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Maybe not, I'm not really sure what the answer is/was, it's just I think some sort of an effort could have been made if only to make it a bit more of a spectacle for TV. I fear the £30K we got from Sky was more than swallowed up by the people who stayed at home, in fact maybe we even made a loss! Even if a few of them could have been tempted to go to the ground we would have made some much needed money or at least cut any losses if we suffered any.



Doubt it. That equates to about 2000 people at £15. Without TV on a night like last night we'd have done well to get 1000 over and above the crowd we had. No more than 20% of a crowd buy progs, and only an element of the cover price is profit. Maybe a few hundred pounds fro hot Bovril...

We made money last night .

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Doubt it. That equates to about 2000 people at £15. Without TV on a night like last night we'd have done well to get 1000 over and above the crowd we had. No more than 20% of a crowd buy progs, and only an element of the cover price is profit. Maybe a few hundred pounds fro hot Bovril...

We made money last night .

Good! :)

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If the club had reduced prices to £5 for adults etc how many more people would have attended?


Would the increased number of fans covered the price difference between £18 and £5/10?


Did the lack of a bumper crowd cost us victory?


Would the reduced prices have encouraged them all to come again next week?


It's all ME, ME, ME.


Bottom line here is the club continues to lose money and the club should do all that it can to reduce those losses. Fair play to those who went, you are a credit to the club.


The Sky money will have more than compensated for the gate losses due to it being on telly. If the game was on tv but no tv money coming in then you'd have a case to reduce prices.


Another way to look at it is those who watched the game on Sky contributed to the tv money by subscribing to Sky Sports.


The club got it spot on regarding prices for last night.

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If the club had reduced prices to £5 for adults etc how many more people would have attended?


Would the increased number of fans covered the price difference between £18 and £5/10?


Did the lack of a bumper crowd cost us victory?


Would the reduced prices have encouraged them all to come again next week?


It's all ME, ME, ME.


Bottom line here is the club continues to lose money and the club should do all that it can to reduce those losses. Fair play to those who went, you are a credit to the club.


The Sky money will have more than compensated for the gate losses due to it being on telly. If the game was on tv but no tv money coming in then you'd have a case to reduce prices.


Another way to look at it is those who watched the game on Sky contributed to the tv money by subscribing to Sky Sports.


The club got it spot on regarding prices for last night.



I wonder how many people paid to get in last night?

The club is up for sale, a crowd would have made us look a better proposition.

The club got it so far wrong its untrue.

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I wonder how many people paid to get in last night?

The club is up for sale, a crowd would have made us look a better proposition.

The club got it so far wrong its untrue.


So losing more money by reducing prices when you are already losing money as it is? Makes business sense. A potential investor would love that!

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sat in the chaddy and it was a decent atmosphere watching a decent game, dont know if the atmosphere came accross on the tv though..


dont now if it's been mentioned though, but we put in a good battling performance against a top team on national tv. maybe some 'floaters' will come back if theyve seen a game like that. i'd hope that we looked like the play-off team and not the mid-table team and i think we played well enough.


might have looked empty but a result against the trannies and the family fun day or whatever it is against wycombe, i reckon we can get a decent crowd in for that one.

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You just started chucking out random statements like it was the truth.

Nobody paid to get in last night, so one fan at a fiver made more money.



We got 2400+ last night at £18. you'd need roughly 4800+ at £10 to make the same revenue and 9600+ at £5.


If an investor wants to see potential then all they need to look at is our average attendance figures before the economic slump. There's a good 2000-3000 fans extra potential there.


An investor will be interested in seeing balance sheets, what we make and what we lose. The club did the right thing by the club.

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I'm not arguing anymore, the club did the right thing, made more money from it than reducing prices would have done. If you disagree then that's your opinion but you're wrong.


I'm not arguing either. I just hoped you would realise for yourself that season ticket holders dont pay, and that the attendance was the number of season ticket holders. So we made no money on the gate. So the club did the wrong thing, and yes, you are entitled to your opinion too, but you're wrong.

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We got 2400+ last night at £18. you'd need roughly 4800+ at £10 to make the same revenue and 9600+ at £5.


If an investor wants to see potential then all they need to look at is our average attendance figures before the economic slump. There's a good 2000-3000 fans extra potential there.


An investor will be interested in seeing balance sheets, what we make and what we lose. The club did the right thing by the club.


No we didn't. As Monty Burns was hinting, I would imagine a good proportion of the 2400 were season ticket holders. Hence how many paid on the gate last night?

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I'm not arguing either. I just hoped you would realise for yourself that season ticket holders dont pay, and that the attendance was the number of season ticket holders. So we made no money on the gate. So the club did the wrong thing, and yes, you are entitled to your opinion too, but you're wrong.


Its all about opinions at the end of the day, I dont think anyone is 'right' or 'wrong' on this one, its not as clear cut as that but I'm with you on this one Monty, kind of.


The times in the past when the club have done a cheap admission, they have had a company sponsor the game in order to (partially) make up for the shortfall in gate receipts on the day. And I would also doubt that the companies that sponsored the cheap admission days would have paid £30k.


Given present circumstances, if this game would have been a non televised game on a saturday, I strongly doubt that the club would have got anywhere near 30k gate receipts (definitely wouldnt have got this if it was a non televised night game), even with the extra punters, but they had that in the bank last night. And the chances are that will be the only time we will be on sky at home for the rest of the season.


Hence my point is, without saying anyone is right or wrong, if the club ever had any intention of doing a cheap 'fiver in' day or something along those lines, last night was the night to do it. Given the fact that the season ticket money is in the bank regardless of whether the holders choose to attend the game or not, and that we were getting 30k from sky, the financial 'hit' so to say of having cheap admissions would be minimised.

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I would imagine 99% were season ticket holders! So even a 1000 in at £10 would have been a nice little earner


Probably a bit less to be fair. I don't recall the club having a draw for 2000 season ticket holders? So assuming all the season ticket holders did show up, minus the 92 fans from milton keynes, you would probably have around 500-600 paying on the door, maybe a bit more?

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It blatantly wasn't agood idea to leave it at 18.. Milton Keynes on a Monday night was a catergory C game if ever there was one anyway.. I know that originally it was due to be played on a Saturday but even without promoting a massive ticket deal, 2 for one or kids for a fiver etc I think it would've been a good idea to reduce the Catergory as a good will gesture..


I'd be interested to know how many paying punters there actually were last night, surely the £4 reduction would've got more in as there can't of been more than a couple of hundred.. On top of that it would've been a bit good light shed on the powers that be.

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It blatantly wasn't agood idea to leave it at 18.. Milton Keynes on a Monday night was a catergory C game if ever there was one anyway.. I know that originally it was due to be played on a Saturday but even without promoting a massive ticket deal, 2 for one or kids for a fiver etc I think it would've been a good idea to reduce the Catergory as a good will gesture..


I'd be interested to know how many paying punters there actually were last night, surely the £4 reduction would've got more in as there can't of been more than a couple of hundred.. On top of that it would've been a bit good light shed on the powers that be.


I think there is definitely a case for the club making it category C. In another season with a different set of teams it may well have been. But say for example the club budgeted on 8 cat A games, 8 cat B and 7 cat C. Which of the Cat C fixtures would you have swapped and made into a Cat B in order to make this a cat C?

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So where does the attendance stand in the all time pantheon of bad league crowds?


I know everyone gets a GCSE A+ at Maths these days but surely someone has spotted the mistake in the Chron's comment - "a crowd of only 2,408 — the club’s lowest gate for a league game since May 3, 1986, when 2,510 supporters turned up to watch a 2-1 win against Fulham"

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I think there is definitely a case for the club making it category C. In another season with a different set of teams it may well have been. But say for example the club budgeted on 8 cat A games, 8 cat B and 7 cat C. Which of the Cat C fixtures would you have swapped and made into a Cat B in order to make this a cat C?


I wouldn't have swapped it with any.. Just say it's one extra catergory C, that way they come across as doing the fans a favour as well. Just seemed the right and logical things to do. Hindsights a wonderful thing but there were plenty of people having a pop before the game at the catergory.


They'll be offers close to Christmas anyway. Honestly think that a few more would've had it at £14.

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No we didn't. As Monty Burns was hinting, I would imagine a good proportion of the 2400 were season ticket holders. Hence how many paid on the gate last night?

Oi - I didn't give you permission to quote me in your new sig.....you need my full written consent - plus it's not one of my best either!! :wink:

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I believe that it's the worst for 41 years and that it's the 7th worst league crowd we've had since we joined in 1907 (all the top 6 being between May 1968 and February 1970). The lowest I found was 2073 against Northampton in 1968/69



edit - and, fact fans, one last fact - last night was the lowest ever attendance for a game in October

Edited by help_shiny
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I think more relevant than last night's gate is what we can pull in for the next game against Wycombe.


I think the family festival is a cracking idea that the club should be applauded for and everyone (including the stay-aways) should seriously consider turning up - even just to show that such initiatives are welcome and will get the required result.

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