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Saturday 3pm KO's

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Was thinking about what a let down the results have been on the Golden Ticket games and how i doubt many of these extra 1000-1500 will return regulary. A lot of these fans are probably the casuals that turn up when they can and probably mainly Saturday 3pm when our gates are higher than the night matches.


So bored at work I was just going through the past 3 years to see how many games we have actually won at home on a Saturday.


In the past 3 seasons we have played 45 games at home and won 17. 51 points from a possible 135 points.


45 games is pretty much a seasons worth of games and our home form over this period is relegation form.


Another thing in the long list that needs to improve if we are ever going to win back any lapsed/part time supporters

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Touched on it a few weeks ago.


Home form either side of flattening the Lookers is quite extreme.


Doubtless there are numerous other cause and effect issues to consider.


But I think the demolition of that stand is possibly the biggest false economy TTA have made.

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That's a revealing statistic. I think we all realise we struggle at home, but that points return is much worse than I imagined.


We really need to turn BP into somewhere visiting teams hate to visit. We've got an open side that welcomes all sorts of weather in, a ground that's falling apart around us & a public transport system that requires a week off work to get to the ground.


Visiting teams should be dreading the trip here for weeks in advance. In reality the majority of teams must come to Oldham very confident of a positive result.


I'd like to suggest a solution, but I haven't got a clue.

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it would be nice if we had some atmosphere but thats dead as well, if even our own players think that it doesnt have the feel of a proffesional football match when they run out then im sure the away teams feel less "threatend" or under pressure.


We need to move from BP to generate some interest we need something posative at the club (and the town as whole really) but its a big ask and when you hear people who have payed 15 for a series of game saying how bad it is and they wont be back it doesnt give a lot of hope

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Build a wall and get some local artist to paint a football mural. Install some speakers into said wall and pump out 'owtb' on a loop for 90 mins.


Should do a Luton and get a line of individual Exec boxes down that side, the ones with the patio doors and balcony to sit outside, so fans can buy the box for the season and share with family and friends. Encloses the ground, makes us money and looks less of a :censored: tip

Edited by NIKI1234
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Should do a Luton and get a line of individual Exec boxes down that side, the ones with the patio doors and balcony to sit outside, so fans can buy the box for the season and share with family and friends. Encloses the ground, makes us money and looks less of a :censored: tip


Ha ha, great idea. I used to love going to Luton away in the good old days, like a little Subbuteo stadium. I especially liked the fact that if you had really long arms and a head for heights you could just about steal that families washing from their line as you went up the steps into the away end :grin:

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