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I dont think it is mate!


Apparently something went out via Facebook to tell people it had been cancelled.


Unfortunately Barry (who broke the news that it was happening) couldn't be arsed to come back and tell everyone it wasn't going ahead!

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Barry has been on the forum since this post too, you would think there would have been some communication on here to say it was off but not suprising that there was not.


Has it been re arranged or is that it now Dickov no longer wants to speak with the fans? Afterall it was his idea so you would think they would try to reschedule.

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Tbh it its getting to the stage where I wonder what Barry/the trust, actually contribute, do they provide a service to the club that nobody knows about? I thought the trust was set up to give us fans a representative on the board, to inform us of goings on at the club and to put our questions to the club. Reading flagmans post, he has tried to contact Barry a few times to no avail, also the lack of response to the meeting with PD is a total joke. Btw I sure won't hold my breath waiting for a response from "our rep" on this topic.

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The forum had to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Whilst I need to check I seem to remember that Rick Attwood initimated this on either this site or the official site.


However I apologise if fans are offended by a lack of information. I am sure that something will be arranged in the future.


On the topic of posting on this site. People will no doubt remember that I have been requested on numerous occasions to cease or limit my imput.


I am avaIlable to assist any individual or group and have never refused to do this. Only today did I send my e mail address to a fan to invite involvement in a problem being encountered.



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I think the main problem with your postings is that they make it sound like you are a spokesperson for the club, not for us fans. Surely the point has been made that the dwindling attendances and support is not due to prices, it its the state of the stadium and the complete pigs ear the club made by demolishing the lookers, and yet the club has made no attempt to give any sort of encouragement for three past eight months regarding its replacement. They always say that no news is good news, but we are latics, and in the current state of affairs, no news SUCKS. Now is the time when the club needs to encourage sales of the new season tickets, so what do we get from the club? Oh yes, the meeting with PD is canceled, nothing on the official site about this, just a mention on here via someone on Facebook. It is hard to keep quiet when the club we love is dying a slow death. And just for the record,I am normally a glass half full than a glass half empty sort of guy.

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The forum had to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Whilst I need to check I seem to remember that Rick Attwood initimated this on either this site or the official site.


However I apologise if fans are offended by a lack of information. I am sure that something will be arranged in the future.


On the topic of posting on this site. People will no doubt remember that I have been requested on numerous occasions to cease or limit my imput.


I am avaIlable to assist any individual or group and have never refused to do this. Only today did I send my e mail address to a fan to invite involvement in a problem being encountered.




Barry, the 'people have requested I don't post here' excuse is null and void when you posted to advertise the event here in the first place. If you advertise an event, then subsequently cancel it, you should make the effort to communicate the cancellation by the same means you brought people's attention to the event in the first place. It's not rocket science.

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I would like to have known from a fans forum why Latics reserve matches are only announced in the Oldham Chron on the day of the game rather than at least the day before, leaving some fans little or no chance of getting to Chapel Road for an afternoon fixture, also why do the matches kick off at 1.45pm when they are adverstised as 2pm ?

The club should be aware not everyone has internet access.

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Conspiracy theory but was it cancelled after it was discovered that PD and the other staff might not get such an easy time as they've had at previous meetings & forums?

I was looking forward to (hopefully) getting some answers to my questions regarding tactics and selections; asking frank questions and expecting frank replies......

But - I'm sure others were going to be going in there all guns blazing?


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The forum had to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Whilst I need to check I seem to remember that Rick Attwood initimated this on either this site or the official site.


However I apologise if fans are offended by a lack of information. I am sure that something will be arranged in the future.


On the topic of posting on this site. People will no doubt remember that I have been requested on numerous occasions to cease or limit my imput.


I am avaIlable to assist any individual or group and have never refused to do this. Only today did I send my e mail address to a fan to invite involvement in a problem being encountered.



What fan has asked you to limit or cease your input?


Your meant to be the fans representative on the board. Yet fans hear nothing from you.


If you advertise something and it is then cancelled, at least have the decency to tell people it's cancelled.

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Not read the constitution for a while but pretty sure that the 'rank and file' can at least force an EGM, or the equivalent, and get the matter raised.


Think the constitution is on the trust's website - at least it used to be.

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Not read the constitution for a while but pretty sure that the 'rank and file' can at least force an EGM, or the equivalent, and get the matter raised.


Think the constitution is on the trust's website - at least it used to be.


I Wonder if Barry did ever leave his post he'd still be referred to Eternal Chairman of the Trust….. :wink:

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