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Dickov Out!

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I like Dickov and want him to suceed, but making tactical mistakes again and again is not learning. Early season yes but 2 wins in 20 is not good.


IMO PD is too cautuous, against a team like Walsall - who had a very suspect keeper, we should have thrown the kitchen sink at them instead of handing over the initiative in the second half.

Too many teams coming to BP are allowed to set the pace and make tactical substitutions that appear to work in their favour, yet PDs rarely seem to work.

Conceding goals does matter, but he needs to realise fans want to see lots of action in and around the opposition penalty area, it's not a game of chess.

He is a likeable guy, but maybe he needs to become a no more Mr nice guy regarding his teams failings.

Edited by BP1960
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IMO PD is too cautuous, against a team like Walsall - who had a very suspect keeper, we should have thrown the kitchen sink at them instead of handing over the initiative in the second half.

Too many teams coming to BP are allowed to set the pace and make tactical substitutions that appear to work in their favour, yet PDs rarely seem to work.

Conceding goals does matter, but he needs to realise fans want to see lots of action in and around the opposition penalty area, it's not a game of chess.

He is a likeable guy, but maybe he needs to become a no more Mr nice guy regarding his teams failings.


I agree at home we should set the pace against opposing team, its ouR job to put visitors on the back foot


but maybe in the Walsall changing room at half time their manager said the same......Oldham have a suspect keeper that if you get at him will make the mistakes, get the tempo up and the crowd will turn and get nervous very early especially if we keep it to 1 for the first 15 of the second half.


some things our current manager or a new manager cant change and that the temperament of a young squad who lose confidence very quickly, only more games and more experience will help with that......of course experience players brought in would but that cant happen in the current climate.



maybe one thing that could have been done differently is when buying players we should have put together an older squad especially if you want to see more consistent results right away, maybe 2 more experience bodies before the deadline will help......sometimes thats all it takes IMO

Edited by palmer1
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Yep, Dickov out. He's shown he can't progress us.


I'd make a move to bring Garth Crooks in, he has some innovative new ideas on formations

Imagine how big a pad his notes would need for his subs.....


The other team would be out and have scored 6 by the time he'd finshed his half time team talk.

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Imagine how big a pad his notes would need for his subs.....


The other team would be out and have scored 6 by the time he'd finshed his half time team talk.


Imagine showing this to a substitute before he takes the field;



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Our new manager:



lol...an extra man always helps, I also liked "The entire Korean team defended in their own 18 yard box, it really was impressive". Even DP never tried that 'impressive' tactic.

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I've never called for a manager's head at a game before and I won't start now. I do, however, know when I've had enough or I can't see how the club would move forward. I never took to Penney and I knew Sheridan's reign had to end.


The thing with having a manager in place for longer thana year is that we can judge them better.So far we've seen the crippling errors and signs that have hindered us thus far with Dickov. Have I had enough of Dickov? It pains me to say it but he no longer enthuses me. I'm bored of his antics - or lack thereof - on the pitchside. He talks a good game but what he says doesn't matter, it's what he does. He doesn't do much. He says we play good football. It's embarrassing to even suggest we do.


On Tuesday he shouted to M'Changama "pass it!". So why aren't the players listening? It's because he protects them and doesn't criticise them. He's like a doting mother when really the players need some touch, hard truths. Some aren't as good as they like to believe, their attitude as a collective is weak, they shy away from the scrap. If he started to demand twice as much as he does currently we'd have finished no lower than 12th. Our team isn't as poor as some like to make out.


I do want him to remain, though. I think I'm sucked in, as I think a lot of supporters are, by the fact he's a lovely, likeable bloke. But I grow ever weary with his and the team's shoddy, spineless performances.

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He seems like a nice chap, which may or may not be part of the problem, and I don't necessarily want him to go - I'll leave that to those that see him on a far more regular basis - but I wouldn't be too upset if he did.

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He seems like a nice chap, which may or may not be part of the problem, and I don't necessarily want him to go - I'll leave that to those that see him on a far more regular basis - but I wouldn't be too upset if he did.




I like Dickov, I think he's a proper nice bloke and I don't want to see him go but If we lose on Saturday and things don't get better in the next couple of weeks. He's in trouble.

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I think that's fair, crap budget or not, even Stitch was under a lot of pressure in his third season, most of the crowd at the early season debacle at Rotherham wanted him out…so much so Granada Reports did a feature the day after.


But after winning only 1 in the first ten, we then only lost 3 in the next 18. So it can turn, note of caution Stitch was allowed to bring a few in including Eyres and Carss. Corney needs to stop bull:censored:ting and put his hand in his pocket.


17 out 8 in


Of those 8


2 loanees

3 1 year deals

3 2 year deals


1 of the signings - Jacobs will be nowhere near the first team and at 17 will be getting peanuts.


We're 3/4 players light - wish we'd just had a decent cash gate v City and a TV appearance...

Edited by oafcprozac
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PD is a very likeable person. He conducts himself really well and is very professional. i llike him.

i wonder about his tactics. this is season three.

i wonder about his man management - never thought i'd ask it, but is he too soft with them?

we do seem to be moving in decreasing circles.

that said, how can he manage with the money he has been given. we have two right backs, two centre backs pluis an untried kid and one left back plus someone who may or may not be a left back. that is ridiculous. PD hasn't overloaded any other part of the squad. on the contrary. we need a dominant midfield player and another striker.

PD has his faults but who else can plant rock horse :censored:? seriosly, we're in a vicious cricle and the only solution is the owner spending some money to boost the squad to improve performances to get the team moving up to get the fans back. otherwise the question of the mamager is a red herring.

we're screwed.

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