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The Greater Manchester Football Initiative!

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Then do it. I don't understand why people are angry that season ticket holders are being given an option to do something if they want to.

I'm personally not angry about it....just stating i have no desire to watch dale or bury.....and yes i know it's not obligatory.

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Not my favourite initiative ever and I doubt I will use it.


BUT: If it gets a handful of extra fivers through the Boundary Park turnstiles next season bringing in a little bit of extra cash, what's the harm?


No point trashing the idea. If it doesn't work for you ignore it. If it does, enjoy it. If you have Bury / Dale supporting mates, make sure they take advantage of the opportunity to come to Latics.

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Not my favourite initiative ever and I doubt I will use it.


BUT: If it gets a handful of extra fivers through the Boundary Park turnstiles next season bringing in a little bit of extra cash, what's the harm?


No point trashing the idea. If it doesn't work for you ignore it. If it does, enjoy it. If you have Bury / Dale supporting mates, make sure they take advantage of the opportunity to come to Latics.

Don't you think they suffer enough ? :grin:

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I don't see why people are angry about this. As long as it isn't being added on to the price of the season ticket you can take it or leave it knowing you've lost nothing. It's not going to add a thousand on the gate but it will get a few more down who wouldn't have bothered at full price for some of the bigger games = bigger crowd and probably better atmosphere. I'd see Rochdale or Bury if I lived in Oldham and they were playing a big game if I couldn't get to the Oldham away game.

No anger. It's just a :censored: idea. Not one person has indicated that they will be keen to take up this special offer to ST holders.


I think it's also slightly ill-judged in terms of coming very shortly after Corney said he would be granting a benefit to ST holder after the Golden Ticket offer. Hopefully this is not what he meant, because people want benefits in relation to watching Latics, not their rivals.

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Great idea - if I can sit in their away end.


Otherwise I'd rather they came up with some reciprocal offer for the fixtures vs Bury and Dale. We didn't fill Dale this year and they didn't come close to filling BP so would rather get the fans in that way.

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How can anyone be pissed with this? It says when your team are away, and it is only ST holders so doubt anyone is going to change teams. On Facebook some are suggesting that it is akin to knocking down another stand? We could announce we have signed Messi and some would moan, that they would rather have Ronaldo. I have Dale supporting mates I'll perhaps make use of this, those who don't want to don't. And as for this being the compensation for ST holders, I don't want one nor feel the need for one. Corney keeping the club going is my compensation.

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It's just a ploy to get Bury and Dale fans to BP. They will then see the light.


We will end up with all the Rochdale fans following Oldham.


We will be getting attendances of 4.8k weekly.


Think of the possibilities!


Sounds like we have a cunning plan!



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So Oldham fan lends his Bury mate his season ticket to get in cheaper... and vica versa ?


Will happen no doubt, as happens with every, "bring a mate," type offer. I think the effects overall won't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world anyway and if it gets a bit of increased footfall through the grounds (and it is a reciprocal one...) then it's not a bad thing really

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i wonder what market research latics do before launching one of these schemes cos every time they announce one it either isolates or pisses of large sections of the crowd


I think it's more along the lines of unhappy people making a louder noise than the rest of us

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