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20 Cup Finals

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So our journey to Wembley is over but it doesn't mean our season's over.


Starting Saturday, the players need to play 20 Cup Finals. I don't want the remainder of this season fizzling out or, dare I say it, a relegation battle.


60 points to play for and Dickov needs to ensure that every one of the eleven players each game put in 100% and maximise those opportunities that went wasting tonight.

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I have a season ticket and have had enough of the we nearly did it, not good enough over the two games, I bet we had over 30 shots over both games and scored one which is a poor return, we are not as good as people seem to think 16 goals scored at home this season is just not good enough for me

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I have a season ticket and have had enough of the we nearly did it, not good enough over the two games, I bet we had over 30 shots over both games and scored one which is a poor return, we are not as good as people seem to think 16 goals scored at home this season is just not good enough for me

Sky reported it as actually over 40.

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i just think our play is really predictable. teams Pammy Lee has us figured out and can stop us scoring.


To be fair you can only ask for goals other than what we did, it was 8 behind the ball for most of the game.

We were unlucky at times too, it was ust not our day.

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I have a season ticket and have had enough of the we nearly did it, not good enough over the two games, I bet we had over 30 shots over both games and scored one which is a poor return, we are not as good as people seem to think 16 goals scored at home this season is just not good enough for me

22 on and off in first leg.

25 on and off in second leg.

One goal out of 47 shots. Not good enough. Even with our crappy budget we should be doing better than that.

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22 on and off in first leg.

25 on and off in second leg.

One goal out of 47 shots. Not good enough. Even with our crappy budget we should be doing better than that.

That stat speaks huge volumes for us at the moment. If we can't score with that many chances, then we deserve absolutely nothing at all.

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