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Season ticket holders - do you want "compensating"?

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  1. 1. Do you want compensating?

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I originally wasn't bothered about being compensated, was pleased we were doing something to increase attendance.


BUT - someone then pointed out to me that if you hadn't taken up the early bird ST offer, you were worse off having bought a season ticket. Other people probably clocked this a while back but I found it quite shocking.


I thought the club might have offered some kind of renewal discount for existing season ticket holders. Could have worked both as compensation for the golden ticket and also an extra incentive to renew as there must be quite a few people thinking very seriously about not renewing (I've not made my mind up yet).

Edited by bossrocks
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I originally wasn't bothered about being compensated, was pleased we were doing something to increase attendance.


BUT - someone then pointed out to me that if you hadn't taken up the early bird ST offer, you were worse off having bought a season ticket. Other people probably clocked this a while back but I found it quite shocking.


I thought the club might have offered some kind of renewal discount for existing season ticket holders. Could have worked both as compensation for the golden ticket and also an extra incentive to renew as there must be quite a few people thinking very seriously about not renewing (I've not made my mind up yet).


I've missed 3 games through varying reasons.


So if I take into account my ST cost of £308


The pay on the day cost of attending the remaining 20 games i have been to/going to is £333 if you attended all 23 is £377 - still £22 cheaper than a full price Chaddy End or Main Stand Upper Ticket and £2 cheaper than a full price ST for the RRE…..


I wasn't bothered at the time, but now I feel as though I have been shafted. I wasn't bothered about some sort of recompense for the Golden Ticket offer, but those that renew are taken for granted. It pays to pick your games and that's what I'll be doing next season.


So Season Ticket Holders that paid full whack for their ticket have actually paid MORE to attend games!

Edited by oafcprozac
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So Season Ticket Holders that paid full whack for their ticket have actually paid MORE to attend games!

This is the crucial sticking point for me.


I miss between 2 and 6 home games per season but have always bought an ST. Next season I probably won't bother and will do the same as you, picking games as I go.


I'll start out with the intention of going to all the games I'm free for but unfortunately for the club, it will give me a huge incentive not to bother when we're on a bad run (like we are now) or when faced with a cold Tuesday game after a long day at work.


Its difficult to justify at £308 when the possibility of cheap offers exists.


But if we'd won all 5 Golden Ticket games I'd probably be saying something different.

Edited by bossrocks
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No change for me.


I don't want compensation. I'm glad they tried to fill the seats next to me.


Lots of discount vouchers.


Friend for a fiver.


No queue to get my Liverpool tickets.


Just win more home games next season please.


+ 1.

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No change for me.


I don't want compensation. I'm glad they tried to fill the seats next to me.


Lots of discount vouchers.


Friend for a fiver.


No queue to get my Liverpool tickets.


Just win more home games next season please.

All true, But they shouldn't of said they would if the had no intention of doing so.

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My advice for what its worth is renew your season ticket and stop moaning about saving a few quid!


I understand the frustration, and I share it to some degree but its the club we love and that is why we still do it!


If we lose many more season ticket holders SC may well just pull the plug!


Like opinions4u says, we didn't have to queue for Liverpool tickets and that is a massive plus as plenty regulars missed out to day trippers who couldn't really care less about Latics!


I struggle getting to grips with the fact that I still remain a ST holder and get to 95% of home games and a few away each season and I live in Stalybridge, and it really riles me that people who live in Oldham cant be arsed turning out.......... yet I make it.


Again, its the club we love so just renew!

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My advice for what its worth is renew your season ticket and stop moaning about saving a few quid!


I understand the frustration, and I share it to some degree but its the club we love and that is why we still do it!


If we lose many more season ticket holders SC may well just pull the plug!


Like opinions4u says, we didn't have to queue for Liverpool tickets and that is a massive plus as plenty regulars missed out to day trippers who couldn't really care less about Latics!


I struggle getting to grips with the fact that I still remain a ST holder and get to 95% of home games and a few away each season and I live in Stalybridge, and it really riles me that people who live in Oldham cant be arsed turning out.......... yet I make it.

Again, its the club we love so just renew!

I live in Preston and I know there are people who come further so don't lump us all in that category! Its not like Stalybridge is a huge distance away either.


I understand the argument that we should renew, no questions asked, but it feels a bit like we're being taken advantage of.

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I live in Preston and I know there are people who come further so don't lump us all in that category! Its not like Stalybridge is a huge distance away either.


I understand the argument that we should renew, no questions asked, but it feels a bit like we're being taken advantage of.

You are missing my point and I wasn't having a go at anyone in particular.


Just annoys me how there are thousands of "Latics" fans who live in Oldham who are prepared to queue from 4am for tickets for a big match but cant be arsed turning out for most home games!


Pisses me off that loads of stayaways moan about not wanting to move to Failsworth, yet plenty still dont attend when we are staying in Oldham.


Anyways, didn't mean to cause anyone any offence....... it is more of a plee to those thinking of not bothering to keep the faith and renew!


We need the hardcore support to not reduce any further!

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You are missing my point and I wasn't having a go at anyone in particular.


Just annoys me how there are thousands of "Latics" fans who live in Oldham who are prepared to queue from 4am for tickets for a big match but cant be arsed turning out for most home games!


Pisses me off that loads of stayaways moan about not wanting to move to Failsworth, yet plenty still dont attend when we are staying in Oldham.


Anyways, didn't mean to cause anyone any offence....... it is more of a plee to those thinking of not bothering to keep the faith and renew!


We need the hardcore support to not reduce any further!



From reading on here in various threads - it looks like it will be. A fair few current ST holders on here aren't renewing; so if you take this board as a cross-section of the fan base - it's a worrying decline it looks like.


I've had a good long think, been mulling for weeks whether I would be renewing again - and let's be honest; the current form or whole "feel" around the club is hardly making me snap to it - BUT

I just can't get round or away from the fact that, if I went to pay on the day and started to pick & choose my games; I would almost certainly start to pick less & less games. I know I would.

Right now, whilst i still can afford it from both a finacial & time POV, a ST is the way to go for me again I've come to the decision of. It binds to going to all the games that I can (I miss 5 or 6 a season with work as it is), stops me drifting away into the relms of lasped fan and whilst I still can do - and still want to; I will still do.

So - here's 1 renewal at least.

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Originally didn't want compensating. It was a good idea and worth a try but now I have jus clicked yes. And that was before reading that I actually paid quite a bit more than pay on the Sayers as I missed the discount period last year. It's frustrating to say the least an then we find that once again the ticket prices are so high for a ever increasingly poor product with the discount period once again slashed.


I don't no why but I had a feeling that the price would be reduced this season. Thought there would be a big push to boost the number of ST holders but once again nothing. No sign of an compensation for the golden ticket which equates to yet another false promise. I can't afford to renew as things stand and if I could would be reluctant as has already been said by someone the club seem to take advantage and take for granted the ST holders


Will be picking and choosing next season which I have a feelin may result in me missing a few

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I am all for the club and SC coming up with plans to get the fans back in, and that is why I dont want compensating!


What does piss me off a bit is supporters have come up with ideas over the years to get people back and it has been ignored.


I think SC would do very well to invite people's views prior to any new initiatives!

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I personaaly appluad SC for trying top get the fans back into BP,- BUT i do think that the Golden Ticket was too cheap. The same people would have probably still taken advantage if they had been £5 per match. By the same score, the junior ST for next year is again too cheap. Half the price to £25, i really hope that someone is promoting the £10 though in EVERY school in the town. My grandson bought his 1st season ticket last year. As a 12 yr old, he loves everything about football, playing watching etc. His 1st love is UTD, but as he said, when is he ever going to get to watch them LIVE? He is a secret blue now you know, sshh

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I'm sick of hearing people refer to their team as a product, it sounds like they're expecting the opposition just to roll over which is not right the mentality for a Football fan to have especially when the top sides in the League are paying players £10,000 a week (in most cases because the fans actually back them by doing things like purchasing season tickets). Some reasons for not buying are valid such as work, kids, location and even if you feel let down by the Golden Ticket deal, but can we please knock this "product" malarky on it's head it does my head in

Edited by Tommy_Fent
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I'm sick of hearing people refer to their team as a product, it sounds like they're expecting the opposition just to roll over which is not right the mentality for a Football fan to have especially when the top sides in the League are paying players £10,000 a week (in most cases because the fans actually back them by doing things like purchasing season tickets). Some reasons for not buying are valid such as work, kids, location and even if you feel let down by the Golden Ticket deal, but can we please knock this "product" malarky on it's head it does my head in


You're correct, it's not a product, technically its a service - the right of admission to watch a football game.

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