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Tom Adeyemi

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With the noise generated by the mighty Spion Kop that night?


I'd be pretty sure Mr Adeyemi heard exactly what was said from 10 yards away.


You are clutching at straws now mate. Would you like me to provide you with a number so you can ring up the police and take the matter up with them?


I'm sure after you have a word with them they will immediately go and apprehend that supporter and bring him to justice!

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Well you know you are fighting a lost cause when you start arguing with a bunch of sheep who can't cannot put in any effort thinking for themselves and would rather believe any odd tripe that the media puts out as opposed to engaging in objective analysis. And personally I don't care about not being heard on an Oldham football forum. The fact that none of you have so far been able to make a coherent rebuttal of my post (which I even provided a link to this time) says more than I need to.


Faced up to the facts hey? What facts? Like the fact that the police found the supporter to be not guilty in the charge of racially abusing Adeyemi which some on here still cannot face up to yet when it comes to Suarez he was guilty and should have been ostracized the day Evra opened his mouth. Those facts? Pathetic.


Now if you can read tell me how many Liverpool fans have been charged with racist chants over the last 3 years? How does that compare to other clubs in the PL?


Oh but wait that doesn't matter. The Daily mail said Liverpool are racist. Burn them! Burn them all!



Go away then. I for one am sick of listening to you :mad:

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People have been found with axes stuck in the backs of their heads and there've been no charges in the case. No charges in the case does not mean no crime.


The race problem at Liverpool starts at the top, with King Kenny's insane defence of Suarez. That's what made it okay for a fan to shout racist abuse at Adeyemi. That's what made the monkey chants at Evra okay.


Liverpool have a problem, and they need to own up to it and sort it out.


Who said it made it okay? Liverpool handed the matter of both cases over to the police like it should have been. One of the supporters has already been cleared (unless you want to start your own Kangaroo Court to bring him to justice) and the other case is pending. In fact your own club commended LFC with how we have handled the Adeyemi case (but of course you still know more than them right?).


And if Liverpool have a problem with racism can you tell me how many Liverpool supporters have been charged with racist chanting over the last 3 years? Grand total of 0 (with only the monkey gesture case pending with the police). That is the lowest in the PL (along with only a couple other clubs).


But yeah we are the only racist club in Britain.

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You are clutching at straws now mate. Would you like me to provide you with a number so you can ring up the police and take the matter up with them?


I'm sure after you have a word with them they will immediately go and apprehend that supporter and bring him to justice!

You have just suffered a sense of humour by-pass! I should have put a smiley on my previous post to help you understand.


Like the fact that the police found the supporter to be not guilty

The police provided evidence to the CPS who decided there was no realistic chance of a successful prosecution with different witnesses saying different things. I think most people accept that should be the end of the matter. In the eyes of the law the "fan" concerned can get on with his life.


There could be other options open to various parties. Personally I hope none of them are pursued.


1) Private prosecution from Adeyemi.

2) FA investigation where your dislike of the balance of probabilities could raise its head again.

3) Liverpool Football Club to take action against the fan concerned (based on the balance of probabilities).

4) Adeyemi to sue for damages in a civil court.


I don't think any of these are likely or helpful. But if option (4) did happen I know what I think the outcome would be. You wouldn't like it.

Edited by opinions4u
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You have just suffered a sense of humour by-pass! I should have put a smiley on my previous post to help you understand.



The police provided evidence to the CPS who decided there was no realistic chance of a successful prosecution with different witnesses saying a different thing. I think most people accept that should be the end of the matter. In the eyes of the law the "fan" concerned can get on with his life.


There could be other options open to various parties. Personally I hope none of them are pursued.


1) Private prosecution from Adeyemi.

2) FA investigation where your dislike of the balance of probabilities could raise its head again.

3) Liverpool Football Club to take action against the fan concerned (based on the balance of probabilities).

4) Adeyemi to sue for damages in a civil court.


I don't think any of these are likely or helpful. But if option (4) did happen I know what I think the outcome would be. You wouldn't like it.


What? That he would lose quite a bit of money in his lawyer's fees? Who would he be suing exactly and for what?


I think even the balance of probabilities would be in the supporter's defense (unless of course it was the FA who don't need much evidence to convict a person of racism).

Edited by liverpoolfan
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What? That he would lose quite a bit of money in his lawyer's fees? Who would he be suing exactly and for what?

The identity of the fan in question is known. So that's who you sue. Some namby pamby hurt feelings thing could doubtless be used in a civil court. Black or Manc? Both a pretty hurtful don't you think?


(unless of course it was the FA who don't need much evidence to convict a person of racism).

As you have pointed out, Suarez wasn't convicted of racism. Using racist language.

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The identity of the fan in question is known. So that's who you sue. Some namby pamby hurt feelings thing could doubtless be used in a civil court. Black or Manc? Both a pretty hurtful don't you think?



As you have pointed out, Suarez wasn't convicted of racism. Using racist language.


Yeah I guess he could but there is quite a bit of general abuse hurled by fans across various different football grounds each week.


In terms of your second point you are correct. But as we have found out just in the last 3 pages it is considered enough by people to brand him as an inherent racist (which is what the FA and especially the media have effectively done). Even though in their statement both the FA and Evra said that they don't believe Suarez is a racist.


But anyway I think I will do Break the Silence a favour and piss off.


Good luck to Oldham for the rest of the season! :first:

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Well you know you are fighting a lost cause when you start arguing with a bunch of sheep who can't cannot put in any effort thinking for themselves and would rather believe any odd tripe that the media puts out as opposed to engaging in objective analysis. And personally I don't care about not being heard on an Oldham football forum. The fact that none of you have so far been able to make a coherent rebuttal of my post (which I even provided a link to this time) says more than I need to.


Faced up to the facts hey? What facts? Like the fact that the police found the supporter to be not guilty in the charge of racially abusing Adeyemi which some on here still cannot face up to yet when it comes to Suarez he was guilty and should have been ostracized the day Evra opened his mouth. Those facts? Pathetic.


Now if you can read tell me how many Liverpool fans have been charged with racist chants over the last 3 years? How does that compare to other clubs in the PL?


Oh but wait that doesn't matter. The Daily mail said Liverpool are racist. Burn them! Burn them all!



Your nearly brushing yourself with the same tarred brush...


Why are you still here?

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Yeah I guess he could but there is quite a bit of general abuse hurled by fans across various different football grounds each week.


In terms of your second point you are correct. But as we have found out just in the last 3 pages it is considered enough by people to brand him as an inherent racist (which is what the FA and especially the media have effectively done). Even though in their statement both the FA and Evra said that they don't believe Suarez is a racist.


But anyway I think I will do Break the Silence a favour and piss off.


Good luck to Oldham for the rest of the season! :first:


Cheers buddy. You were making my head hurt with all the big words you were using :grin:

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Well you know you are fighting a lost cause when you start arguing with a bunch of sheep who can't cannot put in any effort thinking for themselves and would rather believe any odd tripe that the media puts out as opposed to engaging in objective analysis. And personally I don't care about not being heard on an Oldham football forum. The fact that none of you have so far been able to make a coherent rebuttal of my post (which I even provided a link to this time) says more than I need to.


Faced up to the facts hey? What facts? Like the fact that the police found the supporter to be not guilty in the charge of racially abusing Adeyemi which some on here still cannot face up to yet when it comes to Suarez he was guilty and should have been ostracized the day Evra opened his mouth. Those facts? Pathetic.


Now if you can read tell me how many Liverpool fans have been charged with racist chants over the last 3 years? How does that compare to other clubs in the PL?


Oh but wait that doesn't matter. The Daily mail said Liverpool are racist. Burn them! Burn them all!


No, the police have not found the fan "not guilty". The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) have found that "On the balance of all of the evidence, I have therefore concluded that there is insufficient evidence to bring any criminal charges in this case and I have advised Merseyside Police of my decision." There is a massive difference between this and "found not guilty". What the CPS are saying is that they are unable to guarantee that a court of law, crown or magistrate would be able to prosecute and convict this person.


My brother in law is a copper on the child protection squad, he's had the CPS not prosecute in cases of noncery as there is "insufficient evidence to guarantee a conviction". Unless the old bill find the accused with his cock sticking in the kid it is nigh on impossible to justify the time and expense of a trial. This is the same with this "fan" and Adeyemi, the CPS having reviewed all the evidence, statements and whatever, can not guarantee that going through with what would be a very high profile and expensive trial is will bring about a conviction.


We used to have a system of "not guilty until proven otherwise" now we have a system of "can we actually prove that". Most cases do not get to court these days, the expense of it all, the pre-trial reports, the pre-sentence reports, the probation service involvement, the lawyers..yadda..yadda..


Now that has been cleared up what do I actually think? I think he is as guilty as the nonce mentioned further up, "manc bastard" "manc c*nt" do me a favour love, the other ones got bells on. Can it be proven, well as we have seen, probably not.


The whole Suarez affair is a stain on your club, wrapped up into this affair is KK's T-shirts, Adeyemi and that non-handshake. All of these incidents were avoidable, the T-shirts, Adeyemi and the non-handshake needn't have happened. When the allegations against Suarez first broke what LFC should have done is issue a bland statement "Luis is under an FA investigation and we will not comment until that investigation has concluded." Simple as that. They could have added, "Luis is a LFC player and will receive the support of the club during this difficult time" even your most do-gooding PC Nazi (pardon the pun) would have thought it to be reasonable. But what your club actually did was to get t-shirts printed with the player on and then paraded in them before a televised premier league game. Just what planet are the people who thought that was a good idea on? We're not talking about a class of kids shaving their heads when a class mate undergoes chemotherapy, we're talking about a millionaire player accused of addressing a fellow professional by a term deemed to be racist.


To your average football fan this is what got their back up, we're all long in the tooth enough to have seen and been disappointed by racial abuse within and outside of football but those bloody t-shirts took the biscuit. I can't wait for enough time to go past so that we can look back on this and people remember about those t-shirts. Laughing stock will not quite cover it.


Into this mix the Adeyemi thing happens, LFC's response to it was a lot better than it was to the Suarez thing, sadly a T-shirt printer had to scrap a run of shirts with the fan's face on it when your club cancelled the order at the last minute - Joke. But who gets it in the neck, the media, Adeyemi, anyone but LFC, LFC are whiter than white.


Then we come to the handshake, there'd been more build up to this than the Terry & Bridge one, the FA had wisely cancelled the Chelsea & QPR one and should have cancelled this one. So what does Suarez do? Be the bigger man and start to try and draw a line under it all? Does he heck, he acts like a petulant little child and refuses to shake the nasty man's hand. I saw more replays of that line-up than I did of the goals in the game. What did he think would happen? If they'd shaken hands the story starts to fade, another sorry incident in football passes into memory. What does KK do? He goes all Arsene Wenger on us. I bet if there'd been a "was it over the line" moment in the goal he'd have seen the replay. Is he trying to kid us that not one club official in the executive boxes had seen the incident on sky and relayed it through the club like it would in a professional organisation? It took John Henry calling the club and ordering them to get this sorted as his brand was suffering for KK to offer a sniveling apology to the reporter.


How anyone can try and defend the way LFC have acted since that game between Utd and today is hilarious, even Red Adair would have struggled with the way the club kept restarting the fires under this issue. I'm past caring what Suarez did or didn't say or what the FA suits did or said or "proved", LFC besmirched the sport and for a club of your stature to do that is wrong and embarrassing.

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I read the FA report on Suarez the whole damn document, and he was bang to rights. Whilst the ruling was that they thought Suarez was not 'Racist' (bollocks) he used racist language and was bang to rights off the Canal+ coverage, it showed him clearly abusing Evra, but the Scousers as usual overlooked the main evidence that ensured the suspension was valid. The whole debate could have been blown out of the water by showing publicly the Canal + coverage.Thus no grounds for appeal from Liverpool, despite their t-shirt stunt and mobilising the pity mob they knew they didn't have due cause to appeal and backed down. As for Adeyemi, perhaps he did mis-hear, but to get as upset as he did, he heard something clearly.


Oh and why's no-one commented on Suarez's second racist action(s) at Old Trafford, coming off at Half-time, Valencia touches his shoulder and Suarez is clearly seen to brush him off and then keep looking at his shoulder in the way you do in the play ground to pretending someone has left a :censored: stain on your back. Suarez is a racist :censored:, end of! The FA should have intervened again, the media said :censored:-all. It's mystifying….

Edited by oafcprozac
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So we are being accused of beleiving what ever is put in the Daily Mail and not seeing the bigger picture are we.


Arent you then, arent you doing the same about the Saurez case? Was you there, did you hear what was said between Saurez and Evra? Seems to be that you only beleive what comes out of Anfield and nobody else. All clubs have a racist clan amongst them, Liverpool are no different, but when your mananger and the club go out and publicly stand by a man who is accused and was found guilty of using racist language to another player then what do you expect.


There are morons at every club, Liverpool having there fair share of them, but according to you and many other LFC fans you are all whiter than white and no everything and us lot, and I mena other clubs no nothing.


I can understand your hatred for anythign Manchester United, your not alone, perhaps all this is down to Evra playing for the dread Man United, you have all taken it personelly.


using Racist language in which he was found guilty of and he actually owned up to saying what he had said is in my eyes racist, if I was to shout at some black person in the street, "Black B*stard* then I am being racist towards that person.


Just admit certain supporters of LFC are racist! Perhaps from my earlier post I shouldnt have labelled them all racist like I did but here is an element of racist supporters at Anfield.

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Suarez leaving to a big club that can provide "Champions" League football will probably put an end to it. Perhaps then Liverpool will realise that under King Kenny they remain a mid table club, now closer to the bottom than top (in terms of points), and haven't progressed in 3 years.

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Having insufficient evidence to continue and being found not guilty are two entirely different things.


You don’t need a fancy perm to understand that.

The Crown Prosecution Service would have had to decide whether there was sufficient evidence for a realistic prospect of conviction and whether it would be in the public interest to prosecute this case. As the CPS operates on a performance-related pay basis, it was never likely to proceed with a prosecution.



On the subject of “Manc bastard”, obviously the word "Manc" is the common abbreviation of Mancunian and a way of addressing someone from Manchester. For non-Manchester people of any race, colour, creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, marital status, disability, religious or political affiliation, age or sexual orientation, to be referred to as "Manc" may well be seen by them as very offensive.


We’re not part of Manchester!

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I must be the only one on here who think the Scouser is getting a raw deal. Without getting into the Suarez thing where Liverpool, as a club, have handled themselves appaulingly, I don't think it's that unrealistic that 'Manc' could be heard as 'black'...


I'd assume that Adeyemi has been the victim of racist abuse at some point in his life and it would be understandable if that's how he had interpreted the abuse at Anfield. Adeyemi's reaction clearly show that he felt he'd been racially abused, what was said we'll never know.


I just think that some of the arguments our Liverpudlian friend has put forward would be exactly the same from our own had we been the ones under scrutiny.

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Constantly defended a racist hey? So have you had a chance to go back and look at the reply I keep going on about? Even in the official statement BOTH the FA and Evra said they do not believe Suarez is a racist. And contrary to what some people would like to believe Suarez did NOT admit to racially abusing Evra.


But no of course we should have made no effort to defend one of our best players against the allegations. That's exactly how it works isn't it? Give me a break. We did NOT defend racism. We defended one of our players who we firmly believe is NOT a racist. There is a slight difference you know. How hard is it to comprehend?


And how exactly have Chelsea handled the case? Have they publicly condemned Terry yet of being a racist? No. They are letting the police handle the matter. Unfortunately we couldn't do the same thing. Just wish Evra had reported the matter to police.


Also in regards to "no-one is saying all Liverpool fans are racist". You might want to have a look at Heath's post just above.

He openly admitted to calling him a 'Negrito'. That to me is racist. He clearly meant it in a derogatory manner. :censored: all that 'it's his culture' bollocks.


And Chelsea have kept completely silent about it. Haven't jumped to any conclusions, haven't jumped to defend their player straight away. You can try and defend him, but Luis Suarez racially abused someone. And your club defended him, which pretty much gave your fans carte blance to act as they pleased. It takes one hell of an effort for me to despise a club as much as the scum from Salford, and you lot have achieved that. So, well done.

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