will be seeing if i can get in touch with the directors about their decision.


Add a mortgage, wife and two kids to the above. Ok it was my decision to re-train, but after being made redundant twice in three years I decided I wanted more security (haven't got it yet!!!) For one season out of 6 I had a student membership and for the other five years I either saved for my ST or have used the payment plan. I agree it is a form discrimination as is the decision to only class people as pensioners at BP once they reach 65. I think given that the rules on Student Membership have been relaxed in the past it should be looked at again.


You can get an NUS Card for Part Time Study BUT the club could ask for a letter detailing you course, proving it is full-time, signed with the Faculty Stamp? Surely that would be enough? IT was when Alan ok'd mine? Any other ground and you wave your NUS at the gateman and you've got cheaper entry.

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Saves me an email, I'm not that bothered I see paying the extra as a result of age discrimination (which is what it is) as my contribution to player share.


Its funny how Hartlepool a town with only a 6th form college has no qualms about forgery of an NUS card (not to mention letting 60 be the pensionable age). I'll probably not go to loads of games this season come the end of August but I do think the palaver is costing us money in the landlords we trust.

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Maybe a slight deviation from the main discussion, but I'm at Salford Uni and living down here. I'd be interested if there's anyone else down here (at the uni or just living in the Salford / Manc area) that goes to the games and maybe wants to share the driving, as the last couple of years I've been going on my own disappointed.gif. I know this sounds a bit like the plea of a "sorry case", but it would stop me being a loner on Saturdays.

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There used to be a thread going where people had their locations and things could be organised. Not only was it cheaper to come from the outback, but it really encouraged attendance as you were going with people instead of on your own. It mainly worked from a distance (like myself in the North East for away games, as people tend to visit family on home team games) but you also had a get together for boozing in distant non-attendable (for some) games. It could be something worth organising again on the OASIS part of the site. Maybe a thread for areas so people can send out messages before games to each other?

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Maybe a slight deviation from the main discussion, but I'm at Salford Uni and living down here. I'd be interested if there's anyone else down here (at the uni or just living in the Salford / Manc area) that goes to the games and maybe wants to share the driving, as the last couple of years I've been going on my own disappointed.gif. I know this sounds a bit like the plea of a "sorry case", but it would stop me being a loner on Saturdays.



I'm starting at Salford in Sep but i will be commuting from Royton so no luck with the lifts there :(

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